Feel that tradutor Francês
26,215 parallel translation
♪ Do you feel that?
♪ Do you feel that?
♪ Can you feel that?
♪ Can you feel that?
Ken, I feel that you and I are friends.
Ken, je sens que nous sommes amis.
I think it would be nice if you came over so Norman could see you and... and feel that he has all of our support.
Ce serait sympa, que vous passiez. Norman ressentira le soutien de sa famille.
And I belong with someone who makes me feel that way.
Et je dois trouver quelqu'un qui me fait ressentir la même chose.
I am done being made to feel that wanting sex in my life is a crime.
J'en ai marre de me sentir coupable d'avoir envie de faire l'amour.
You have no reason to feel that way.
Tu n'y es pour rien.
I still feel like there's something there between us, and can you honestly say that you don't feel that?
Je sens toujours qu'il y a quelque chose entre nous. et peux-tu me dire honnêtement que tu ne ressens pas ça?
Nature makes you feel that way about them so you don't start beating the shit out of them when they turn 16.
La nature vous fait ressentir ça à leur sujet pour éviter qu'on ne leur mette une raclée au moment où ils fêtent leurs 16 ans.
The drive didn't even feel that far.
On n'a pas mis longtemps pour venir.
I feel like that was kind of man-like... taking responsibility for my actions.
J'ai l'impression que c'était plutôt adulte... assumer mes erreurs.
And... that makes me feel like a project or a problem for you to solve.
J'ai l'impression d'être un projet ou un problème à résoudre.
And... that isn't the way I want to feel.
Et... je n'aime pas cette impression.
Does it feel like that?
Est-ce qu'il sent comme cela?
I just don't feel comfortable showing that kind of force yet.
Je ne me sens pas à l'aise de montrer déjà ce genre de force.
Now, I have chosen to believe that your country is not playing on our emotions tonight, but nevertheless, you will feel the full impact of them if you do not comply with my demands.
Maintenant, j'ai choisi de croire que votre pays ne joue pas avec nos émotions ce soir, mais néanmoins, vous allez pleinement ressentir leur impact si vous ne respectez pas mes demandes.
Norman, um... one thing therapists don't always like to tell their patients is that sometimes, for things to get better, they have to feel worse first.
Les thérapeutes n'aiment pas le dire à leurs patients, mais parfois, la situation ne s'améliore que quand on a touché le fond.
I believe that means I can go home whenever I feel I'm ready.
Je peux donc rentrer quand je le désire.
She wanted to make us feel sorry for her so that we'd bail her out.
Elle voulait nous apitoyer pour qu'on la renfloue.
Now, do you really feel like you've done the work to change that?
Tu penses avoir changé qui tu étais?
But don't you think that it's possible that I might make even more progress if I'm near the person who makes me feel complete and whole and safe?
Mais n'est-il pas possible que je progresse encore davantage auprès de la personne qui me complète et me rassure?
I feel terrible saying this, but I think that Norma and Norman are... they're just... they're so messed up and they're never gonna change.
Je m'en veux de dire ça, mais... je pense que Norma et Norman sont... Ils sont pas sains d'esprit et ça ne changera jamais.
- DEA. I don't want to lose you, Dr. Edwards, but don't you think that it's possible that I might make even more progress if I'm near the person who makes me feel complete?
Je ne veux pas vous perdre, Dr Edwards, mais ne pensez-vous pas qu'il serait possible que je fasse encore plus de progrès si je suis près de la personne qui me fait me sentir entier?
I thought that you were going to say that it took me to ask the right questions and make you feel safe enough to reveal your secrets.
Je pensais que tu dirais qu'il a fallu que j'arrive, que je te pose les bonnes questions et que tu te sentes en confiance pour me révéler tes secrets.
If I'm with other women, it makes Nancy feel less guilty that she wants other men.
Si je vois d'autres femmes, ça déculpabilise Nancy de voir d'autres hommes.
And if that's how you've been trained, feel free.
Si c'est votre entraînement, soyez libres.
Now, the way you felt about that man, the intensity of the attraction, how does it compare to the level of attraction you feel to your fiancée?
Ce que vous avez ressenti pour cet homme, l'intensité de cette attirance, comment la comparez-vous à l'attirance que vous avez pour votre fiancée?
Before you say anything, let me say I know that you don't want to leave this place, that you feel valued and fulfilled here, and I'm glad about that, because, Art, I want you to be happy.
Avant de dire quoi que ce soit, je sais que tu ne veux pas partir, que tu te sens utile et comblé, et j'en suis ravie, parce que je veux que tu sois heureux.
Obviously, I feel sorry that you had to go through such a painful experience, but I can also separate whatever... personal feelings I might have from my clinical understanding.
Évidemment, je suis désolée que tu aies eu à subir cette expérience douloureuse, mais je sais séparer ce que je ressens de ce que je comprends professionnellement.
You know, between imagining my parents at the wedding and cleaning up the mess that Nancy left behind, maybe we should push the wedding down the road a bit... six months... when planning it doesn't feel so overwhelming.
Entre imaginer mes parents au mariage et régler les soucis que Nancy nous a causés, peut-être qu'on devrait repousser le mariage... à six mois... que l'organisation nous pèse moins.
[Curtis] Most of our people have medication that they have to eat... every day, but when they go out hunting, they throw that away... and, uh, the country makes them feel better.
Beaucoup de nos anciens ont des médicaments à prendre tous les jours, mais quand ils sortent chasser, ils les jettent. L'arrière-pays leur fait du bien.
I wrote a song that, tells you how great I feel.
j'ai écrit une chanson qui vous raconte comment je me sens.
I just wish there was some way that I could feel closer to you.
J'aimerais qu'il y ait un moyen pour me sentir plus proche de toi.
Well, I'm feeling pretty guilty about Phil's death and for some reason I can't explain, that is just making me feel really horny and then I feel like, " I'm so wrong,
Je me sens coupable de la mort de Phil, et pour une raison inconnue ça me rend vraiment excitée et je me dis, "C'est mal, je suis vilaine,"
I'm so bad, " and that just amps up my horniness and I just feel like the dog is just chasing its tail on this one, it's just a vicious, vicious cycle, so... get those pants off.
et ça amplifie mon excitation et je me sens comme un chien qui pourchasse sa queue, c'est un cercle vicieux... Alors, enlève ton pantalon.
Well, you know, she probably thought that you'd feel good about stepping up for an old friend.
Eh bien, vous savez, elle a probablement pensé que vous me sentirais bien à marcher pour un vieil ami.
Because I have two little girls that I absolutely love, a job that I actually earned, and a fiancée that makes me feel so lucky to be alive.
Parce que j'ai deux petites filles que je l'aime absolument, un travail que je réellement gagné, et une fiancée qui me fait sentir tellement chanceux d'être en vie.
How did you feel about that guy who killed two cops because of you?
Tu le sentais comment, le vieux qui a bute 2 flics a cause de toi?
I like that I feel uncomfortable around this many white people these days.
J'aime le fait de me sentir mal à l'aise à côté de tous ces blancs ces jours-ci.
That makes me feel a lot safer.
Ça me fait me sentir beaucoup plus en sécurité.
No, that doesn't make me feel better at all.
Non, ça ne me fait pas aller mieux du tout.
I feel like I'd get in trouble for something like that.
Je crois que j'aurais des ennuis pour un truc comme ça.
Only a man that I could love that much would make me feel so angry.
Il fallait que je l'aime beaucoup pour qu'il me mette si en colère.
I feel like I'd get in trouble for something like that.
J'aurais cru que ce serait moi qui aurait ce genre de problème.
You're just saying that because you feel bad about ripping her heart out in Camelot.
Tu dis juste ça car tu te sens mal de lui avoir arraché le coeur à Camelot.
I'm sorry, I just don't feel comfortable with that.
Je suis désolée, je suis pas à l'aise avec cette idée.
I'm sorry, Mom, but that's not gonna make me feel better now.
Désolé, Maman, mais ça ne va pas me faire sentir mieux.
Louis, did it occur to you that we're using the threat of bankruptcy in that meeting, and if these offices are filled, it kills that plan?
♪ Everybody wanna know how it feel ♪ ♪ Everybody wanna see what it s like ♪
I know that you're doing what you feel is best. I just...
- Vous allez surmonter ça.
And when they do, you will feel a warmth that you've never felt in your life.
Tu ressentiras une chaleur jamais ressentie encore.
Man, I hope someday some kid will come to Elidee and feel the exact same way that I did minus the bedbugs and bloodstains.
J'espère qu'un jour, des enfants viendront à Elidee et ressentiront la même chose moins les punaises de lit et les tâches de sang.
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16