Flavia tradutor Francês
113 parallel translation
Let's drink a toast to cousin Flavia.
Portons un toast à... à ma cousine Flavie.
The idea that His Highness is marrying Princess Flavia is not up to your standard, Count Rupert.
Envisager en plaisantant le mariage de Son Altesse avec la Princesse Flavie... n'est pas digne de vous, Comte Rupert.
But when Rudolph abdicates, and Flavia becomes queen?
Mais, quand Rodolphe abdiquera, et que Flavie deviendra Reine?
I, Flavia, do become thy vassal swearing to serve thee in truth with life and limb, until death findeth me so help me God.
"Moi, Flavie, deviens ta servante,..." "jurant de t'obéir sans restriction,..." "de toute mon âme, jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare,..."
Flavia, aren't you taking him too seriously?
Flavie, ne le prenez-vous pas trop au sérieux?
Oh, Princess Flavia.
Oh, la Princesse Flavie!
Flavia is a princess of the royal house.
Flavie est une Princesse de la Maison Royale.
I'll dance with no one but you tonight, Flavia.
Je ne danserai qu'avec vous ce soir, Flavie.
Flavia, I am not...
Flavie, je ne suis pas...
If he neglects this invitation, he may harm the Princess Flavia. "
S'il néglige cette invitation, la Princesse Flavie en souffrira ".
" Ask him what woman would do most to prevent Michael from marrying the Princess Flavia and therefore most to prevent his becoming king.
"Demandez-lui quelle femme tient le plus..." "à empêcher Michel d'épouser la Princesse Flavie..." "et, par conséquent, à prévenir son avènement au trône."
Perhaps, Flavia, they'll catch me.
Peut-être, Flavie, sont-ce eux qui me captureront.
You'll serve Queen Flavia.
Vous servirez la Reine Flavie.
What is it, Flavia?
Qu'y a-t-il, Flavie?
Mrs. Flavia!
Mme Flavia!
We'll drink instead to Cousin Flavia. Soon to be my bride and queen.
Buvons plutôt à ma cousine Flavia... bientôt ma fiancée et ma reine!
Poor Flavia.
Pauvre Flavia...
Our future sovereign, Queen Flavia.
Notre future souveraine, la reine Flavia!
What makes you think Michael has any intention of marrying Princess Flavia?
Pourquoi Michael épouserait-il Flavia?
I, Flavia, do become thy vassal swearing to serve thee in truth with life and limb until death findeth me so help me God.
Moi, Flavia, je jure... de vous servir... de toutes mes forces, jusqu'à ma mort. Que Dieu me vienne en aide.
Flavia, forgive me.
Flavia, pardonnez-moi.
- Princess Flavia?
À la princesse Flavia?
Flavia is a princess of the royal house. She'd have no choice.
Princesse Royale, elle n'aura pas le choix.
Flavia if I were different, if I were not the king...?
Flavia, et si j'étais un autre? Si je n'étais pas le Roi...
Flavia, I am not...
Flavia... Je ne suis pas...
I could marry her and send the king and Michael...
Si j'épousais Flavia, j'enverrais le Roi et Michael au...
If he neglects this invitation, he may harm the Princess Flavia. "
Son refus nuirait à la princesse Flavia. "
" Ask him what woman would do most to prevent Michael from marrying the Princess Flavia and therefore most to prevent his becoming king.
" Il lui nommera celle qui fera tout pour empêcher Michael d'épouser Flavia et de devenir roi.
They'll serve Queen Flavia.
Vous servirez la Reine Flavia.
What is it, Flavia?
It's the set for the love scene of my husband's next show. Princess flavia.
Il s'agit du décor de la scène d'amour de Princess Flavia.
- The Flavia residence!
- La résidence Flavia!
Greetings. Flavia, come.
Bienvenue, entre Flavia!
- Flavia.
- Flavia.
That's an F-sharp, Flavia.
çà, c'est un fa dièse, Flavia.
Flavia... you really wouldn't get scared if I turned into a witch?
Flavia... tu n'aurais pas peur si je me transformais en sorcière?
Come up, Flavia.
Monte, Flavia.
We were playing hide-and-seek and Flavia came looking for me.
On jouait à colin maillard Flavia est venu me chercher.
Flavia, tell me the truth.
Flavia, dites moi la vérité.
- Flavia!
- Flavia!
How's Flavia?
Comment va Flavia?
It'll be hard for Flavia to get used to a new teacher.
Ce sera dur pour Flavia de s'habituer à un nouveau prof.
Flavia, look who's here.
Flavia, regarde qui est là.
A pen that Flavia gave to me.
Un crayon que Flavia m'a donné.
Goodbye, Flavia.
Adieu, Flavia.
Flavia you promised to go out on the terrace with me.
Et votre promesse, Flavia?