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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ G ] / Gaston

Gaston tradutor Francês

702 parallel translation
" Have you met Mr. Gaston Duprés?
"Vous connaissez M. Gaston Duprés? .."
You took my harmless flirt with Gaston as a cause to take part in this scandalous auction and to snub me in front of all people.
Vous vous êtes servis de ce flirt sans importance avec Gaston... ... pour prendre part à cette vente scandaleuse et me ridiculiser devant mes amis.
"How are you, my dear Gaston?"
"Comment allez-vous, mon cher Gaston?"
"And what about Gaston Duprés?"
"Et à propos de Gaston Duprés?"
"In a packed travel car with Gaston!"
"Partie en voyage avec Gaston!"
" Now I've given up Gaston...
" Maintenant j'ai laissé Gaston...
"Then go with him and get Gaston back to you!"
"Alors suivez le et retrouvez Gaston!"
"Who else but your little Gaston!"
"Qui d'autre que votre petit Gaston!"
Jimmy Gaston and his mob was around to see me last night. They're pretty sore at you.
Jimmy Gaston et sa bande sont venus me voir, hier soir.
Tell Gaston and his mob the sooner they come around, the better I'll like it.
Dis à Jimmy et à sa bande que plus tôt ils viendront plus je serai content.
Geneva. From Geneva comes the news... that the famous international crook, Gaston Monescu, robbed the peace conference yesterday.
On nous informe de Genève que le célèbre escroc international Gaston Monescu a cambriolé la salle de la Conférence de Paix, hier.
Gaston, I know you're awfully busy, and, well, I don't wanna trouble you, but she has one little necklace...
Je sais que tu es très occupé et je ne voudrais pas te déranger. Mais son petit collier avec des perles de culture, si discret, si simple...
As far as I'm concerned, her whole sex appeal is in that safe. Gaston, let's open it right now. Let's get away from here.
Alors vidons-le et fichons le camp.
850,000 francs. Darling, remember, you are Gaston Monescu.
N'oublie pas : tu es Gaston Monescu, un escroc.
We have a long time ahead of us, Gaston.
Nous avons tout notre temps.
I am Gaston Monescu.
Je suis Gaston Monescu.
Nothing but a guy that had a brawl over at Gaston's.
Rien. Seulement une bagarre chez Gaston.
Well, there was a little brawl over at Gaston's.
Eh bien, il y a eu une bagarre chez Gaston.
- Ready, Gaston?
- Prêt, Gaston?
- All through, Gaston?
- C'est fini, Gaston?
It was Gaston the other day.
L'autre jour, il s'appelait Gaston!
He was a student, you know.
Cétait un étudiant, tu sais, on l'appelait Gaston..
His name was Gaston. He had a black goatee and patent-leather shoes.
Il avait une barbiche noire puis des souliers vernis.
And Nastia with her Gaston, and the actor with his organism.
Et la Nastia avec son Gaston, Et l'acteur avec ses organismes. Oh!
In life, there are winners and losers.
Gaston Jubette. Ah, l'ancien propriétaire!
You were sitting in a box with a fur coat on and Gaston, a chap whom I know who knows you said, "Marguerite's been ill."
Gaston, un ami commun, m'a dit que vous aviez été malade.
For once in your life you're quite right, Gaston.
Pour une fois, vous voyez juste, Gaston.
Only, I know all Gaston's jokes. In fact, I told him most of them.
Gaston tient de moi toutes ses histoires drôles.
What did Gaston mean by "an appointment you'd lost"?
Qu'entendait Gaston par "ta nomination manquée"?
Nothing. Some chap was given a post by the foreign office that Gaston seemed to think I wanted.
Un poste aux Affaires Etrangères qu'il croyait que je briguais.
- Where is the baccarat table? - Yes, Gaston, where is it?
Où est le baccara?
- Stop teasing Armand, Gaston.
Laisse Armand tranquille.
Nothing will do me good anymore, Gaston, except Armand's return.
Rien ne pourrait me faire du bien, excepté le retour d'Armand.
- He will come back, won't he, Gaston? - Of course he'll come back.
Il reviendra, n'est-ce pas?
Gaston told him you were ill, but he didn't seem terribly interested.
Gaston lui a parlé de ta maladie, mais ça ne l'a pas touché.
- Will you do me one more favor, Gaston?
Voulez-vous me rendre encore un service?
- Good evening, Gaston.
- Bonsoir, Gaston.
- Have you the time, Gaston?
- Quelle heure est-il?
- I am, Gaston.
- Je le suis, Gaston.
- Have you, Gaston?
- C'est vrai?
But I don't follow you, Gaston.
Ça m'étonne, Gaston.
You know that worthless butler of mine, that reactionary?
Tu connais ce vaurien de Gaston, ce réactionnaire?
" Darling, I drove Gaston to the market this morning...
" Chérie, j'ai vendu Gaston
Gaston, are you telling me the truth about your school being bombed?
Ton école a été bombardée?
You remember the man who walked into the Bank of Constantinople... and walked out with the Bank of Constantinople?
- Monescu! - Gaston Monescu.
Savez-vous ce qui me plairait?
Good-bye, Gaston, darling.
Au revoir, Gaston chéri.
- Monsieur Monescu. - Just call me Gaston.
Appelez-moi Gaston.
Gaston, did you take the money?
C'est toi qui as pris l'argent?
Help me, Gaston.
Aide-moi, Gaston!

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