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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ G ] / Gently

Gently tradutor Francês

2,539 parallel translation
Karev, hold right of the temple and gently lift.
Karev, tenez à droite de la tempe et soulevez doucement.
Very gently.
Doucement là!
Gently, gently!
Doucement, doucement!
I'm just doing it very gently - to begin with.
J'y vais tout doucement pour commencer.
Yeah, you're right, that's a good one,
- Row row your boat gently.. - Ah oui c'est vrai! Je soussigne oui.
Gently, Paul!
So he picks up her limp body in his arms and gently places it inside.
Il prend son corps inerte dans ses bras et le place à l'intérieur avec soin.
- Ahh, Wait! Gently!
- Attends, dou... doucement.
And, while you massage, hook your thumb on to the size of the vaginal canal and gently pull the tissues down and forward.
Et pendant que vous massez, appuyez vos pouces des deux côtés du canal vaginal. Et doucement... Pressez les tissus de haut en bas.
i was gently trying to push you out of the nest.
J'essayais de te pousser gentiment hors du nid.
She's gently breaking it to him that Elly drowned.
Elle est censée lui annoncer la noyade.
- gently apply it to the accelerator,
- J'appuie sur l'accélérateur.
Somebody is getting gently laid tonight.
Quelqu'un va s'envoyer en l'air ce soir.
So I reached out, all gently, to touch him, but he wouldn't move.
Donc je me suis approché, tout doucement pour le toucher, mais il n'a pas bougé.
Gently, gently, gently.
Doucement, doucement.
May I go a step further and say that to me Emmett is the straw that gently stirs the Buy More drink.
- J'irais encore plus loin. Pour moi, Emmett est la paille qui remue doucement le cocktail Buy More.
OK. Better let him down gently.
Je vais y aller mollo.
Really gently.
Très doucement.
When I realised you didn't, I tried to break it to you gently.
Quand j'ai vu que non, j'ai voulu te le montrer gentiment.
No, definitely not, and please, gently with the snares.
Non, il ne faut pas utiliser les collets.
- Gently. Lay it up. What?
- La lame vers le haut.
And if he won't do it on his own, we'll have to just gently encourage him.
S'il ne veut pas le faire, il va falloir gentiment l'encourager.
Nor do not saw the air too much with your hands, thus, but use all gently, for in the very torrent, tempest, and, as I may say, the whirlwind of passion, you must acquire and beget a temperance
mais usez de tout sobrement ; car, au milieu même du torrent, de la tempête, et, je pourrais dire, du tourbillon de la passion, vous devez avoir et conserver assez de modération pour pouvoir la calmer.
We're done. Gently, gently, gently.
Doucement, baissez.
You can remove it now, or the machinewill do it for you and not gently.
Soit vous les enlevez maintenant, soit la machine s'en charge. Et ça fait mal.
As I gently held his skull, which was fractured in several places, I was able to keep death's cold clutch from enveloping Clayton just long enough for him to express his dying wish.
Comme j'ai tenu avec douceur son crâne, fracturé à plusieurs endroits, j'ai réussi à éloigner la main froide de la mort de Clayton assez longtemps pour qu'il exprime sa dernière volonté.
There was a long walk on the pier, where he kept brushing your hair gently.
La promenade sur la jetée, où il touchait sans arrêt tes cheveux.
Cauterize any remaining bleeders, gently, but wait for me to come back to set the vicryl mesh.
Enlevez les caillots, délicatement, mais attendez-moi pour mettre la mèche vicryl.
- lt could bend a little more gently.
- Ça gagnerait à être plus flexible.
You just wanna gently ease it,
Tu y vas en douceur,
Gently, guys, gently.
Doucement, messieurs.
Get this drone out of here, guys, gently, gently.
Enlevez ce drone de là.
- Gently. So, what are we talking about here, spontaous combustion?
Alors, on parle de quoi, de combustion spontanée?
It's late in the game here at East Dillon, folks, and once again, the Lions are going gently into that good night.
Fin du match à East Dillon, les amis, et à nouveau, les Lions n'y vont pas trop fort.
Shake the tree gently, see what flies out.
Secoue l'arbre, vois ce qui en tombe.
They brought to the stage the love between them, and the audience accepted it very gently.
Ils présentaient sur scène leur amour, et le public l'acceptait d'une façon très délicate.
The beer bottle hit him when I tossed it gently- - Just oh, so gently- -
La bouteille de bière l'a touché quand je l'ai lancé gentillement, très gentillement.
Let me rest gently on your pecs.
Laisse-moi me reposer doucement sur tes pectoraux.
Okay, so once the cup is in place, you simply push this button, Yeah. and the spring-loaded arm gently...
Donc, dès que le pot est en place, tu appuies simplement sur ce bouton, et ça déclenche doucement le bras...
Firmly but gently, like you hold a baby bird.
Ferme mais doux, comme si c'était un oisillon.
He speaks gently.
Il parle gentillement.
She gently comes to rest, and the right way up, just as they'd hoped.
L'épave se pose doucement et, comme espéré, s'est redressée.
I can talk to you gently here now and I can also see where you're pointing.
En douceur, hein? Comme ça, je vois où tu la pointes.
Go gently.
Vas-y en douceur.
Let's go and break the news gently to the DPP. And I know exactly where we can find Kilic.
Allons annoncer la nouvelle au directeur des affaires criminelles avec ménagement.
Let her down gently.
Laisse-la tomber en douceur.
Put him down gently.

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