Get back in bed tradutor Francês
200 parallel translation
Get back in bed, you too Purvis or you'll get the same.
Retournez au lit. Vous aussi Purvis ou vous y aurez droit aussi.
Now get back in bed. And stay there.
Et maintenant retournez au lit Et restez y.
Mrs. Moline, you get back in bed!
Mme Moline, retournez vous coucher.
Doug get back in bed. I've got the car keys.
Je suis fatigué de tout ça!
- Get back in bed right this minute.
Ma cheville!
So will you if you get back in bed. Come on.
Toi aussi, si tu retournes te coucher.
Why don't you go on home and open another bottle and get back in bed with your friend's wife.
Rentre donc chez toi, ouvre-toi une autre bouteille... et retourne au lit avec la femme de ton ami.
Why don't we get back in bed?
On va au lit.
You, get back in bed!
Recouche-toi. Toi, fous le camp!
Get back in bed now!
Retourne au lit!
You, get back in bed!
Retournez au lit.
- Get back in bed.
Retournez vous coucher.
What are you doing? Get back in bed!
Qu'est-ce que vous faites là?
Don't sit here, get back in bed!
Well, get undressed and get back in bed.
Ok, déshabille-toi et remets-toi au lit.
Elaine, get back in bed.
Elaine, retourne au lit.
- Marge, get back in bed.
- Non, je suis très bien ici.
- Get back in bed.
- Reviens te coucher.
Get back in bed and just take it easy.
Recouche-toi et repose-toi.
Hey, hey! Get back in bed, Mr. Kamatovik.
Au lit, M. Kamatovik.
You get back into bed. Come on. Get in there.
Allez, au lit.
Now, I don't want any trouble with you. You get back here in bed.
Je ne veux plus d'ennuis avec vous, revenez vous coucher.
- Get back in bed.
- Retournez au lit.
You stay in bed until I get back.
Restez couché jusqu'à mon retour.
I think you oughtta go in back to the house, get in bed and do some serious thinking.
Retournez au lit, et réfléchissez.
I will get up first and bring you back your breakfast in bed.
Je vais me lever et t'apporter ton petit-déjeuner au lit.
I'd hold her hands at the dentist's, get up in the night and put her back to bed when she was sleepwalking.
Je surveillais ses crises de somnambulisme.
Now, i suggest you all have a talk with the sitz grog and get back to bed. See you in the morning.
Eh bien, il y a comme un impression générale, Capitaine... qu'il y a des problèmes sur le pont, n'est-ce pas, messieurs?
You get back into bed, and we'll settle it all in the morning.
Au lit! On verra ça demain matin.
Yeah, we're just going to tuck him in bed, and get him into a hotel, and then we're going to come right back.
On le met au lit, dans un hôtel, et on rentre illico.
McMurphy, stop all this holy roller shit... and get your ass back in bed.
McMurphy... arrête ton prêchi-prêcha, et au pieu... compris?
Felicia, I want your ass in this bed when I get back.
Félicia, je veux retrouver ton cul dans ce lit à mon retour.
Listen, all I want to do is get what I paid for. So you get back in this bed and you get up on your knees.
Ecoute, tu m'as coûté assez cher, alors tu vas faire ce que je te dis.
Michael, when you get sleepy, I've got a bed made up for you in back.
Michael, si tu t'endors, il y a un lit pour toi derrière.
Now get back in that bed.
Retournez au lit.
Stay here in bed until I get back.
Reste au lit jusqu'à mon retour.
If this is part of some involved scheme to get me back in bed with you, you will be very disappointed.
Si ça fait partie d'un plan pour m'attirer dans ton lit, tu risques d'être très déçu.
And you, Reckless, I want you in bed asleep when I get back, right?
Et toi, le Téméraire, je veux que tu sois au lit quand je reviens.
First chance they get they're flat on their back in bed with some other bastard.
À la première occasion, elles filent au pieu avec un autre.
Let's get you back in bed and I'll get them for you.
Je vous remets au lit et je vous les apporte.
- Get back in bed
- Faut que tu te recouches.
Let me get you back in bed, right?
Je vais te remettre au lit, d'accord?
You get your sorry butt back in this bed.
Roy Palmer, reviens te coucher immédiatement.
I'm trying to scare you enough to get you back in that bed.
Je te fais peur pour que tu retournes au lit.
In a moment, Mr. Randall, then we'll get you right back to bed.
Un peu de patience, on va vous recoucher.
Oh, by the way, when you get back to your apartment keep it down because Newman's taking a nap in your bed.
Au fait, en rentrant chez toi, ne fais pas de bruit. Newman fait la sieste.
Go back in that house and get in that bed.
Rentre à la maison. Va te coucher.
It's just we have to get her back in her own bed, that's all.
Il faut juste la persuader de dormir dans son lit.
I'm in hurry too, to get back to bed.
Je suis pressé aussi, de me recoucher!
Get back in bed.
- Get your ass back in bed!
- Retourne te coucher.
get back over here 18
get back 2016
get back to work 326
get back here 635
get back there 58
get back to me 37
get back out there 19
get back here now 21
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get back in here 39
get back 2016
get back to work 326
get back here 635
get back there 58
get back to me 37
get back out there 19
get back here now 21
get back to the ship 17
get back in here 39