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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ G ] / Gifford

Gifford tradutor Francês

190 parallel translation
You can take it. What I'm trying to say, Dr. Gifford, is that until the treatment Mrs. Cunningham... is now getting brings out the causes of her unconscious rejection and resolves them... we can't send her to Illinois or any state without the least chance of her getting well.
Ce que j'essaye de vous dire, c'est que tant que nous ignorerons les causes, il sera très dommageable pour elle de sortir.
and the usual ending. Thank you. Will you see that Dr. Gifford gets this as soon as possible?
Veillez à ce que le Dr Gifford le reçoive le plus vite possible.
Virginia, I was going to tell you. Dr. Gifford says you're going to staff.
Tu vas passer devant la Commission.
Dr. Gifford thinks you're well enough to go to staff.
Le Dr Gifford a approuvé.
I knew from the way Dr. Kik looked at me, and then I heard Dr. Gifford say "recovered."
Je l'ai vu dans les yeux du Dr Kik.
- Dr. Gifford, this must be stopped before it's too late.
Dr Gifford, arrêtez ça.
- No, Dr. Gifford. Unless Dr. Kik...
- Where is Commander Gifford?
- Et le Capitaine Gifford?
Arrange transportation for Captain Gifford on the next plane to the States.
Retenez une place d'avion pour Capitaine Gifford.
- Gifford is a family name.
Gifford est un nom familial.
My mother said one of us had to be called Gifford. Sorry.
Ma mère tenait à ce que l'un de nous le porte.
- Get Gifford out.
- Faites sortir Gifford.
Hey, Gifford.
Get that arm up, Gifford.
You know, I was gonna recommend you for a battlefield commission. Why'd you do it, Gifford?
Vous savez que j'ai failli vous faire passer en conseil de guerre?
- Sam Gifford.
- Sam Gifford.
I've heard about you, Gifford.
J'ai entendu parler de toi.
Samuel F. Gifford.
Samuel F. Gifford.
Oh, another thing, Gifford.
Autre chose.
Let's see the picture, Gifford.
Montre-moi la photo.
You got a pretty wife, Gifford?
Elle est belle, ta femme?
This here's a new replacement. Sam Gifford's his name.
Il s'appelle Sam Gifford.
The trouble is, Mr. Gifford, it's gonna be the same as it was last year.
On va avoir le même problème que l'année dernière.
If Pap was still around we'd get that cotton out as fast as other folks, but one man workin'alone... Mr. Gifford, it ain't easy.
Si mon père était encore là, on cueillerait autant de coton que les autres, mais tout seul... c'est pas facile.
Mr. Gifford's here.
C'est M. Gifford.
Why, Mr. Gifford, I was sayin'the other day you ought to be visitin'pretty soon.
Je disais justement l'autre jour qu'on vous verrait bientôt.
- That's what she was sayin', Mr. Gifford.
C'est vrai.
- This is Mrs. Gifford.
- Mon épouse. - Enchantée.
Well, Mr. Gifford, I've been keepin''em right busy.
Ils sont déjà bien occupés ici.
- Sunday, Mr. Gifford?
- Dimanche?
- All right, Mr. Gifford.
- Très bien.
Yes, sir, Mr. Gifford.
Bien, monsieur.
Afternoon, Mr. Gifford.
Well, Mr. Gifford, we all worked till long after dark.
- On a travaillé tard dans la nuit.
Listen. - Gifford!
- Are you Gifford? - Yeah.
Vous êtes Gifford?
Gifford, it just dawned on me that I oughta give a real, live ex-noncom Silver Star winner a test to see if he's still on the ball.
Je viens d'avoir l'idée de tester mon ancien non-officier décoré de la Silver Star pour voir s'il est toujours vaillant.
Aw, it's a lovely day for it, Gifford.
C'est la journée idéale.
Yeah, I know it. Gifford?
What are you doing here, Gifford?
Qu'est-ce que vous faites ici?
You... you used to be a sergeant, didn't you, Gifford?
Tu étais sergent, n'est-ce pas?
They busted both of us, Gifford.
Ils nous ont eus tous les deux.
Gifford! Gifford! What happened, boy?
Qu'est-ce qui t'est arrivé?
- I'm Gifford, the club officer.
- Gifford, l'officier du club.
Hamp, 10 Gifford Street, Islmgton, London :
Hamp, 10 Gifford Street, Islington, Londres.
Captain Gifford.
Le capitaine Gifford.
Two troopers, Gifford and Harcourt, will be here directly.
Deux soldats vont arriver.
You got a girl's name, Gifford.
Tu as un nom de fille.
Get goin', Gifford.
Yeah, Mr. Gifford.
Hey, Gifford! - Yeah?
- Oui?

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