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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ G ] / Gotta hand it to you

Gotta hand it to you tradutor Francês

263 parallel translation
Gotta hand it to you, Rico. The old bean's working all the time.
Je dois l'admettre, Rico, ta cervelle chôme jamais.
I gotta hand it to you, son.
- Je dois te le dire.
Ah, Sam, I gotta hand it to you for getting along so well.
Ah, Sam, tu réussis très bien sans ça.
Sure gotta hand it to you fellas, risking your necks this way.
Je dois vous rendre hommage, risquer votre vie comme ça.
I gotta hand it to you, Doc, you're all right.
Je dois l'admettre, Doc, vous êtes bon.
Gotta hand it to you, you're a cool one.
T'es un petit malin, Martin.
- Gotta hand it to you, John.
- Chapeau, John.
I've seen many a sign, but that's the daddy of them all. - I gotta hand it to you.
J'ai jamais vu enseigne plus chouette!
Blackford, I gotta hand it to you.
Blackford, je dois le reconnaître.
I gotta hand it to you, you're sure right about the murder part.
- Moi aussi. Vous aviez raison, il s'agissait bien d'un meurtre.
I gotta hand it to you, Corporal.
Bravo, caporal. Fallait avoir des tripes.
I gotta hand it to you. - Didn't you say you'd been to Prideville?
Vous disiez être allé à Prideville?
Well, I sure gotta hand it to you, Davy.
Je dois te le concéder :
Well, boss, I gotta hand it to you.
Patron, je dois le reconnaître.
I gotta hand it to you, baby.
Je dois te l'accorder, bébé.
I gotta hand it to you.
Tu as bien raison.
Gotta hand it to you. That whale-busting noise of yours is really something. That blob of shrimp bait'll think twice before he fools with us again.
Le premier monologue du fantôme, soit dit en passant, a été écrit juste avant une opération chez le dentiste.
Stanley, I've gotta hand it to you. That's real specifying.
Je dois reconnaître que cette fois, vous êtes précis.
Boy, I've gotta hand it to you.
Je dois te féliciter.
Charity, I gotta hand it to you, you are an extremely honest, open and stupid broad.
Charity, je dois avouer que tu es une femme très honnête, ouverte, et extrêmement stupide.
I gotta hand it to you.
Vous avez tout compris!
I've really gotta hand it to you, Uncle Jarv.
Chapeau, oncle Jarv!
Gotta hand it to you.
Je vous félicite, Aleva.
I gotta hand it to you, Choo Choo, you can use that hunk of rail of yours.
Prends-le, Tchou-Tchou, tu pourras utiliser ton bout de rail.
I gotta hand it to you, kid.
C'est ta faute, petit!
I gotta hand it to you. You hung on longer than anybody else. You put up a hell of a fight.
Je le reconnais, tu t'es plus accrochée que les autres.
I gotta hand it to you, you know.
vous, c'est pas pareil.
I gotta hand it to you.
Je vous l'accorde.
I gotta hand it to you, you guys got a very original scam going here.
Je dois dire que votre arnaque est très originale.
I gotta hand it to you, Barn, super dope grown in super time means a super buzz.
Chapeau, Barn! De la super drogue qui pousse super vite donne un super effet.
Gotta hand it to you, Flowers.
Je te tire mon chapeau, Flowers.
I gotta hand it to you, Whitey.
Je te tire mon chapeau.
Gotta hand it to you.
Je dois l'avouer.
Maddie, I gotta hand it to you, getting us this job.
Merci de nous avoir trouvé ce boulot.
You gotta hand it to him.
Il faut lui donner ça.
- You've gotta hand it to him.
- Il faut le reconnaître.
You gotta hand it to the navy.
La marine a fait du bon boulot.
You gotta hand it to the Mexicans when it comes to swift justice.
Leur justice est expéditive.
Yeah, you gotta hand it to them all right.
Ca, on peut dire qu'ils savent s'y prendre.
You gotta hand it to the old man.
Il faut donner crédit au vieux.
I gotta hand it to you, you'd make a great con man.
T'es formidable!
You gotta to hand it to Marco.
Il faut laisser faire Marco.
You gotta hand it to her.
C'est vrai, ce qu'elle dit.
You know, in a way, we've gotta hand it to them.
D'une certaine façon, il faut leur rendre hommage.
You've gotta hand it to that laurence harvey.
Tu dois te fier à Lawrence Harvey. Il connaît bien son boulot.
You gotta hand it to them. They sure cover their tracks.
Ils cachent bien leurs traces.
You gotta hand it to the guy.
Il fallait y penser.
You gotta hand it to her.
Faut le reconnaître.
[Laugh] I gotta hand it to you.
Je dois dire que...
Maggie, I gotta hand it to you.
Maggie, je dois le reconnître.
You've gotta hand it to Mimi.
Chapeau, Mimi!

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