Hand me that tradutor Francês
1,695 parallel translation
Hey, Gloria, could you hand me that pudding now?
Hey, Gloria, pourrais tu me passer le pouding maintenant?
Hand me that bottle.
Passe la bouteille.
Can you hand me that carafe, please?
Vous pouvez m'aider à prendre la carafe?
Hand me that.
Passe-moi ça.
Trooper, hand me that...
Soldat, donne moi ce...
Please hand me that watch and step away from the door.
Stp, donne-moi cette montre et écarte-toi de la porte. Tout de suite.
Julia, hand me that blanket.
Julia, passe-moi la couverture.
Hand me that ratchet, would you?
Donne-moi cette clé, veux-tu?
- Hand me that.
Passe-moi ça.
Eric, you want to hand me that manifold?
Eric, tu veux bien me donner le "manuplieur"?
Hand me that screw gun and calm the fuck down.
Passe-moi le tournevis et calme-toi, putain.
The business of being a dad. Can you hand me that magnet? Sure.
le boulot d'être père tu peux me passer cet aimant sûrement!
Hand me that half-inch socket wrench, would you?
Passe-moi cette clé à pipe. Non...
On the other hand I didn't care that I had, you know?
Mais d'un autre côté, - je me fiche de l'avoir fait.
It struck me that her past was like the hand she always kept gloved
Ça me heurtait que son passé était comme cette main qu'elle gardait gantée.
Could you hand me up that long board, there, on the ledge?
Tu peux me passer cette latte? Là, sur la corniche.
Am I going to get that hand back or I'm going to lose it?
Tu comptes me la rendre ou je vais la perdre?
If you want the American President... following your orders like that performing dog... you'll hand over the other disk.
Si vous voulez que le Président... suive vos ordres comme un animal de cirque... il faudra me donner cette autre disquette.
The president, in a very intimidating way, left me and my staff with the clear indication he wanted us to come back with the word that there was an Iraqi hand behind 9l11.
Le Président, d'une façon très intimidante, nous a fait clairement comprendre qu'il voulait qu'on revienne le voir... avec la preuve qu'il y avait les Irakiens derrière le 9 / 11.
Whose hand will I hold so that I may walk?
Qui me donnera la main... pour marcher?
And talking about foolishness, I'm correcting my writings With the hope that you will come soon and give me a hand
Et en parlant de bêtises, j'ai corrigé mes écrits, avec l'espoir que tu reviendrais m'aider.
And during my very first dance... in the time it took a boy's hand... to go from my back to my bottom... it was evident that she would have to leave her night job... to keep a watchful eye on me.
Nous étions à l'abri et heureuses. Si seulement j'avais eu 6 ans à jamais.
And on top of that, belinda's working me again. I couId Fed-Ex her stupid suit, but she wants it hand delivered to Las Vegas.
Et Belinda ne veut pas que j'envoie son costume à la con, je dois le livrer à Vegas.
As weak as she was holding my hand, I felt that it became weaker, and then we had to move on.
Elle était si faible, me tenant la main, je l'ai senti faiblir, et puis il fallait poursuivre.
So tell me, did you do that to your hand?
C'est vous qui vous êtes blessé?
Hand it over, let me do that.
Donne-moi ça que je les coupe.
Here, let me give you a hand with that.
Nous y voilà. Laissez moi vous donner un coup de main.
I remember you leaving me with my dick in my hand behind that gas station.
Tu m'as laissé la bite dans la main à la station-service.
¡ Excelency, your hand, Excelency! I remember the freshness of the air, the profound inspiration that united us to one another, and beyond, to the entire world.
Je me rappelle la fraîcheur de l'air, l'exaltation qui nous liait les uns aux autres et, au-delà, au reste du monde.
I played along because I thought that'd be all, but he ripped my trousers, and suddenly his hand was between my legs.
Je me suis laissée faire parce que je pensais que ce serait tout, mais il a déchiré mon pantalon, et puis sa main s'est retrouvée entre mes cuisses.
Let me give you a hand with that, little fella.
Je vais te filer un coupe de main, fiston.
I probably played right into Middlebrook's hand by squabbling with you like that.
J'ai probablement joué le jeu de Middlebrook en me chamaillant comme ça avec toi.
You told me that recently you sustained a cut on your hand during swordplay with a stuntman.
Vous m'aviez dit vous être coupé la main en vous battant à l'épée.
Only now, in the worst artistic drought in broadcast history, does the channel come crawling back, cap in hand, asking if your humble fabulist could retrieve Darkplace from the boxes in his basement and let it loose on its unsuspecting public. That's you.
C'est seulement aujourd'hui, alors que la télé vit la pire pénurie artistique de son histoire, que la chaine revient en rapant, à mes pieds me demander humble conteur, pourriez faire ressurgir Darkplace de sa remise et le laisser à la merci d'un public peu méfiant. ça c'est vous.
I like that work over there. It's like those detective magazines, you know? The hand-drawn covers.
J'aime aussi ces portraits, ça ressemble à ce qu'on trouve sur les magazines policiers... les couvertures dessinées à la main, ça me rappelle un dessinateur, Rudolf Bilarsky
ME says that the left-hand side of her body was contracted.
Le médecin a dit qu'elle avait le côté gauche contracté.
Someone will have to give me a hand down. It's high up here and I could fall and that would be embarrassing.
Quelqu'un devra m'aider à descendre parce que c'est très haut ici et je pourrais tomber et je serais embarassé.
Turk and Carla got married, that short guy hurt his hand, and since I broke Elliot's heart, I was trying to smooth things over.
Turk et Carla s'étaient mariés, lui s'était pété la main et j'essayais de me rabibocher avec Elliot.
If you can tell me what is written on the cave walls... I would agree to hand over that conservancy to your foundation.
Si vous me dites ce qui est écrit sur les murs de la grotte, je transmettrai cette garde à votre fondation.
You're not going to touch me with that rock in your hand.
Tu ne me toucheras pas avec cette pierre dans ta main.
I called you boys because Lorraine calls me and she said there's a situation in our family that's gotten outta hand
Je t'ai appelé parce que Lorraine me dit qu'on a un sérieux problème
I experienced it first hand with that drone weapon back on Earth.
Vous n'avez pas besoin de me le rappeler. J'ai été le premier à l'expérimenter sur Terre avec ce drone.
What matters is the same hand that delivered me from my life of degradation has brought me to you.
Celui qui m'a libérée de ma vie dépravée m'a menée à toi.
And then, all of a sudden, that hot gardener from "Desperate Housewives" gets on, and he puts his hand on my breast.
Et tout d'un coup, le sexy jardinier de Desperate Housewives monte et me met sa main sur un sein.
Then that hot smart guy from "Jeopardy!" gets on and puts his hand on my other breast.
Et ensuite, l'intello sexy de Jeopardy monte et me met sa main sur mon autre sein.
Then that hot Korean guy from "Lost" gets on and puts his hand on my other breast.
Et ensuite, le Coréen sexy de Lost monte et me met sa main sur mon autre sein.
Honey, look at you in that headset You look like a high-powered TV exec Or someone who's about to hand me a shake
Avec ce micro-casque, tu as l'air d'un grand ponte de la télé ou de quelqu'un qui va me serrer la pogne.
Sometimes, I look at him and I see that little boy... who used to hold my hand when he was crossing the street.
Parfois je le regarde, je vois le petit garçon qui me tenait la main pour traverser la rue.
I will catch in my hand the arrow that you shoot at me.
J'attraperai la flèche en plein vol à la main.
I figured if that sonofabitch God hasn't abandoned me... he'll give me a hand on this one.
Si ce putain de bon Dieu ne m'a pas abandonné, vous m'aideriez bien, me suis-je dit.
Here. Let me give you a hand with that.
Donnez, je vais vous aider.
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's me 2273
that's my baby 48
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's me 2273
that's my baby 48
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16