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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I'll double it

I'll double it tradutor Francês

175 parallel translation
"I'll double it!"
Je double!
Only I'll play it in spades. That means you'll pay double.
Mais je vous préviens, vous paierez double.
We'll have to postpone that stuffing match I promised, but it'll be double tomorrow! Come! Back to camp, men!
Il va falloir reporter ton festin, mais tu mangeras double demain.
If you're gonna be that generous, I'll double it.
Si tu es généreux, je double.
I'll pay off double if we make it.
Deux contre un.
- I'll take the best care of it.
- J'en prendrai grand soin. Vous remboursez le double si je souffre?
Whatever she was willing to pay you, I'll up it.
Je double sa prime.
If it's insurance, I'll take a little on him. Double indemnity.
S'il vend des assurances, je lui en prends une à double prime.
Every trick you pull, I'll double it.
Chaque coup en traître, je double la mise.
But yet I'll make assurance double sure, and take a bond of fate : thou shalt not live. That I may tell pale-hearted fear it lies, and sleep in spite of thunder.
Tu ne vivras pas, je démentirai la peur blême et dormirai malgré le tonnerre.
Well, I decided... I mean, this is as good a time as any. We'll make it a double wedding, huh?
J'ai décidé que nous ferions un double mariage.
I'll make out a note. I'm afraid it will have to be for double the value of the merchandise received.
Le billet sera le double de la valeur de la marchandise.
I'll pay you double for it.
Je vous en double le prix.
I'll double it for any of you if you'll help.
Je vous offre le double.
It'll make a new person out of you, I guarantee or double your money back.
Cela vous transformera, soyez-en sûr. Satisfait ou remboursé.
I'll give you twice what you ask me for it.
Je vous paierai le double de ce que vous me demanderez.
From now on, you do exactly what I tell you to do, and you'll do it on the double.
A partir de maintenant, vous faites ce que je dis, tous les deux.
I'll double the ante, I'll triple it.
Je vous paie le double, le triple.
Boss, I'll tell you. It was a double cross.
Patron, je dois vous dire.
Whatever they're paying you, I'll double it.
Je double la somme qu'ils te versent.
I don't know what Nomoto pays you, but I'll double it.
Je t'offre le double de Nomoto.
I don't know how much Doyama paid you, but I'll double it.
Je ne sais pas combien Doyama te paie, mais je t'offre le double.
Stay in here until that rehearsal. If I have to, I'll put the key in the lock and turn it.
Vous restez là ou je vous entoure à double ferme
Whatever he's offered you, I'll double it.
- Je la triple.
Whatever you and your men are being paid,..... I'll double it. I'll triple it.
Quelle que soit votre prime, je la double. Je la triple.
As a gesture of good faith, I'll double the prize money if you tell me where it is!
Pour vous montrer ma bonne foi, je doublerai le montant du prix si vous me dites où est le coffret.
Now, if I can make it to my car I think I'll go home and have a double.
Si j'arrive jusqu'à ma voiture, je vais rentrer et me servir un bon whisky.
I'll give you twice what you paid for it.
Je t'en donne le double.
OK, I'll double it.
Je la double.
I don't know what your age is, but with bad temper you'll double it in six months.
Quel que soit votre âge, votre fichu caractère le doublera en six mois!
I think I'll make it a double.
Je vais me faire un double.
Let's make it a sporting proposition, hmm? I'll toss you double or nothing,
Moi je joue les filles, et vous 60 dollars.
I'll double it.
Je vais faire un doublé.
I'll double it, for Christ's sake.
Je le doublerai! Je te fais une faveur, l'ami.
For me, sir, it'll be a double celebration. For tomorrow night I will kill you.
Pour moi, ce sera un doubler la célébration.
I'll pay you double what you normally get, if you'll have it repaired by tonight.
Débrouillez-vous. Je paie le double si tout est prêt ce soir.
I'll double it and we'll beat the shit outta him.
Je vous donne le double si vous lui cassez la gueule!
I've got a portable EKG machine in the car. I'll double-check, but it doesn't seem like a heart attack.
J'ai un appareil pour électrocardiogramme, je vais vérifier, mais elle a les symptômes d'une crise de la vésicule.
- I'll double it.
- Je double la somme.
I'll have to charge you for a double, but it'll come out even.
ça vous fait la double au prix de la simple.
Whatever he's paying you, I'll double it right now.
Qu'importe ce qu'il vous paie, je double la somme.
That's about how long I figure it'll take to get a key duplicated.
C'est le temps qu'il faut pour faire un double des clés.
I'll guarantee it.
Emmene-nous, je te paie double.
I'll double it.
- Désolé, Bart.
- Yes, we'll send the eye. I'm sure he'll offer us a fair reward, and then we'll make him double it.
- Je suis sûre qu'il nous récompensera.
I don't know how much psycho-woman's paying you, but I'll double it.
Je vous donne le double de ce que vous paie cette dingue.
I`ll just get a double to finish his scenes, and we`ll release it as Bela Lugosi`s final film.
On termine avec une doublure et on sort "le dernier film de Lugosi".
- The single-hull tanker... - I'll take care of it. ... was built well before 1990, the year when double hulls became mandatory, which many feel could prevent disasters like this one.
Le pétrolier, propriété de la Benbrook Oil, date d'avant 1990... année où les doubles coques devinrent obligatoires... mesure destinée à éviter ce genre de catastrophe.
I'll double it if you go back and do him.
Le double. 20 000 si vous vous le faites.
I'll double it.
Je vous offre le double.
I'll tell what I'm gonna do. I will give you double what you paid for it.
Je vous en offre le double de son prix.

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