In her own way tradutor Francês
176 parallel translation
Sorry. I'm sure she's smart in her own way.
Désolée, je suis sûre qu'elle est intelligente à sa manière.
Oh, she sincerely loved me, only she loved me in her own way, there it is.
Oh! Elle m'aimait sincèrement! Seulement elle m'aimait à sa manière, voilà.
- In her own way, she loved him.
- à sa façon, elle l'aimait.
Now, my dear Birnley, Let your daughter deal with stratton in her own way.
Mon cher, laissez votre fille s'occuper de Stratton.
Each in her own way.
Chacune à sa manière d'ailleurs.
She faces situations in her own way.
Elle affronte les situations à sa façon.
Let her give you the news in her own way.
Laisse-la t'annoncer la nouvelle.
I mean, in her own way.
Á sa manière.
A wonderful singer in her own way...
Une chanteuse magnifique au style original,
Everyone runs in her own way... or his own way.
Chacun ou chacune court à sa manière.
She's nice, in her own way, but she doesn't have a lot of imagination.
Elle est gentille si on veut, mais malgré tout, elle manque un peu de fantaisie, hein?
In her own way, Dr Pulaski was instructing you to take the shortest route to victory.
A sa manière, le Dr Pulaski vous conseillait de suivre le chemin le plus court vers la victoire.
She'll.. ahh... take care of Brian in her own way.
Elle... euh... s'occupera de Brian à sa manière.
But in her own way. She'd have liked him to be an artist a creator, which he isn't.
Mais à sa façon.
In her own way, of course.
Elle l'aime à sa façon, mais elle l'aime.
Despite her neurosis, I thought she cared about me in her own way.
Je me disais que, malgré sa névrose, à sa façon, elle m'aimait aussi...
She loves me in her own way.
Je sais qu'elle m'aime, à sa façon.
- So Marmee does, in her own way.
- Marmie fait ça aussi, à sa façon.
[Sobbing] In her own way, she was really good to me.
Elle a toujours été gentille avec moi!
Loving, hardworking, generous in her own way.
Affectueuse, travailleuse, généreuse à sa façon.
In her own way, she's searching for someone to relate to.
A sa façon, elle cherche une semblable.
We show her kindness, we establish some kind of trust... and she'll begin to communicate in her own way.
Si on la met en confiance, elle commencera à communiquer.
You said that every woman is special in her own way.
Que chaque femme a quelque chose de spécial d'unique.
Kind of cute in her own way. Right?
Mignonne à sa façon.
You must let me tell her in my own way, in my own time or you may spoil not only your own happiness, but hers.
Laissez-moi le lui dire quand je le jugerai bon. Vous risqueriez de gâcher votre bonheur à tous les deux.
You belong to that unfortunate category... that I would call the Park Avenue brat. A spoiled child who's grown up in ease and luxury, who's always had her own way, and whose misdirected energies are so childish... that they hardly deserve the comment even of a butler on his off Thursday.
Vous êtes ce que j'appellerais une morveuse de Park Avenue, une enfant gâtée qui a grandi dans le luxe et la facilité, et qui poursuit des buts tellement puérils qu'ils ne méritent même pas les commentaires d'un majordome.
And as in my own small way I help here in the shipyards, I hope I may be worthy of her words, just as each night I pray that always I may be worthy of those other thrilling words the first time and every time since that you've said, "I love you."
À ma manière, humblement, en travaillant au chantier naval, j'espère être digne de ses paroles, de même que, chaque nuit, je prie d'être toujours digne de ces autres paroles aussi émouvantes...
- Oh, she went her own sweet way. Haven't heard of her in years.
Je n'en ai jamais plus entendu parler.
I could sense her eyes on me from behind those dark glasses... defying me not to like what I read. Or maybe begging me in her own proud way to like it.
Je sentais le poids de ce regard caché me défiant de ne pas aimer ce que je lisais ou me suppliant, sans se départir de sa fierté, de l'aimer.
Tough enough to make my own way in a man's world, smart enough to scheme my way into the affections of a lonesome old woman, and cold enough to sell her out and sleep sound on it.
Assez tenace pour tenir tête aux hommes... assez astucieuse pour avoir gagné la confiance d'une vieille femme... assez de sang-froid pour la rouler sans scrupules.
Will you please let me explain it to her In my own way?
S'il vous plaît, laissez-moi lui expliquer à ma maniére.
In her own special way to the people she calls
Vient s'asseoir simplement Tout en appelant les gens
Clarisse who is so beautiful in her own way and so strange.
Clarisse qui est si belle à sa manière, et si étrange.
And each of us owe her somethin'in our own special way.
Et chacune d'entre nous lui devons quelque chose, à notre façon.
In view of Messalina's known viciousness in getting her own way, the Senate will put them both at the head of it!
Connaissant l'arrivisme impitoyable de Messaline, il est clair que le Sénat les placera tous deux à la tête de l'Etat!
I'll, uh, I'll tell her in my own way.
Je vais aller le lui dire à ma façon.
So her husband, who's sort of a nut in his own way, goes ahead and does it.
Donc son mari, qui est une sorte d'allumé à sa façon, fonce et le fait.
She find this incredible meal? What did she do to please in her own, very special way, Her demanding mistress?
Comment satisfaire, à sa façon si particulière, son exigeante maîtresse?
Quit moving around - you're making me dizzy. I'll tell her in my own way.
Et cessez de bouger! Je vais lui dire à ma façon.
In the end, I decided to let Sam handle things her own way.
Finalement, j'ai décidé de laisser Sam faire à sa manière.
Let me break this to her in my own way. Here.
Je veux la mettre au parfum moi-même.
The two of you have been dating long enough..... for you to have slimed your way into her panties..... and I am sure you did just that at least once or twice in my own house.
Vous sortez ensemble depuis assez longtemps pour que tu te sois introduit dans sa culotte, et je suis certain que tu as dû le faire une ou deux fois chez moi.
One television and one bottle of Valium which I've already procured from my mother, who is in her own domestic and socially acceptable way, also a drug addict.
Une télé et un flacon de Valium que j'ai déjà pris à ma mère, qui est également une toxico, mais d'une manière jugée non répréhensible par la société.
He wonders if she might come to his room and prepare some of these in her own special way.
Il se demandait si elle pouvait venir lui en préparer quelques-uns à sa façon.
Perhaps, in my way, I can help her deal with her own anger as I dealt with mine.
I don't know if she's using me in some way just for her own purposes.
Je ne sais pas si elle se sert de moi à des fins personnelles.
I was gonna tell her in my own way.
J'allais lui en parler à ma manière.
In her own truth-telling way, she gave me strength.
A sa façon, un peu franche... elle m'a donné de la force.
But I'll always love her in my own subtle way.
Mais je l'aimerai toujours à ma façon pleine de subtilité.
[Hammid] Since Maya had her own experience with dancing... she wanted to use film to express... dance ideas in a new way... by using the film technique of editing... to free the dancer from gravity... so that the dancer would seem to be floating... by his own power.
Depuis que Maya a eu sa propre expérience avec la danse... elle a voulu employer le film pour exprimer... les idées de la danse d'une nouvelle manière... en employant la technique du montage des films... pour libérer le danseur de la pesanteur... de sorte que le danseur semblerait flotter... par sa propre puissance.
She made her own way in the world.
Elle s'est faite toute seule.
in here 1287
in her defense 25
in her room 49
in her 38
in her heart 18
in her mind 25
in heaven 62
in hell 74
in hebrew 21
in her defense 25
in her room 49
in her 38
in her heart 18
in her mind 25
in heaven 62
in hell 74
in hebrew 21