In his tradutor Francês
101,128 parallel translation
Just like Khlyen when I was in his memory.
Comme si Khlyen était dans ses souvenirs.
The night before, I was in his quarters...
La nuit d'avant, j'étais dans ses quartiers...
That's tough talk for a man in his gitch.
C'est un discours osé pour un homme en slip.
I can only assume he made contact with the "Raza" but ultimately failed in his attempt to take the Blink Drive.
Je ne peux que supposer qu'il a pénétré le Raza mais qu'il a finalement échoué à obtenir le Blink Drive.
Yeah, but that's a reason to vote him down, not put a knife in his back.
Si, mais s'y opposer aurait suffit, le poignarder était inutile.
Well, he was paranoid about keeping stolen goods in his room, so he made me hold it for him.
Il était parano pour garder des objets volés dans sa chambre, il me les donnait.
Soon as the war started, cashed in his savings, and just took off.
Dès le début de la guerre, il a encaissé son épargne et s'est tiré.
He also said he could hear voices in his head.
Il a aussi dit qu'il pouvait entendre des voix dans sa tête.
Something was created in his image.
Quelque chose a été créé à son image.
41 caliber stops your average sumo wrestler in his tracks.
Le calibre 41 stoppe un lutteur de sumo sur sa lancée.
A pedestrian caught a round in his neck.
Un piéton a été blessé au cou.
The legend of the marmot is that, the marmot promised he'd never drink water, or eat grass, would never go out in the dark, would stay in his hole, and in order to keep his promise, he cut off his thumb.
La légende de la marmotte, c'est que... la marmotte avait promis de ne jamais boire d'eau ou manger d'herbe, de ne jamais sortir, de rester dans son trou, pour tenir serment, elle a coupé son pouce.
Except I never get involved in his business deals for ethical as well as...
Sauf que je n'interviens jamais dans ses affaires pour des raisons éthiques...
Oh, not dog running in his sleep cute, but I'm all right.
Pas aussi mignon qu'un chien courant en dormant, mais je suis correct.
The one running in his sleep or the one fanning his underarms with a plate?
Celui qui court en dormant ou celui qui s'évente les aisselles avec une assiette?
This was smuggled out of North Korea by my great-grandfather in his great backside.
Ça a été sorti clandestinement de la Corée du Nord par mon arrière-grand-père dans son postérieur.
He was always in his head, always inventing things, and fiddling around on his computer, and, well...
Il est toujours dans ses pensées, toujours à inventer des choses, et bidouiller son ordinateur, et...
"a little house that showed up in his backyard one day."
"la petite maison arrivée dans son jardin, un jour."
It's on his property, in his name.
C'est sur sa propriété, à son nom.
You know that window up there, Percy says in his notes that he thinks the killer broke in that way.
Vous voyez cette fenêtre là-bas, Percy dit dans ses notes qu'il pense que le tueur s'est échappé par là.
In trying to save his life, I hit the merc over the head with that.
En essayant de lui sauver la vie, j'ai frappé le mercenaire avec.
Stay here in case he comes back for his gear.
Reste là, s'il vient pour son équipement.
His presence in the court concerns me.
Sa présence à la cour m'inquiète.
I'm guessing his old memories helped him put things in a different perspective, made him reorder his priorities.
Ses souvenirs ont pu dégager une perspective différente, l'amener à revoir ses priorités.
Usually he samples his wings, but, you know, he was in such a rush...
D'habitude il goûte ses ailes, mais il était si pressé...
According to the records, his tales of potential space travel inspired her to pursue a career in astroengineering.
D'après les informations, ses récits sur le potentiel voyage spatial l'ont inspirée à choisir une carrière dans l'ingénierie aérospatiale.
We may never see him again, but in the meantime, I'm running his clients.
On pourrait ne jamais le revoir, mais en attendant, je récupère ses clients.
Tabor liked to back up his files and store them in a secure facility on Taliphus 8.
Tabor aimait sauvegarder ses fichiers dans un entrepôt sécurisé sur Taliphus 8.
He missed his check-in.
Il manque au rapport.
But in the meantime, I'm running his clients.
Mais entre temps, je garde ses clients.
He did make it clear that his new duties on the outer colonies would command a great deal of his attention and that he wouldn't be as available to you as he was in the past.
Il a été clair sur le fait que ses nouveaux devoirs avec les colonies extérieurs lui prendraient beaucoup de son temps et qu'il serait moins disponible pour toi que par le passé
Do you know that when Four downloaded his old memories, he started avoiding me, almost like he knew something about my past and he didn't want to put himself in a position so he'd have to tell me.
Tu sais quand Quatre a retrouvé ses souvenirs, il a commencé à m'éviter, comme s'il savait un truc de mon passé et qu'il ne voulait pas avoir à me le confier.
He puts his hands on your head, and then he looks you in the eye and he shows you a memory.
Il pose ses mains sur ta tête, et ensuite il te regarde dans les yeux et il te montre un souvenir.
Yeah, a king who runs an errand while his people are at war in Polis.
Un roi qui s'occupe d'une livraison, pendant que son peuple est en guerre à Polis.
John must pay for his actions in this world, and I will see to it.
John doit payer pour ce qu'il a fait, et j'y veillerai.
My hope is that he didn't venture too far in the hours before his deployment.
J'espère qu'il ne s'est pas absenté dans les heures précédant le départ.
His blast injury resulted in a mild hematoma, which obstructed blood flow to his heart.
L'explosion lui a causé un léger hématome, qui a obstrué le flux sanguin au coeur.
He can't find Mei if you bash his head in!
Il ne trouvera pas Mei si tu lui défonces la tête!
My client wants his day in court.
Mon client souhaite se présenter au tribunal.
His visit to your apartment the other day, and the blood on the gun you turned in are key pieces of evidence.
Sa visite dans votre appartement, l'autre jour, et le sang sur l'arme que vous avez déposée sont des éléments de preuves.
He puts in all his energy.
Il met toute son énergie.
Foley will zip his fucking pants up and look me in the eye.
Foley baissera son froc et me regardera dans les yeux.
So it always warms my heart when I see a boy who still has his father's shoulder to lean on, his father's contacts to deploy, his father's balls clanking around in place of his own, which haven't quite dropped yet.
Donc ça me réchauffe le cœur quand je vois un garçon avec encore son père sur lequel se reposer, déployer ses contacts, ses couilles œuvrant à sa place, et qui n'a pas encore abandonné la partie.
And you are not the first one in here looking to double his salary.
Vous n'êtes pas le premier à vouloir doubler son salaire.
We'd have to let the pilot and his family in the Arque. Yeah.
On devra laisser venir le pilote et sa famille dans l'Arque.
One day, he went on one of his fits and his mama grabbed him and locked him down in the basement.
Un jour, il a fait une de ses crises et sa mère l'a enfermé dans la cave.
Well, in the off-chance you do want to contact your father, I used my amazing jigsaw puzzle talents to put his number back together.
Dans le cas improbable où tu voudrais contacter ton père, j'ai utilisé mes supers talents au puzzle pour reformer son numéro.
Tell him to get his ass in here!
! Dis-lui de ramener ses fesses tout de suite!
Sensors in my secret special fancy chair monitor his stress levels.
Les capteurs dans ma nouvelle super chaise contrôlent son stress
His name is Marcos Cruz, and he's a dealer in Bridgeport.
Il s'appelle Marcos Cruz, et il est revendeur à Bridgeport.
You think that Mr. Leeds, in between eating oatmeal and tending to his giant collection of old newspapers, is also Chicago's biggest dealer of a synthetic designer drug?
Vous pensez que ce M. Leeds, entre son repas de flocons d'avoine et sa collection géante de vieux journaux, est aussi le plus gros trafiquant de drogue synthétique?