In his own way tradutor Francês
356 parallel translation
You keep quiet and let my father tell his story in his own way!
Tais-toi et laisse mon père raconter son histoire.
Oh, now wait a minute. Let the old horse thief tell about his trip in his own way.
Laissez cette vieille crapule nous raconter son voyage.
Each serves his country in his own way :
Chacun sert la France à sa façon.
A hero in his own way.
Un héros dans son genre.
In his own way, of course.
À sa manière, bien sûr.
Let him tell it in his own way.
Laisse-Ie raconter ça à sa façon.
So let us each pray in his own way, to his own God.
Que chacun prie pour soi, à son propre Dieu.
He'll win in his own way.
Il gagnera à sa façon.
Andy's OK... probably figures to square it in his own way.
Tais-toi, c'est son affaire!
Not as pretty as Miss Kellerman but in his own way, just as nice...
Moins attrayant que Mlle Kellerman, mais qui, à sa façon... Écoutez.
Let him tell it in his own way.
C'est sa maniére de parler.
- The Marshal has fun in his own way.
Il s'amuse à sa façon.
He's really very attractive, in his own way.
Il est séduisant, à sa façon.
Rafe here is kind of an educated man, in his own way. He'll teach you.
Rafe est instruit dans ce domaine.
In his own way, he wasn't a bud guy.
Dans son genre, c'était un brave type.
Each of us does it in his own way.
Chacun d'entre nous Ie fait à sa manière.
Each of you in his own way has tried to destroy me. But i'll not repay the compliment.
Mais je ne vous rendrai pas la pareille, c'est-à-dire que ce n'est pas oeil pour oeil, dent pour dent.
In his own way. I would say so.
A sa façon, monsieur le sénateur.
Of course, he does this answering in his own way.
Bien sûr, il répond à sa façon.
Everybody in this world's foolish in his own way.
Tout le monde est fou à sa manière.
I think we'll have to let him tell us in his own way.
Monsieur, laissons-le raconter à sa façon.
Sébastien understands in his own way.
Sébastien comprend à sa manière.
Just as a man must grow in his own way... and in his own time.
Tout comme l'homme évolue à sa manière et à son rythme...
He may have already told me... in his own way.
Il me l'a peut-être dit, à sa façon.
You would there see with your own eyes how Weltmann due to his tremendous suggestive powers, is able to compel people to act in a way diametrically opposite to their nature......
Vous pourriez vous persuader avec vos propres yeux, que Weltmann en vertu de ses capacités inouïes peut forcer les hommes à commettre des actes contraires à leur nature, - de préférence avec des personnes,
Mr. Havisham, I must ask you to let me tell Ceddie about this in my own way and in my very own time. He must never know his grandfather dislikes me.
Laissez-moi informer Ceddie à ma manière.
You belong to that unfortunate category... that I would call the Park Avenue brat. A spoiled child who's grown up in ease and luxury, who's always had her own way, and whose misdirected energies are so childish... that they hardly deserve the comment even of a butler on his off Thursday.
Vous êtes ce que j'appellerais une morveuse de Park Avenue, une enfant gâtée qui a grandi dans le luxe et la facilité, et qui poursuit des buts tellement puérils qu'ils ne méritent même pas les commentaires d'un majordome.
Is it wise...? Is it right to tamper with the problem until the Creator himself has solved it in his own mysterious way? - Sir, I...
Est-il sage de s'immiscer dans ce problème avant que le Créateur... ne le résolve, dans Son infinie sagesse?
Sherry's trying to break it up, in his own fiendish way.
Sherry essaye de l'empêcher, il est diabolique.
Nature has a strange way of paying him back... in his own coin.
La nature a une façon étranqe de lui rendre... la monnaie de sa pièce.
- I don't deny that he's infatuated with you in some warped way of his own. - I don't think so. But he isn't capable of any normal, warm human relationship.
Certes, il s'est entiché de toi, pervers comme il est, mais il est inapte à toute relation humaine normale.
He paid me back in his own peculiar way.
Il m'a remboursée à sa façon.
Then to prepare roast duck his favorite way I rub salt and pepper inside, then brown the duck in its own fat... "
Pour le canard rôti, je sale et poivre puis je le fais revenir... "
Well, yes, in his own peculiar way.
Oui... à sa façon.
Gray, in his own way, can do the same thing because this is his second chance.
Il en est de même pour Gray, c'est sa deuxième chance.
Except for someone who's been touched in the head... and wants to go his own way.
A part quelques éléments..
Yet his own witness in answer to a question put by one of you, clearly stated that anyone without any special technical skill could have rigged that car in a few minutes, in the way the D.A. imagines it was rigged.
Pourtant son témoin, à une de vos questions, a assuré que n'importe qui aurait pu "saboter" cette voiture, comme l'imagine le procureur.
Maybe back in the days of the pioneersa man could go his own way.
Au temps des pionniers, peut-être.
Forget it? You're going after Arkadin's money in your own way - through his daughter - aren't you?
Tu veux passer par la fille pour atteindre le père.
Mike, a guy's got to make his own way in this world, but a thing like that, I just...
Mike, il faut bien gagner sa vie, mais tout de même...
He will shoot his own grandmother in the back and lay bets on which way she's falling.
Il tirerait sur sa propre grand-mère pour parier sur la façon dont elle s'écroule.
He was quite happy in his own little way, you know.
Il était heureux a sa maniere, tu sais.
Now, Teresa, it's only natural he should want to make his own way in the world.
Teresa, c'est normal qu'il veuille suivre sa voie dans le monde.
I always say, in his own home, a man's got a right to talk... the only way he knows how.
Je dis que chez lui, un homme a le droit de parler de la seule façon qu'il connaisse.
I had come to meet Larry Flint... an unspoiled, dedicated artist... searching in his own troubled way for the simple life.
Il m'avait fait rencontrer Larry Flint, artiste authentique. Il cherchait à sa manière la "vraie vie".
In a way I'm glad it happened, even if it was his own fault.
C'est bien que ce soit arrivé, même si c'est de sa faute.
Oh, he was a star in his own way, you know.
C'était une vedette.
However trivial, I decided I'd try to ease his burden in my own way.
Je décidai que j'essayerai d'alléger, à ma façon, la détresse du Dr Okabé.
Every man, in his own special way, takes care of number one.
Les hommes pensent avant tout à leur intérêt.
I can't help feeling that in his own snobbish way, Mr. Rockeford was trying to help me.
Je ne peux m'empêcher de penser qu'à sa façon snob, M. Rockeford essayait de m'aider.
We understand that the unique way in which an individual perceives and reacts to his environment is a function of his own experiential space continuum.
La façon unique dont l'individu perçoit son environnement et y réagit est une fonction de son propre continu spatial empirique.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
in high school 193
in hindsight 63
in high 25
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
in high school 193
in hindsight 63
in high 25