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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / It was good to see you again

It was good to see you again tradutor Francês

47 parallel translation
It was good to see you again, sir.
J'ai été ravi de vous revoir.
It was good to see you again, Mr. Crane.
Je suis contente de vous avoir vu, M. Crane
It was good to see you again, Amy.
Ca m'a fait plaisir de te revoir, Amy.
It was good to see you again, Amy.
ça m'a fait plaisir de te revoir, Amy.
- Well, it was good to see you again, Peg.
- Bon, j'ai été ravie de vous revoir.
- It was good to see you again.
- Ce fut un plaisir de vous revoir.
I'm late for Poly-Sci, but it was good to see you again.
Je suis en retard pour mon cours de sciences politiques. Mais c'était sympa de te revoir.
It was good to see you again.
- Bien sûr. Ca fait plaisir de vous revoir.
It was good to see you again.
- C'était sympa de vous rencontrer.
C'était bien de vous revoir, Hans.
It was good to see you again.
Ravie de vous revoir.
Wish I could say It was good to see you again.
J'aimerais pouvoir vous dire que ça me fait plaisir de vous revoir.
It was good to see you again.
J'ai été content de te revoir.
I hope so. Well, it was good to see you again.
C'était sympa de te revoir.
It was good to see you again.
C'était bien de te revoir.
It was good to see you again.
Content de t'avoir revu.
It was good to see you again, Ray.
Ca m'a fait plaisir de te revoir, Ray.
It was good to see you again.
Ravi de t'avoir revu.
All right, uh, it was good to see you again.
OK, c'était sympa de te revoir.
It was good to see you again.
C'était sympa de te revoir.
Emily, it was good to see you again.
Emily, c'était un plaisir de te revoir.
- Well, it was good to see you again.
- C'était un plaisir de vous revoir.
It was good to see you again.
Contente de t'avoir revu.
It was good to see you again, Detective.
C'était bon de vous revoir, Inspecteur.
It was good to see you laughing again.
Ça m'a fait plaisir de te voir rire à nouveau.
When you awoke in this body, Thalassa you said how good it was to breathe again to have eyes and to see again, to feel to live and feel again, Thalassa.
Quand tu t'es réveillée dans ce corps, tu as dit combien il faisait bon respirer à nouveau. Regarder et voir à nouveau. Sentir.
If any of you wish to see good old Charlie again, it can be arranged. He was one of my very first successes.
N'avez-vous jamais espéré absurdement, de donner une réalité perpétuelle à vos fantaisies sentimentales?
You see, Stockton had traveled in Peru and I think it was I who suggested that it might be a good thing for his new wife to have some contact again with her native country.
Stockton a voyagé au Pérou. Je crois que j'ai dit que c'était une bonne chose que sa femme puisse rencontrer quelqu'un qui connaît son pays d'origine.
Anyway,..... it was very good to see you again. sir.
Quoiqu'il en soit, ça m'a fait plaisir de vous revoir, monsieur.
Uh, so... it was really good to see all of you again.
C'était bon de vous revoir tous.
It was good to see you in the office again, Pigtails.
Je suis ravi de vous revoir au bureau.
Well, it was good to see you guys again.
C'était sympa de vous voir.
It was good to see you all again.
Ce fut très agréable de vous revoir
I was so scared... that if I had to say good-bye, you know... the real one where I have to admit that I'm never gonna see you again... it would hurt so much... to let go like that.
J'avais si peur... Que si je devais te dire au revoir, tu sais... Le véritable "au revoir" où je dois admettre que je ne vais plus jamais te revoir...
Of course, Jenny. - It's good to see you again, I was actually...
Bien sûr, ravi de te voir.
It was so good to see you again, Elizabeth.
Ce fut agréable de vous revoir, Elizabeth.
Anyway, it was good to see you two again. I have to pick up my wife.
Bref, ravi de vous avoir parlé à nouveau, je dois aller chercher ma femme.
It was very good to see you again, Isabella.
Ça m'a fait plaisir de te voir, Isabella.
It was good to see you again. You too, Coach.
- J'étais content de te voir.
Pick up the phone it ´ s me, Xime again. I don ´ t know if you got my message yesterday well the thing is... I mentioned to lñigo that it would be good to come see you and he thought it was a great idea.
Décroche... Je vois que t'es pas là. C'est encore moi, Xime.
It was really good to see you again.
Ça m'a fait plaisir.
No. I was gonna say, it's nice to see you in a good mood again.
- J'allais dire, c'est agréable de te revoir de bonne humeur.
It was really good to see you again, Dean.
C'était bon de te revoir, Dean.
It was really good to see you again, David.
C'était vraiment bien de te revoir, David.
About us. It was good to see you... again.
J'étais extrêmement content de te revoir.
It really was good to see you again, Kit.
Vraiment ravie de te revoir, Kit.
You know, I was thinking, it was so good to see your brother again.
Je pensais... qu'on pourrait revoir ton frère.

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