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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / Its okay

Its okay tradutor Francês

221 parallel translation
Its okay.
- Bon, ça va.
Its okay with me, man.
Je suis d'accord, mec.
Its okay, Suzie.
Tout va bien, Suzie.
Its okay, Sonia. I know what your answer is.
Je sais ce que tu vas dire....
Its okay, I got it.
Ce n'est pas la peine.
D'Argo, its okay...
D'Argo, tout va bien...
Its okay, I don't want one. I just want to give you flowers.
C'est bon, je n'en veux pas, je voulais juste te donner des fleurs
Its okay. I'm fine.
C'est bon, je vais bien
- Yeah, its okay.
Ouais, c'est d'accord.
Its okay.
Ça va aller.
Its okay, Sanjana.
Tu t'es profité de ma faiblesse!
No, its okay.
Non, ça va.
Okay, its up to you. Where is he?
Ou est-ce qu'il est?
It's okay. its okay.
Ca va, laissez!
Why don't you, uh, call me back when you're ready to tell the truth or, uh, Fauntleroy gets its own listing, okay? Sorry, fellas.
Rappelez-moi quand vous aurez décidé de ne plus raconter n'importe quoi.
Okay, but why don't we do, what the government does with its witnesses, okay?
Faisons comme l'accusation :
Okay, I'll cut you the most beautiful bouquet in the world... but its beauty will pale in comparison to yours.
D'accord, je vais te couper le plus magnifique bouquet du monde, mais sa beauté sera bien pâle, comparée à la tienne.
Its okay, its logical ;
Okay Bob, get hold of its ears. Pull its ears back.
Bob, attrape ses oreilles.
With the exception of Russia and Mexico... the rest of the world has turned its back on you. Okay? They refuse to sell the Republic arms.
A part la Russie et le Mexique, les autres pays ont refusé de vendre des armes à la République.
The creation of the new army with its saluting and discipline and military hierarchy will destroy the revolutionary spirit of the people. Okay?
Cette nouvelle armée avec sa discipline et sa hiérarchie militaire va anéantir l'esprit révolutionnaire des gens.
Just find it, okay? I wanna know if the worst is over or if it's on its way.
- Je veux savoir si le pire est passé.
Good. Okay, gentlemen, the limo is on its way.
La limousine est en route.
Then I won't need to explain its purpose. Okay, you win.
Alors je n'ai pas besoin d'en expliquer l'usage.
Okay, and it... And it had, like, an ID bracelet from a hospital on its arm.
Et... il portait un bracelet d'identification au poignet.
Okay. So the movie posters are down film has lost its lustre and I am detecting a significant lack of smooching, hand-holding, general, all-around cuddliness between the two of you.
Alors tu as enlevé les posters, le ciné a perdu son éclat et je détecte un manque significatif de contact physique, de tendresse en général, entre vous deux.
Okay. Make that ROV do its magic.
Fais opérer la magie du ROV.
My gift is past its "consume by date," but it should be okay.
Mon cadeau a dépassé son "à consommer avant le", mais ça devrait aller.
Okay, I can tell you that this was done with an Excimer laser and its inscription point was no more than three microns in diameter Okay, how do you know that though?
A mon avis, ça a été fait au laser excimer avec un faisceau inférieur à 3 microns de diamètre.
Okay. Okay, if you- - if you swallowed something, something valuable, say, how long before it found its way... Back to the light.
- Ok, ok, si tu as avalé qqchose, qqchose de précieux ici, combien de temps met-il à trouver le chemin du retour à la lumière
Okay, everything's in its place.
Ça y est, tout est en place.
Okay, now let's put the sea-ciety in its new home!
Voilà, c'est bon.
I mean, it is, but that's not its express purpose, okay?
Je suis sûre que tout sera dévoilé ce soir, c'est pour ça que j'ai besoin de ton soutien moral, ok?
A Synthetic could have penetrated the utility system... and bumped up the gain for its own reasons. Okay, guys.
J'ai une nièce de ton âge.
In its next life, it'll become something with natural perm Okay?
Dans sa prochaine vie, il aura une permanente naturelle. Ok?
Okay, I just have to say how amazingly unfair it is that I have a rubber band working its way into my brain, and Paris gets to bail.
Ok, je dois juste dire que c'est incroyablement injuste que j'aie un élastique qui est en train de me rentrer dans le cerveau et que Paris ait eu le droit de se barrer
No its not okay.
Non, ce n'est pas okay.
Hey, look, its not about sex with me, okay?
Eh, écoute, il n'est pas question de sexe avec moi, okay?
You don't wanna hang out with me, man, its cool. Alright?
Tu ne veux pas traîner avec moi, mec, c'est cool, okay?
Okay, drive to Hudson, its uptown campus, Waverly Hall.
Rends-toi au Campus de Hudson.
Okay, it's on its way.
Okay, oil company A buys oil company B... for its oil field assets.
Bon, la compagnie pétrolière A rachète la compagnie pétrolière B pour ses champs pétroliers.
Okay this is the rein. They walk with its command.
Ils obéissent à ces commandes.
I just need you to take the fingerprint, okay, and look for any trace you can find on its surface - other than blood.
Vous devez juste me prélever l'empreinte digitale, ok? Et recherchez des traces sur cette surface, autres que du sang.
Right, and her college apartment building has its own laundry room. Okay.
Et son immeuble a sa propre buanderie.
Because of that, it's incredibly hard to take a giant number apart and break it down to its prime components, okay?
C'est pour ça que c'est très difficile de décomposer un nombre géant et de le ramener à ses composants primaires. D'accord?
Okay, this is Atlantis, deep in the Pegasus galaxy, and this is the Daedalus that left there about a week ago, on its way to...
Ok, ça c'est Atlantis, au cœur de la galaxie de Pégase. Et ça c'est le Deadalus, qui est parti il y a une semaine pour son voyage vers la Terre.
Okay, Fez, this bedroom's clearly better,'cause it has its own bathroom, so
Bon, Fez, cette chambre est mieux, elle a sa propre salle de bain.
Okay, see, this is why having history people can have its drawbacks.
Fais gaffe. - Certains diraient ça de toi.
Okay, see, this is why having history people can have its drawbacks.
Ca, c'était des gansters.
Okay, so I'll go get my dad's old camera and we can make an animated film of the forest inside the boat looking for its mother.
Je peux prendre la vieille caméra de mon père, et on fera un film animé de la forêt dans le bateau qui cherche sa mère.

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