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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ J ] / Just stay out of it

Just stay out of it tradutor Francês

186 parallel translation
- So we're going to buzz off before we're buzzed off. Just stay out of it.
Alors nous allons nous débiner avant qu'on nous le demande.
You just stay out of it!
Vous, restez en dehors de ça!
Just stay out of it or you'll be in trouble.
Reste en dehors de tout ça si tu ne veux pas d'ennuis.
You just stay out of it.
Restez à l'écart.
Just stay out of it.
Surtout n'intervenez pas.
Just stay out of it. - I can't do that.
Je ne peux pas.
You don't need to know. Just stay out of it.
Mais reste en dehors.
- Just stay out of it.
C'est que t'en as du pognon!
Just stay out of it, pal. It's not your business, okay?
T'occupe, mon pote...
Just stay out of it.
Reste en dehors.
- Just stay out of it.
- Laissez-moi faire.
He's a thief and a drunk. Just stay out of it!
C'est un voleur et un ivrogne.
Why couldn't you just stay out of it?
Pourquoi il a fallu que tu interviennes? !
Just stay out of it.
Ne t'en mêle pas.
Definitely not. Just stay out of it.
Reste en dehors de tout ça.
I am begging you, just stay out of it.
- C'est impossible.
You just stay out of it, girl!
- Je t'ai rien demandé!
If you don't mind, just stay out of it.
Si tu comprends pas, reste en dehors de ça.
Women should just stay out of it!
Les femmes devraient rester en dehors de ça!
You don't know anything about this, Rena, so just stay out of it.
Tu ne sais rien de tout ça, Rena, alors t'en mêle pas.
- Just stay out of it, Ray.
- Ne t'en mêle pas, Raymond.
Don't call Christopher and talk about me or us, just stay out of it!
N'appelle pas Christopher, ne parle pas de moi ou de nous, - reste en dehors de ça!
- After I told you to just stay out of it!
Après que je t'ai dit de rester en dehors de ça!
- Just stay out of it, mate.
Gareth, je t'en supplie, te mêle pas de ça.
So please, if you don't have any facts, just stay out of it.
A moins d'avoir du concret, reste en dehors de tout ça.
- Just stay out of it, all right? Please.
- Ne t'en mêle pas, s'il te plaît.
Just stay out of it.
So just stay out of it.
Reste en dehors de tout ça.
- Cartman, just stay out of it.
Bordel de merde! Laisse tomber.
- Just stay out of it, all right?
- Reste en dehors de ça, d'accord?
No, it isn't. So just stay out of it.
Non, ça ne l'est pas, alors reste en dehors de ça.
You just couldn't stay out of it, could you?
Tu ne pouvais pas rester en dehors de ça, hein?
And as for you, it's true I can't attend to you here and now as I'd like. But just try to stay out of my way!
Quant é toi, je ne peux rien contre toi ici, mais on se retrouvera.
And you just stay out of the house until it's sold.
Attends que la maison soit vendue.
It's been a pleasure. Just see you stay out of school.
Evitez les emmerdes.
Well, maybe it is an order, but just stay out of my way, all right?
Peut-être, mais ne vous mettez pas sur ma route.
Just tell him to stay out of it!
Dis-lui de ne pas s'en mêler!
We'll just stay here and keep the hell out of it.
On va rester là un moment Et puis se tirer.
So if you got any other problems, whether it's raisins, prunes figs or any other dried fruit just keep it to yourself and stay out of my way, okay?
Si vous avez d'autres problèmes, qu'il s'agisse de raisins, de prunes, de figues, ou de quelque autre fruit sec, gardez-les pour vous et évitez-moi.
Just get it out! - Mom told us to stay out of the tunnel.
- Maman disait d'éviter le tunnel.
It just means you've got to work that much harder... try that much harder to stay out of trouble.
Vous êtes Henry Biggs? Oui.
Just stay out of it.
Reste en dehors de ça.
And then it gets boring and they just stay together out of convenience or for the sake of the children.
Et puis ça devient monotone, et pourtant ils restent ensemble, par paresse ou à cause des enfants. - Et alors?
Stay out of it, you'll just complicate things.
T'en mêle pas, tu vas tout compliquer.
Look, it just means I'm gonna shampoo my hair... and stay out of your way.
Ca signifie que je me lave les cheveux et que je ne t'approche pas.
Look, you stay out of it. Look, I'm just worried, that's all.
Je suis juste inquiète, c'est tout.
- No. He just said I'd better stay out of it.
- Non, il ne veut pas me mêler à ça.
You... stay out of it! Hey, hey! You just make sure you stay out of it!
Ne t'en mêle pas!
It's just, you have to stay out of frame.
Il faut que tu restes hors champ.
It's not just out of my own selfish desire that I'm trying to stay clean on all this.
Ce n'est pas uniquement par égoïsme que j'essaie de rester en dehors de ça.
We're just gonna stay out of this one. Hey, wait a minute, you guys can't just start a club and tell me I can't be in it!
Vous faites un club dont je peux pas faire partie?

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