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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ L ] / Looking like that

Looking like that tradutor Francês

1,842 parallel translation
I remember when you used to run around looking like that.
Il n'y a pas si longtemps, tu étais comme elles.
You can't do that. Not looking like that.
Pas avec cette tête-là.
Now, would mom ever let you leave the house looking like that?
Est-ce que ta mère te laisserait sortir de la maison comme ça? Jamais.
Why are you looking like that?
Pourquoi cette tête?
Why are you looking like that?
Mais pourquoi tu fais cette tête?
Then why are you looking like that?
- Alors pourquoi tu prends cet air-là?
Why don't you try looking like that?
Pourquoi n'essayez-vous pas d'y ressembler?
Looking like that?
Habillée comme ça?
Stop looking at me like that
Ne me regarde pas comme ça.
If not these looking for a work and alone you want to go, not you. To explore or something like that, that this well.
Si au lieu de chercher du boulot, tu veux jouer les explorateurs, très bien, assume.
Shit, why are you looking at it like that?
Arrête ton cinéma.
What are you looking at me like that for, you fuck?
Qu'est-ce que tu regardes?
No, but you were looking at me like that.
Tu m'as regardé comme ça, là.
- Why you looking at me like that?
- Me regarde pas comme ça.
And why are you looking at me like that?
Pourquoi tu me regardes comme ça?
Why are you looking at me like that?
- Pourquoi ce regard? - Comment ça?
Are they looking into free-agent signings last second, anything like that?
Et ils envisageraient de recruter au débotté ou bien?
If you look at it from space, you see all these lights and it's the lights of planet Earth, it's the lights of the people but it's also almost like looking at an organism that has an infection on it that is forming a crust of some kind.
Si vous regardez de l'espace, vous voyez des lumières. Ce sont les lumières de la Terre, ce sont les lumières des gens, mais c'est aussi comme regarder un organisme infecté. Une sorte de croûte s'est formée.
Why are you looking at me like that?
Pourquoi me regardes-tu comme cela?
He was like that... polite, always looking out for me.
Il était très poli, toujours très attentionné.
Like when you're a little kid... and it's dark... you keep thinking that you see somebody you don't know looking at you through a window.
Comme quand tu es gamin et qu'il fait nuit... Tu imagines que quelqu'un que tu ne connais pas regarde par la fenêtre.
Why are you looking at me like that?
Pourquoi me regardes-tu comme ça?
I catch you looking at me like that again, I'm taking it upstairs.
Si je te reprends à me mater, la direction en sera informée.
- Why are you looking at me like that?
Pourquoi tu me fixes?
Why are you looking at me like that?
Pourquoi me regardez-vous?
You just keep walking around looking just like that.
Continue à te promener comme tu es.
Why are you looking at me like that?
Pourquoi me regarder comme ça?
Why are you looking at me like that?
Pourquoi tu me regardes comme ça?
So what's the deal? That guy was looking at you like you were a leg of lamb,
Il te regardait comme si tu était un gros gigot d'agneau.
Why are you looking at me like that?
Pourquoi vous me regardez comme ça?
I'm looking for someone who can help with maintenance, - and content. Stuff like that.
Je cherche quelqu'un pour la maintenance et le contenu, ce genre de trucs.
Then your vision tunnels so that it feels like you're looking through a straw.
Puis rétrécissement du champ de vision, donnant l'impression de regarder à travers une paille.
But I was honest enough to admit that when I looked at little Dean, it was like looking in a mirror.
Mais je suis assez honnête pour admettre que quand je regardais le petit Dean, c'était comme regarder dans un miroir.
That line about the Cylon Raiders looking like Batman's car...
Et cette phrase sur les chasseurs cylons qui ressemble à la voiture de Batman...
Why are you looking at me like that?
Pourquoi vous me regardez avec cet air là?
Why are you looking to me like that
Pourquoi tu me regardes avec cet air là?
Why are you looking at me like that?
Pourquoi tu me regardes avec cet air là?
Well,'cause only good-looking people can get away with saying things like that.
Parce que seul les beaux garçons peuvent s'en sortir en disant des choses pareilles.
We're looking for a woman that lives in this building. She looks like this.
Nous cherchons une femme qui vit dans cet immeuble.
I don't like the way that one on the left is looking at me.
Je n'aime pas la façon dont celui de gauche me regarde.
Um, I was looking for something actually also which is very much like that.
Je cherchais quelque chose qui est aussi comme celui-là.
I was not looking at him like that.
Je ne le regardais pas de cette façon.
Would you please stop looking at me like that and just send her in?
Voudriez-vous bien arrêter de me regarder comme ça et la faire entrer?
What? Why are you looking at me like that?
Pourquoi me fixes-tu comme ça?
And, uh... though it wasn't exactly like looking in the mirror, you can't deny that there's a certain commonality in our visages.
Et euh... bien que ce ne soit pas exactement comme se regarder dans un miroir, vous ne pouviez nier que nos visages ont des choses en commun.
I've been looking for someone with a shot like that.
Je recherche quelqu'un avec un tel lancer.
you were looking for a partner, for a way in, and you thought you found yourself a chump desperate enough to win you $ 32 million... it's not like that.
Tu cherchais un partenaire, un moyen de participer, et tu m'as pris pour un crétin désespéré qui allait te gagner le pognon. - C'est pas ça.
There's no point in looking at statistics like that.
Ne te fatigue pas à faire des statistiques.
Well, that's too bad'cause this is looking more and more like a setup.
Et bien, c'est dommage car plus ça va, plus ça a l'air d'un piège.
Tommy, what are you looking at me like that for?
Tommy, pourquoi tu me regardes comme ça?
What are you looking at me like that for?
Pourquoi tu me regardes comme ça?

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