Musician tradutor Francês
1,755 parallel translation
Girls don't wanna be with a broke musician.
Les filles ne veulent pas sortir avec un musicien fauche.
The winner gets to open a concert for a world-famous mystery musician.
le vainqueur fait la 1 re partie du concert d'un musicien surprise repute.
We'll open for the mystery musician. We'll win the whole thing.
On fera la 1 re partie du concert du chanteur surprise.
Welcome to the Super Estrella Mystery Musician tryouts.
Bienvenue aux auditions du Super Estrella Mystery Musician.
My name is Marco Mendez from Super Estrella and welcome to the Mystery Musician Contest.
Je suis Marco Mendez de Super Estrella et je vous souhaite la bienvenue au Mystery Musician Contest.
Tonight, one lucky band is gonna be named the winner and will open for the mystery musician next week.
Ce soir, on va connaître le nom du vainqueur qui fera la 1 re partie de la tournee du musicien surprise.
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the mystery musician :
Mesdames et messieurs, applaudissez le musicien surprise.
I would like to introduce to you right now the winners of the Mystery Musician Contest :
Je voudrais vous presenter les vainqueurs du Mystery Musician Contest :
A great musician, a benefactor of the senses...
- C'est un grand musicien et bienfaiteur des sens.
He's a pretty famous jazz musician.
C'est un saxophoniste super connu.
"He's a lover, a musician..."
Il est un amoureux, un musicien...
I played music. I was a musician.
J'étais musicien.
The fact that he's not a trained musician, but he's dedicated his whole life to Round About Midnight.
Car il n'a pas de formation musicale, mais il a dédié sa vie entière à Round About Midnight.
You should study it if you're an aspiring comedian or an aspiring musician, you should study it.
Tu devrais l'apprendre si tu veux devenir acteur ou musicien.
Every comic wants to be a musician.
Tout comique veut être musicien.
Every musician thinks they're funny.
Tout musicien se croit drôle.
What kind of blues musician would I be if I didn't talk shit over the music for you?
Quel genre de musicien de blues serais-je si je ne disais rien pendant que vous jouez de la musique?
You see, I'm a musician of sorts and on my way to give a very special performance.
Je suis un peu musicien et vais donner un concert exceptionnel.
What kind of musician?
Quel genre de musicien?
Now, Dr. Choi, Brandon Vandecamp from Beechwood... is our best musician by far... and his father, Landon, is our best donor, also by far.
Dr Choi, Brandon Vandecamp, de Beechwood, est de loin notre meilleur musicien, et son père, Landon, est de loin notre plus grand donateur.
"he can really draw, he's a musician or something."
Un de mes amis m'a dit : " Il a un super coup de crayon.
Did you know Shekhar's a musician?
Sais-tu que Shekhar s'interesse tant a la musique!
Not a musician...
Pas un musicien..
You've asked every musician in town for a demo.
Quel honneur, messieurs! - Le paquet sur la promo!
Dude! What a musician! Where's your suitcase?
Roly, je suis d'accord... mais je veux faire un truc qui me plaise!
- Show them what we're made of. Hey, I'm as much as a musician as you are.
Je ne peux pas te donner
I'm just a musician.
Moi, Je suis Juste musicien.
When i first started as a musician i performed in Kurdish at Mercin.
Quand j'ai commencé à chanter, j'ai donné un concert de chansons kurdes à Mersin.
Orhan Gensebai is a very important musician and he brought music with sazi in cities.
Orhan Gencebay est l'un des principaux interprètes à avoir transposé la culture du saz au coeur des villes.
Ren is aspiring to be a professional musician so a background like that only helps him, he said.
Il veut devenir un musicien reconnu. Un tel passé peut l'aider.
It's like teen angst combined with the desire to be a good musician, which represented many of our first hearing and for some reason, seemed to be mainly boys.
Cette angoisse adolescente associée au désir d'être un bon musicien... composait notre public des débuts. Et il se trouve qu'il y avait surtout des jeunes hommes.
Varg Vikernes, the most notorious black metal musician, was involved in a series of fires that destroyed some of the most treasured historic churches Norwegian in the early 90's.
Varg Vikernes, le musicien notoire, a été impliqué dans des incendies criminels qui ont détruit les églises du patrimoine au début des années 90.
He was also convicted of murdering another black metal musician and is now serving a life sentence.
Il a été condamné pour le meurtre d'un ami musicien à la réclusion à perpétuité.
What about that musician who hasn't been seen since the Senator's son got killed?
Et ce musicien qui a disparu depuis la mort du fils du Sénateur?
He was just a musician.
C'est juste un musicien.
not everybody's meant to be an artist or a musician.
Tout le monde ne peut pas devenir artiste ou musicien.
Oh, you really are a brilliant musician, Mr. Straker.
Oh, vous êtes un musicien brillant, M. Straker.
Oh, it's just a track from the hottest, most talented musician in the game today.
Oh, c'est juste une chanson du plus chaud, du plus talentueux musicien d'aujourd'hui.
"Struggling musician... commits suicide, album goes gold... and nobody cares..."
"Un musicien... se suicide, son album devient disque d'or... et personne ne s'en préoccupe..."
I thought you were a musician.
Je croyais que tu étais musicien.
Are you a musician?
Vous êtes musicien?
He was a musician.
Il était musicien.
- He's a musician?
- Il est musicien?
And that's all you are, a musician?
Et c'est tout ce que vous êtes? Un musicien?
As a musician, it bothers me when you sing off-key. As a musician, it also bothers me that you never shave your legs.
En tant que musicien, ça me dérange que tu chantes faux, et que tu te rases jamais les jambes.
"I'll date a musician."
"Je sortirai avec un musicien."
And it turns out Haley is, like, this mega-talented musician... and she's going for it.
Et il s'avère que Haley est une musicienne super douée et elle va en faire sa carrière.
And he's a musician.
Et il est musicien.
So he kind of had one up on me, he was a musician.
"et il est musicien."
Je vous présente Daniel Johnston.
you know, cause... an angry young musician.
un jeune musicien en colère.
musicians 70
musical 26
music 1237
music to my ears 26
music playing 317
music stops 177
music plays 42
music continues 98
music ends 17
music theme 17
musical 26
music 1237
music to my ears 26
music playing 317
music stops 177
music plays 42
music continues 98
music ends 17
music theme 17