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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ N ] / Norther

Norther tradutor Francês

27 parallel translation
Only Walla says it means a norther tomorrow.
Selon Walla, ça annonce un vent froid demain.
When pigs go around with sticks in their mouths, there'll be a blue norther in Texas.
Quand les poules auront des dents, le vent tournera au Texas.
- Norther, looks like.
- Le vent du nord!
A "norther"? What's a "norther"?
Ca fait quoi?
Then he dreamed he was in the village on his bed and there was a norther and he was very cold.
Puis il rêva qu'il était au village dans son lit, et qu'il y avait un vent du nord très froid.
Be three or four days till this norther blows itself out.
Dans trois ou quatre jours, le vent du nord aura cessé.
But a norther blew for three days, and snow drifted over the tracks.
Le vent du Nord souffla recouvrant de neige la voie du chemin de fer.
- That poet, Norther Winslow, did.
Le poète Norther Winslow.
Last person we had from Ashton was Norther Winslow.
Le dernier arrivant d'Ashton était Norther Winslow.
It's me, Norther Winslow.
C'est moi, Norther Winslow!
That's great, Norther.
C'est formidable.
I told Norther about the vagaries of Texas oil money... and its effect on real-estate prices... and how lax enforcement of fiduciary process... had made savings and loans particularly vulnerable.
J'expliquai à Norther les aléas... des cours du pétrole et leur effet sur l'immobilier. Le manque de respect des obligations fiduciaires... avait rendu les organismes de crédit vulnérables.
Hearing this news, Norther was left with one conclusion :
Quand Norther entendit ça, une conclusion s'imposa à lui.
Norther's were just beginning.
Celle de Norther commençait.
When Norther made his first million dollars... he sent me a cheque for 10,000.
Quand il gagna son premier million, il m'envoya un chèque de 10000 $.
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man Resync for WEB-DL by Norther
- Épisode 12 The Hesitation Ramification
It is the most productive glacier in the Norther Hemisphere.
C'est le glacier le plus prolifique de l'hémisphère nord.
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = Resync for WEB-DL by Norther
= = sync, corrected by elderman = =
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = Resync for WEB-DL by Norther
= = traduit par Samia, Lyracherry, Midionos = =
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = Resync for WEB-DL by Norther
Traduction : Addic7ed team
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = Resync for WEB-DL by Norther
= = syncro par elderman = =
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man Resync for WEB-DL by Norther
Last Forever Blopette, BelXander, Bonakor, Elysalys, Fandezelda, Firekiss, Orion, Orophera, Vt4 Yannou.
d'Cause it's you d Oh, it's always you Sync and corrections by Norther
- Red Bedroom Team -
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man Resync for WEB-DL by Norther
Saison 9, épisode 2 : Coming Back

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