Patches tradutor Francês
513 parallel translation
- Tell Patches I'll meet you at the bar.
- Je te retrouve au bar. - D'accord.
Just a few patches left.
Il n'en reste que par endroits.
I shall find someplace for the bean patches anyway -... outside your mighty city.
De toute façon, on trouvera un endroit pour le ghetto hors de ta grandiose cité.
We've been running through patches of it for half an hour.
Ça fait une demi-heure que ça se prépare.
But he won't do you no harm when he sees the voodoo patches. He'll let you pass.
Quand il verra les insignes vaudou, il vous laissera passer.
And patches will I get unto these scars... and swear I got them in these present wars.
Je déguiserai ces cicatrices et raconterai que je les ai eues durant ces guerres.
No, I have 4 patches to fix for tomorrow.
J'ai 4 toiles à faire pour demain.
Of course, it needs a little sprucing up, some paint and some patches.
Il va falloir restaurer un peu, repeindre, réparer quelque peu.
- A king of shreds and patches!
Un arlequin qui joue au roi!
I'll be kind of busy getting acquainted and sewing on shoulder patches.
Je dois m'installer et coudre mes insignes.
It's a secret move, so rip off your shoulder patches.
La manœuvre est secrète, arrachez vos insignes.
Put those shoulder patches back on.
de recoudre vos insignes.
Northwest of Scotland on the broad expanse of the Atlantic lie the lovely islands of the Outer Hebrides small scattered patches of sand and rock rising out of the ocean.
Au nord-ouest de l'Écosse en plein Atlantique, le charmant archipel des Hébrides, avec ses innombrables îlots rocheux, émerge de l'océan.
You've led us through swamps, canebrakes, and briar patches all day.
Nous n'avons fait que traverser marécages, fourrés et ronces,
And we have tilled those patches of land
Et nous avons labouré ces parcelles de terre.
You better get going before you get some patches on them blue breeches.
Filez avant que je fasse destrous dans votre uniforme.
- you could kick those patches off.
Ne t'amuse pas avec les rustines.
Should you burst, my snare drum, I'll put patches on you.
Si tu éclates, tambour, Je vais te rapiécer.
Should you burst, my snare drum, I'll put patches on you.
Si tu éclates, tambour, Je te rapiécerai.
In some places there are patches. Hado check it out.
Y a des taches, mais faut s'approcher.
Below us, when we could still see through the patches of angry clouds were smashed cities and forests torn up by their roots.
Sous nos pieds, à travers les cortèges de nuages furieux, nous apercevions des villes dévastées et des forêts entières déracinées.
We saw birds, and many overgrown plants, as if patches of nature had gone wild.
Nous vîmes des oiseaux et des plantes géantes, comme si la nature n'avait plus de limites.
With their neat little petunia patches.
Avec leurs petits carrés de pétunias.
Bright in patches.
Dégagé à certains endroits.
Still patches of snow on the top, Roberts?
On voit toujours de la neige au sommet, Roberts?
And patches on the sleeves, and moth holes, and a tear in the pocket.
Elle était rapiécée, rongée par les mites et la poche était déchirée.
In your report you said that the Mahdi's people... wore jibbers covered with patches.
Vos rapports indiquent que les mahdistes portent des djellabas cousues de pièces.
That thing does not endured when she was young And do not improve with patches made by an amateur.
- Restes-en au ski. - A mon rang, c'est ça?
A bag of bones with bald patches on its sides.
EffIanqué, pelé, attaché à un arbre.
All I had to wear was one suit, nothing but patches. But clean.
Je n'avais qu'un seul costume rapiécé, mais propre!
Some were born with rags and patches
D'aucuns sont nés dans la misère
Look, I have spots and patches anywhere.
J'ai de tâches partout et de ravaudages.
I count four patches.
Je compte quatre traces.
Let's have a look at the green patches.
Examinons les traces vertes.
First I'd like to see one of the separate patches of green at 1,000.
D'abord, je veux examiner l'une de ces taches vertes à 1000.
well, the rabbit fur fell off of it and the paint was running down his legs, and the bald patches were showing through. and the piece of ginger flew out of his- - flew out of the poor animal's ass like it was shot from a cannon.
Les peaux de lapin se décollent, la peinture dégouline, les endroits pelés redeviennent visibles et le gingembre sort de son...
He was wearing a rather old-fashioned jacket with leather patches on the shoulders and at the elbows.
Une veste démodée... avec du cuir aux épaules et aux coudes.
"When last seen he was wearing a tweed jacket " with leather patches on the shoulders and elbows "and carrying a raincoat."
Il portait une veste en tweed... à pièces de cuir... et un imperméable sur le bras.
Good, because I've got some information to impart. Now, this man you're looking for, the one with the patches on his suit. I know him.
Eh bien, l'homme que vous recherchez... celui qui porte un veston avec des pièces...
A king of shreds and patches...
Le poète n'est pas un roi de chiffons.
... ten years of combat and more than 1,000 holes from enemy fire... Patches, the ancient C-123... used for spraying chemical defoliants in Vietnam is being retired.
... dix ans de combat et plus de mille blessures de guerre, le vieux bombardier Patches, un C-123 qui pulvérisait du défoliant au Viêt-nam va rentrer au hangar.
Patches will leave Saigon and is destined for exhibition... at the Air Force Museum at Wright - Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.
Patches quittera Saigon et sera exposé au musée de l'aviation militaire de la base de Wright-Patterson, Ohio.
A fire which took my face and left these few scorched patches that now you see.
Un feu qui brûla mon visage et laissa ces traces de feu - que vous voyez aujourd'hui ici.
Was that the enemy received wet patches upon their trousers And in some cases Small red strawberry marks upon their thighs.
Il résulta de l'action de Walters que l'ennemi eut des taches humides sur ses pantalons et, parfois, de petites marques couleur fraise sur les cuisses.
I'm held together with patches of plastic and steel plates.
Je ne tiens que grâce à des broches de métal.
Jack Patches, Gus Traynor, Long Oscar Nash, Marty Simon.
Jack Patches, Gus Traynor, Long Oscar Nash, Marty Simon.
Patches of snow and the grass, it was so green.
Les monceaux de neige et de l'herbe verte, d'un vert vif.
Do anything I want. Roll in the fields. Talk to the wheat patches.
Faire ce queje voulais, me rouler dans l'herbe, parler aux saisonniers.
"There were patches of white lilies..."
" et avant qu'une heure n'ait passé,
Look at these phalanges, spore producing patches.
Regardez ces spores.
the poor thing had bald patches on it like that.
La pauvre bête, en plus, était toute pelée.