Presently tradutor Francês
658 parallel translation
The man who presently goes by Walter Turner :
L'homme qui se fait nommer Walter Turner : Fritz Rasp
Not yet, presently. Come, John.
- Pas tout de suite.
I shall be going out presently.
Je vais bientôt sortir.
He'll be along presently.
Il va bientôt arriver.
- Presently, Mr. Preysing. - No, now. This is very urgent.
C'est très urgent.
Yes, thank you. I'll recover again presently, in 10 or 20 years.
Pour me refaire, il me faudrait 10 ou 20 ans.
Helen, I shall take you home presently.
Helen, je vais vous ramener chez vous.
I expect shell be down presently.
Elle devrait redescendre.
Monsieur Giron, madame will be with you presently.
Madame ne va pas tarder. Très bien, Jacques.
Presently, he enters.
Là, il entre.
They'll be along presently.
J'avais hâte de vous voir!
Presently. I hope you don't mind my not dressing.
J'espêre que vous excusez ma tenue.
I'll have a fire for you presently.
Je vous allume un feu.
We will hear it presently, in private audience.
Nous l'entendrons en audience privée.
I shall join you presently, my love.
Je vous rejoindrai sous peu, mon amour.
Presently, mein Herr. Certainly. At once.
Tout de suite, monsieur.
Now, you go along. I'll talk to you presently.
Allez, je vous parlerai tout à l'heure.
Get your costumes together, meet presently at the palace.
Mettez votre costume. Rendons-nous sur-le-champ au palais.
You leave that to me. I'll tell you that presently.
Je vous le dirai plus tard.
These are not important. Presently will do.
Ils ne sont pas importants.
Presently he'll be taking you back to Zenith.
Bientôt, il te ramènera à Zenith.
I'm examining that girl we looked at presently.
Je dois aller examiner la jeune fille que j'ai vue hier.
He'll be back presently.
Il ne va pas être long.
My husband will be here presently.
Mon mari sera là dans un instant.
When presently through all thy veins shall run a cold and drowsy humor, for no pulse, no warmth, no breath, shall testify thou livest.
Aussitôt, à travers toutes tes veines va courir une humeur froide et léthargique, et aucun pouls, aucune chaleur, aucun souffle n'attesteront que tu vis.
- Oh, that's just a minor risk compared to some of the dangers I've had to go through, and the adventures in which I'm presently engaged.
- Il s'agit d'un risque mineur en comparaison des dangers que j'ai de l'affronter et des aventures dans lesquelles je me suis embarqué.
- Then presently others will go.
- Alors, d'autres partiront.
His Highness, the Archduke Gustav Ernest, will see you presently.
Son Altesse, l'archiduc Gustav Ernest, va vous recevoir maintenant.
It'll be sharper presently.
Elle va l'être davantage.
- Presently, you come in.
- Puis, tu entres.
- He'll be along presently. - Presently? !
Il ne va pas tarder.
The whole world is seething, nations are crashing to their doom and he'll be along presently.
Le monde entier est en ébullition! Des nations sont au bord du désastre et "il ne va pas tarder".
That wire will be here presently.
Le fil va arriver.
Horace, do be quiet. I'll talk to you presently.
Horace, taisez-vous.
Anyway, this man finally came to us And Doctor Dorando, whom I shall introduce presently,
Cet homme est finalement venu voir Dr Dorando, que je vous présenterai.
Presently, I am out of touch.
J'ai actuellement perdu ce contact.
See you presently.
À bientôt.
- He'll be here presently.
- Il va venir bientôt.
Yes, yes, Mr Hillbeiner, I'll be there presently.
Oui, M. Hillbeiner, j'arrive tout de suite.
There'll be another along presently.
Il y en aura un autre.
We shall presently hang you.
Nous allons plutôt vous pendre. Suivez-moi.
I wish my husband were here. We expect him presently.
J ´ aurais tant voulu que mon mari soit là.
Presently I shall assume a state of trance in which the higher mind merges with the astral portion of the human ego.
Il devrait se produire un état de transe au cours duquel l'esprit supérieur s'unit à la partie astrale de l'ego humain.
Already, he's godfather to half the infants in Sevilla. Presently, we'll have to hire an armory!
Il est déjà... le parrain... de la moitié de Séville.
If you'll excuse me, I shall be back presently.
Excusez-moi, je reviens dans quelques minutes.
Late of the 5th Royal Lancers, presently of the 1 st Michigan Cavalry.
5e Lancier. À présent au 1er de Cavalerie du Michigan.
He'll be along presently.
Il va arriver.
- Oh, darling, ask me presently.
- Tu veux le savoir maintenant?
- I will presently.
Plus tard.
She'll be down presently.
Oui, elle va descendre.
Of a summer night young men would bring an orchestra under a pretty girl's window and flute, harp, fiddle, cello, coronet, bass viol would presently release their melodies to the dulcet stars.
On amenait un orchestre sous les fenêtres de la belle. Flûte, harpe, violon, violoncelle, contrebasse résonnaient dans les nuits étoilées.
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presence 19
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preserved 33
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present company excepted 25
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