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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ R ] / R2

R2 tradutor Francês

468 parallel translation
Following the action against the radar station, your route of departure... will be track "E"... along here to the abandoned airstrip at "R2" here.
Aprës la destruction de la station, suivez la piste "E" jusqu'au terrain abandonné, "R-2".
Well, now, officially we're part of Regimental Headquarters R2 on the organization charts.
Officiellement, on relève du quartier général du régiment, R2 sur le tableau organisationnel.
R2-D2, where are you?
R2-D2, où es-tu?
R2-D2, it is you!
R2-D2, c'est toi!
This R2 unit has a bad motivator. Look.
Ce R2 a un défaut de motivateur!
Excuse me, sir, but that R2 unit is in prime condition, a real bargain.
Que Monsieur m'excuse, mais ce R2 est en parfait état. Une affaire en or!
And I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations. And this is my counterpart, R2-D2.
Mon nom est C-3PO, relations humains / cyborg, et voici mon équipier, R2-D2.
Behave yourself, R2. You're going to get us into trouble.
Tiens-toi bien, tu vas nous attirer des ennuis!
But with all we've been through, this R2 unit has become a bit eccentric.
Après ce que nous avons traversé, R2 a les circuits dérangés.
- I think that R2 unit might have been stolen.
- Ce R2-D2 pourrait bien avoir été volé.
Tomorrow, take that R2 unit to Anchorhead and have its memory erased.
Demain, emmène ce R2-D2 pour qu'on lui efface sa mémoire.
That R2 unit has always been a problem.
Ce R2 a toujours fait des siennes!
It might be our little R2 unit.
C'est peut-être R2...
I have placed information vital to the survival of the rebellion... into the memory systems of this R2 unit.
J'ai placé des informations vitales dans le mémorisateur de ce droïde R2-D2.
These are the same Jawas that sold us R2 and 3PO.
Ces Jawas nous ont vendu les 2 droïdes!
Come along, R2.
Viens, R2.
Lock the door, R2.
Bloque la porte, R2!
Now be careful, R2.
Attention, R2!
I suggest a new strategy, R2.
R2, modifie ta stratégie!
Master Luke, sir, pardon me for asking... but what should R2 and I do if we're discovered here?
Maître Luke, pardonnez cette question, mais que ferons-nous si on nous trouve ici?
I've got your R2 unit. - I'm here with Ben Kenobi.
Le R2 est ici, et Ben!
They're dying, R2.
Ils sont en train de mourir!
Come on, R2. We're going.
Vite, allons-y!
This is all your fault.
C'est ta faute, R2!
At least the information in R2 is still intact.
En tout cas, on a sauvé les informations de R2!
You must use the information in this R2 unit to help plan the attack.
Les informations du R2 dicteront notre tactique.
This R2 unit of yours seems a bit beat up.
Votre R2 a l'air mal en point.
You okay, R2? Good.
Ça va, R2?
Hang on tight, R2.
Tiens bon la rampe, R2!
R2, see what you can do with it.
R2, essaie de rafistoler ça.
R2, that stabilizer's broken loose again.
R2! Le stabilisateur ballotte, tâche de le bloquer!
R2, try and increase the power.
R2, monte les gaz!
Hang on, R2.
Cramponne-toi, R2!
I've lost R2.
Ils ont eu R2!
R2, can you hear me?
R2, tu m'entends?
I used to call it the R2 / A2 Formula.
Je l'appelais la Formule I 1 / A3.
You must come along now, R2.
Si, si, rentre, R2.
Mistress Leia, R2 says he's been quite unable to pick up any signals... although he admits that his own range is far too weak to abandon all hope.
Princesse Leia, R2 n'a pu capter aucun signal. Mais n'en déduisez pas qu'il faille abandonner tout espoir.
R2 says the chances of survival are 725-to-1.
R2 évalue leurs chances de survie à 725... contre 1.
Actually, R2 has been known to make mistakes... from time to time.
Cela dit, R2 est connu pour faire des erreurs... de temps à autre.
- R2 expresses his relief also.
- Merci, 3 PO. - R2 exprime aussi son soulagement.
R2, you take good care of Master Luke now, understand?
R2, veille bien sur maître Luke.
Don't worry, R2.
Mais oui, R2.
There's nothing wrong, R2.
Rien ne cloche.
Yes, R2.
Oui, R2.
No, R2, you stay put.
Non, toi, tu restes là.
R2, that way.
R2... par là!
Plug in.
Branche R2.

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