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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ S ] / Squadron

Squadron tradutor Francês

1,149 parallel translation
It'll take the squadron adjutants two days... to draw up all those requests.
Deux jours... pour rédiger les demandes.
Squadron adjutants are sloppy sometimes... and I don't want them criticized for sloppy paperwork.
Comme elles seront mal rédigées... et que je ne veux pas de critiques...
Fair, particularly the low squadron.
Pas mal, surtout pour l'escadron du bas.
Bishop, high squadron, Hollerman the low.
Bishop, l'escadron du haut. Hollerman celui du bas.
Cobb, they're heading for the high squadron.
Attention, Cobb, ils foncent sur vous!
Gate / y, pull that squadron fon / vard.
Gately, amenez l'escadron plus avant.
17 dropping out of blue squadron.
B 17 en difficulté.
- That fortress is 20 minutes behind their squadron now.
Cette forteresse a 20 minutes de retard sur son escadrille. - Vingt-cinq!
Radio silence, a great, big ocean... and us six hours behind our squadron, alone.
Silence radio, un vaste océan... et nous, six heures derrière notre escadrille, seuls.
The lion's den. Headquarters of England's Caribbean Squadron.
Le port d'attache de la Flotte Anglaise des Caraïbes!
You'll be attached to Leighton's squadron.
Vous serez dans l'escadrille de Leighton.
Our squadron should be here before nightfall.
Notre escadrille sera là avant la nuit.
They've just sighted our squadron.
Ils ont aperçu l'escadrille.
This is the story of a group of young American men who comprised the Marine Fighter Squadron VMF 247.
Ce film raconte l'histoire d'un groupe d'Américains... de l'Escadrille des Fusiliers-Marins...
Gentlemen, Major Kirby, your new squadron commander.
Le Commandant Kirby, votre nouveau chef.
This squadron has a warning order to stand by.
Nous sommes sur un pied d'alerte.
Here's the squadron roster and table of organization. We're in good shape.
Voilà le dossier de l'escadrille.
When they don't give the squadron to the exec it's because he hasn't been recommended.
Vous pensez : "On l'aurait nommé Commandant s'il le méritait."
- We'll make a squadron out of this.
- On va créer une espadrille.
The major's got himself a short-handed squadron with no replacements, planes, parts or pilots.
Le Commandant a peu d'hommes... et encore moins de renforts, pièces de rechange et pilotes.
He was the nicest guy in the squadron.
C'était un chic type...
I knew him. I knew a whole squadron of him at Midway. I knew him, all right.
Je le connaissais, car j'ai eu des hommes comme lui à Midway!
Unless I absolutely need you your squadron will be exempted from flying interception missions.
A moins que je ne puisse m'en passer... vos hommes désormais ne feront plus d'autres missions...
Well, he's the best man in the squadron.
C'est le meilleur des pilotes.
I'm sure the rest of the squadron will be relieved in the next couple of days.
L'escadrille sera relevée dans deux jours.
I recommended that you not take over this squadron.
Savez-vous pourquoi...
They just call it Canal. Your squadron Flying Wildcats, major?
On dit Canal dans l'Armée, pas vrai, Commandant?
Dan, I've just received a dispatch to form a new squadron that has to be ready for combat in a forthcoming major operation.
J'ai reçu ordre de former une nouvelle escadrille... en vue d'une prochaine attaque.
We'll get them canceled if you'll take over this squadron.
Je vous ferai nommer chef de l'escadrille.
Which has happened too often in the past. But this time your squadron will be all first-team.
Il y a eu des erreurs commises... mais votre escadrille ne les commettra pas.
Scuttlebutt has it they're forming a new squadron with you as CO and me as exec. Is that right?
Vous prenez le commandement... de la nouvelle escadrille?
That you turned down Washington to get a squadron? That shouldn't be hard to tell me.
Que tu laisses tomber Washington pour une escadrille... c'est facile à deviner.
I didn't expect to get the squadron on your recommendation. You were a heel.
Je ne m'attendais pas à ce que vous me recommandiez comme chef d'escadrille.
A doubled guard and yesterday Tigellinus and a squadron of his butchers left for Rome.
Hier, Tigellin et ses bouchers sont partis pour Rome.
And what's he? This michael cassio, this florentine, that never set a squadron in the field nor the division of a battle knows more than a spinster.
Et qu'est-il, ce Michel Cassio, ce Florentin qui n'a jamais commandé et qui, dans ce domaine, ne vaut pas une vieille fille.
" Training Squadron 87 B will be dispatched to Honolulu
" le régiment 87 B est dispatché à Honolulu
Detail from Training Squadron 87 B reporting as ordered, sir.
Régiment 87 B au rapport, sir
Pursuit Squadron A!
Equipe de recherche A!
Where's Pursuit Squadron B?
Où est l'équipe de recherche B?
The 366th Bomb Squadron out of CheIveston?
De la 36éme Escadre de Chelveston?
Black Dog Leader to squadron.
Black Dog Leader à l'escadrille.
I've brought a friend, Squadron Leader Forrester.
J'ai amené un ami, le chef d'escadrille Forrester.
This is Squadron Leader Forrester.
Voici le chef d'escadrille Forrester.
This will be Squadron Leader Forrester, I have no doubt.
Le chef d'escadrille Forrester, j'en suis sûre.
10 years in a garrison and a relative in the ministry, and you become a squadron leader.
Mais la condamnation à mort, il faut la mériter.
Look, if we run into thousands of the thing you killed yesterday it'll take a bomber squadron plus an infantry regiment to mop up.
La destruction de milliers de ces bêtes exigera une escadrille de bombardiers.
It only leaves a bare two months to train a squadron and prepare the bombs.
Cela ne laisse que de deux mois à peine pour former un escadron et préparer les bombes.
It'll mean taking a squadron out of the line for special training.
Ça veut dire retirer un escadron du service actif pour le former.
No, we must form a special squadron for this and man it with experienced crews who've just finished their present 30 trips.
Non, nous devons former un escadron spécial pour cela avec des équipages expérimentés qui viennent de terminer leurs 30 missions.
Have you anyone in mind to command the squadron?
Avez-vous quelqu'un à l'esprit pour commander l'escadron?
Get me squadron operation.
Passez-moi le QG.

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