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Strickland tradutor Francês

212 parallel translation
He's Ed Strickland of The Birmingham News.
C'est Ed Strickland du Birmingham News!
Ed Strickland of The Birmingham News who played one of the major roles in bringing this story to public attention.
Ed Strickland, du Birmingham News, qui a joué un rôle majeur pour porter cette histoire à l'attention du public.
What's our toughest problem? You want me to talk to Warren Strickland?
Voulez-vous que je parle au chef de l'opposition?
Senator Strickland, wouldn't you say that's sudden?
Vous ne trouvez pas cela un peu brusqué?
Mrs Strickland, do you buy the jeans and the blouses and the shirts.
Mrs Strickland, vous achetez les jeans, les vestes et les chemisiers?
Do you know anything about football, Mrs Strickland?
Vous vous y connaissez en football, Mrs Strickland?
Cathy, how come you lost Jack Strickland?
Cathy, pourquoi as-tu perdu Jack Strickland?
Who's Jack Strickland?
Qui est Jack Strickland?
We're sorry Mrs Strickland.
Désolé, Mrs Strickland.
Mrs Strickland, I'll be glad to give you a couple of bucks
Je vous donnerai avec plaisir quelques dollars
Strickland's looking for you.
Strickland te cherche.
Can I go now, Mr. Strickland?
M. Strickland?
That's Strickland.
C'est Strickland.
Dr Strickland has proved the cure is to increase the pressure of the fears, not lessen it.
Dr Strickland a prouvé que le traitement... augmente la pression insupportable de la peur... au lieu de la diminuer.
If you want my opinion, I think this Strickland thing is a lot of baloney.
Cette histoire de Strickland... c'est un tas de balivernes!
- Dr Strickland didn't have the police, did he?
Dr Strickland n'a jamais été aux prises avec la police, non? Je pourrais les tuer pour intrusion.
Then Jeff lost his ride with the Strickland team just before the championship race here at Westwood Springs, so I got Phoenix to bail him out with another car.
Mais l'écurie Strickland lui a retiré son auto juste avant le championnat ici, à Westwood Springs. J'ai demandé à Phénix de lui donner une autre auto.
Well, I think the press is almost finished with Strickland.
Je crois que la presse a presque fini avec Strickland.
So that's Carl Strickland, huh?
C'est donc lui, Carl Strickland?
When I refused to sell him my design patent, Strickland got so mad he dumped me from his racing team.
Quand j'ai refusé de lui vendre mon brevet, il était si fâché qu'il m'a viré de son équipe.
This fuel-injection system will make the Strickland the fastest car on the road, which I intend to prove at Sunday's race.
Ce système d'injection fera de la Strickland l'auto la plus rapide, et je le prouverai lors de la course, dimanche.
Mr. Strickland's money.
Pour l'argent de M. Strickland.
I need more than promises from you, Strickland, I need results.
Il me faut des résultats, pas des promesses, Strickland.
Hans Visser completes a blistering qualifying round in the Strickland.
Tour de qualification fulgurant de Visser dans sa Strickland.
Now, with only two cars left to qualify, it looks like Strickland is guaranteed pole position.
Avec deux autres autos qui restent, il semble que Strickland aura sûrement la pole position.
Qualifying time for the Strickland car, 1 : 15 : 58.
Temps de qualification pour la Strickland, 1 : 15 : 58.
Oh, he's got a lot of catching up to do if he hopes to beat the qualifying time set by the Strickland entry.
Il a du temps à rattraper pour battre le temps de qualification établi par la Strickland.
And Strickland stays on top of the series.
Et Strickland va encore dominer.
I did do a little checking on Strickland.
J'ai fait une petite étude sur Strickland.
Sounds like Strickland blackmailed O'Malley into sabotaging our car.
Strickland a fait chanter O'Malley pour ce sabotage.
On the pole, we have Hans Visser driving the black Strickland car, number eight.
Hans Visser occupe la corde, au volant de la Strickland noire, numéro huit.
Not enjoying the race, Mr. Strickland?
La course ne vous a pas plu, M. Strickland?
Visser rolled over on Strickland, so they're both being arraigned on murder charges tomorrow morning.
Visser s'est retourné contre Strickland. Ils passent en justice pour meurtre demain.
Mr. Strickland.
M. Strickland.
Mr. Strickland.
- M. Strickland.
One. Please, Mr. Strickland, I just want to know what the hell's going on here.
M. Strickland je veux juste savoir ce qui se passe.
Hey, Strickland!
- Hé! Strickland!
Why, Mr. Strickland, it's nice to see you, sir. Is that liquor I smell, Tannen?
Marshal Strickland.
Maréchal Strickland.
- Strickland.
- Strickland.
- Commissioner. - Whatever.
Prêfet Strickland.
That's Deputy Commissioner Palmer Strickland.
C'est le préfet Strickland.
Commissioner Strickland. That is the cause of all this!
Voilà la cause de tout ca!
Um, You are a funny guy, Strickland.
Vous êtes marrant, Strickland.
I heard the alarm, and I arrived there with Strickland but the time we got in there they have already eaten through them.
J'ai donné l'alarme, je suis venue avec Strickland, mais à notre arrivée, ça les avait déjà rongés.
Horace Strickland had them delivered to drug dealers.
Horace Strickland les a livrés à des trafiquants de drogue.
Strickland had felony drug smuggling charge as in FBI record.
Il est fiché par le FBI.
Strickland's bank account was getting pretty fat minus few payments to Larry Meyers.
Strickland avait un joli compte en banque. Moins ses versements à Larry Meyers.
He was withdrawing money out of Strickland's, threatening to blow Wilkes on the operation.
Il menaçait Strickland de révéler le trafic.
Funny, Strickland.
Très drôle, Strickland.
Strickland spike the MZT shippment.
Strickland a percé la cargaison de MZT pour que ça ronge le joint de Dan

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