Suck on that tradutor Francês
230 parallel translation
Suck on that, you ugly fuck!
Je t'ai explosé, enfoiré!
Hey, baby, I want to suck on that!
Oh, j'en mangerais!
Remember this? Suck on that for a while.
Suce ça un moment.
Suck on that!
Prends ça!
- Do you mind if I suck on that?
- Tu permets que je suce?
Suck on that.
Why don't you guys take a suck on that tailpipe? Son of a bitch!
Sucez le tuyau d'échappement, et on vous enterrera vous aussi!
Suck on that, you bitch-ass trick.
Suce ça, pédale.
Suck on that.
So what do you say we let Andy boy suck on that tit till he ODs?
On le laisse se défoncer jusqu'à ce qu'il fasse une overdose?
Suck on that, creep!
Vas te faire foutre, connard!
Suck on that, pal!
Frank, do you really need to suck on that bottle like that?
Frank, comment fais tu pour boire cette bouteille comme ca?
Suck on that. That's right.
Je veux voir maintenant.
Suck on that!
Qu'est-ce que tu as à dire?
Let me suck on that hicky later!
Je la lécherai plus tard!
'Suck on that.'
'Prends ça dans ta gueule.'
Suck on that.
Dans le baba!
If we could suck that guy out here where he don't smell us... we could knock out that tank right here. Right on this spot.
Si on pouvait l'attirer ici, où il ne nous flaire pas, on détruirait le tank juste là, au bon endroit.
On top of that, you want to suck the blood out of me?
En plus, vous voulez me sucer le sang?
You get dolls that suck milk bottles, that pee, that poo, everything. None of them sweat and bleed and that's the doll for this Christmas.
Il y a des poupées qui tètent, pissent, font caca et tout, mais on n'en trouve pas qui aient leur règles.
Corinna was choking on some bad cheese so I initiated a Heimlich maneuver. And when that didn't work I tried to suck out the cheese using the Hoover maneuver.
Corinna a avalé du fromage de travers alors je lui ai montré quoi faire, mais comme elle n'est pas douée j'ai essayé de faire sortir le fromage avec la technique de l'aspirateur.
Is that what you're getting for a suck... these days, 50 bucks?
C'est ce qu'on paie pour une pipe de nos jours? 50 dollars?
One single, salty tear is all that they'll ever suck out of this Cry-Baby.
Une seule larme salée, voilà tout ce qu'on pourra jamais tirer de Cry-Baby.
You can catch that shit from letting them suck on your dick too.
Pauv con, tu sais pas que tu peux le choper en te faisant sucer?
that now he was The ivy which had hid my princely trunk And suck'd my verdure out on't.
Il était à présent le lierre qui cachait mon tronc princier, et il suça toute ma vigueur.
I mean, you happen to be a low-life rat bastard motherfucker, who will sell off his newborn for a suck off that glass dick, crack will bring it right on in the light.
Si t'es un pauvre minable, un sale enculé, qui vendra son bébé pour un coup de cette bite de verre, le crack te montrera comme t'es.
I mean, I was thinkin you might be thinkin'... that we want you to do somethin like weird sex thing, you know, like, suck us off, pee on us, shit like that.
en fait, je pensais que tu pourrais penser... qu'on voulait te faire faire des choses comme des trucs sexuels bizarres, tu sais, comme, nous sucer à tour de rôle, nous pisser dessus, des saloperies comme ça.
We've got a bunch of vampires out there... trying to get in here and suck our fucking blood, and that's it, plain and simple.
Des vampires s'apprêtent à entrer ici pour nous sucer le sang. C'est simple. Et qu'on ne me dise pas :
You've got some mashed potatoes... come on, suck up some of that jello.
Il y a de la purée... allez prenez aussi un peu de cette gelée.
That way it'd help build up our iron. Can't I just suck on some rusty nails?
Je préfère sucer des clous rouillés.
"It's easy to predict that after only two films... that Diggler's suck-cess can only grow and grow and grow..."
"On peut d'ores et déjà prédire " que son "sucsex" ira grossissant, grossissant, grossissant... "
Like, throw some supervillain with big fuckin'tits... that shoot milk or somethin', and I'll just, like, suck her dry... and bust some moves on her.
Genre une super-méchante avec des putain de gros nichons qui balancent du lait, moi je les viderais et je les secouerais.
You just rip the head off like that and suck.
On arrache la tête et on suce.
So if you don't get that computer back on-line, sir... this unstable gravity well's gonna suck us in... one molecule at a time, sir! - So?
- Alors?
That "I wanna suck your dick" look.
Un regard où on lit "je veux te sucer la bite".
Did you also hear that ifyou do not enter the pyramid... before the sun strikes it on that very morning... that the bracelet will suck the life out ofyou?
Sais-tu aussi que si tu n'entres pas... dans la pyramide avant le lever du soleil ce matin-là... le bracelet aspirera toute la vie qui est en toi?
Yeah, that's got to suck.
Oui, on évite le sujet.
To stay alive, he has to suck on the souls of the livin', and that if the souls are small, his life force doesn't last long.
Pour rester en vie, il doit sucer les âmes des vivants, et si elles sont petites, il n'a pas la force de vivre longtemps.
Your father went out on a limb for me. I don't want to let him down. Because that would be like letting you down, and that would suck.
Ton père a été sympa de s'investir pour moi, et je ne voudrais pas le laisser tomber car ce serait comme te laisser tomber, et ça craindrait.
You guys suck, you know that?
Vous êtes tous nuls! On vous l'a dit?
I'm gonna suck on the cellophane from that brownie.
Je lèche le papier de mon brownie.
But first, let us just say that the people who we didn't pick were only not picked because they totally suck balls. Kyle?
Mais je tiens à dire à ceux qu'on a éliminés que c'est parce qu'ils sont vraiment nazes.
That means we're going to have to suck up just about every drop of juice east of the Rockies to fire Destiny.
On a besoin de toute l'énergie à l'est des Rocheuses pour lancer Destin.
Jesus, Laura, do you have to suck on it like that?
Jesus, Laura, est ce que tu aimes boire comme ca?
I don't need somebody telling me that I suck.
J'aime pas qu'on me dise que je suis nul.
And as sure as I'm standing here right now, that we might suck :
Et aussi sûr que je suis debout ici, je peux vous assurer que- - on pourrait être nuls.
Yeah, but the one thing that we both agree on is that I suck as a dad, and that's genetics.
Ouais, mais la chose sur laquelle on est d'accord c'est que je vaux rien comme père, et ça c'est de la génétique.
They said that we suck.
Elles ont dit qu'on craignait.
Sniffing for me like a vampire bat for a horse with a nick on its ear that he can suck on.
Comme une chauve-souris vampire qui veut sucer une coupure sur l'oreille d'un cheval.
- That's what you want to suck on?
- C'est ce que tu veux sucer?
suck on this 27
on that 88
on that note 90
on that night 19
on that side 16
on that day 78
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
on that 88
on that note 90
on that night 19
on that side 16
on that day 78
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's me 2273
that's my baby 48
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that's my baby 48
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20