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That you did tradutor Francês

53,614 parallel translation
Styvesan told the boss that you did have it.
Styvesan a dit au patron que tu l'avais.
Laura told me all that you did for her.
Laura m'a dit ce que vous aviez fait.
I guess it drove me nuts that I was such a fucking mess... and nothing I did ever scared you away.
Ça me rendait folle, car j'étais vraiment dérangée, mais rien de ce que je faisais ne te repoussait.
And how did Claire's parents feel about you and Wilson making contact like that?
Comment ont-ils réagi quand Wilson l'a contactée?
That might be the smartest shit or the dumbest shit you ever did.
Ton idée est soit géniale, soit complètement idiote.
In the fight back there, what did you say to that guy?
Allez-y. - La dispute tout à l'heure au casse-croûte, qu'avez-vous dit au gars?
If she reacted like you just did that would be realistic.
Sa réaction aurait dû être comme la vôtre. Là, ce serait concevable.
Did you hear that scream?
- J'ai entendu quelqu'un crier. - Quelqu'un crier?
Did you guys just see that?
Vous avez vu ça?
How did you do that?
Comment t'as fait ça?
Even if I did believe you, which I don't, what could you possibly offer me that I don't already have?
Même si je te crois, ce qui n'est pas le cas, Qu'est-ce que tu pourrais m'offrir que je n'aie pas déjà?
Why is that? My God, why here? What did you do?
C'est pas possible, je fais quoi?
Did I tell you that those who took over the bank They were carrying guns?
Je vous ai dit que les types à la banque avaient des mitraillettes?
Did you hear that?
T'as entendu?
Did you never leave that game?
Vous y êtes resté?
Where did you get an idea like that?
Où as-tu pigé cette idée?
That was a very brave thing you did for your father, dearie.
Vous avez posé un acte très brave pour sauver votre père, ma chère.
You see, when the master lost his mother... and his cruel father took that sweet, innocent lad... and twisted him up to be just like him... we did nothing.
Voyez-vous, lorsque notre maître a perdu sa mère et que son père cruel a pris ce petit si doux et si innocent et l'a façonné à son image, nous n'avons rien fait.
Did you hear that, Mama?
As-tu entendu ça, maman?
Did you hear about that writer who, uh...
Vous avez entendu parler de cet écrivain qui...
Did you learn that in the program?
Tu sors ça du programme?
Did you want to use that one? Yes.
- Tu veux prendre celle-là?
Where did you get that?
Où as-tu trouvé ça?
That's why you did it, right?
C'est pour ça que vous l'avez fait, non?
By the way, did that twin say anything to you about me?
Au fait, ce jumeau t'a parlé de moi?
You should've talked to me before you did that.
Tu aurais dû m'en parler avant de faire ça.
- Ah! Shit! Why did you do that?
- Pourquoi t'as fait ça?
Neither did I know that you would traipse into my heart and stay for ever.
J'ignorais également que tu élirais domicile dans mon coeur.
'I did this for you, I did that for you.
"C'est pour toi, je l'ai fait pour toi"
You're angry at me for something I did that was an act of war.
Tu es en colere contre moi pour quelque chose J'ai fait, c'était un acte de guerre.
Did you take that guy down?
Avez-vous emmené ce gars?
Did you see that, girls?
Vous l'avez vu, les filles?
Did you see that, Clive?
Vous l'avez vu, Clive?
I'm sorry is that-repeat. Did you say little girl?
- Pardon, tu veux répéter?
- How did you notice that?
- Comment avez-vous remarqué cela?
You did not say that when I brought her.
Tu disais pas ça quand je l'ai amenée.
Nobody could have done that to you as well as I did.
Personne aurait pu te faire ça aussi bien que moi.
Did you guys see that?
Vous avez vu ça?
You did that.
C'est ta faute.
What did you do that for?
Pourquoi tu as fait ça?
How did you know that he hurt me?
Comment tu as su qu'il m'a fait du mal?
Did you remember quite distinctly that your whole life turned on one word?
Vous vous souvenez qu'un mot a bouleversé votre vie.
How did you know about that, I didn't tell you that.
Je ne vous en ai pas parlé.
How did you do that?
Comment as-tu fait?
Interesting fact... did you know that the triangle is the strongest shape found in nature?
Fait intéressant : Le triangle est la forme la plus solide de la nature.
Where did you get that?
Où vous l'avez trouvée?
did that make you sad that you could not have children?
Ça t'as rendu triste de ne pas avoir d'enfants?
- Why did you ghost me like that?
- Pourquoi t'as fait le fantôme?
So Gardner, when you said that you killed you mother what exactly did you mean by that?
Alors Gardner, quand t'as dit que tu as tué ta mère qu'est-ce que tu voulais dire?
Hey, did you hear that?
Vous avez entendu?
Did you take all of that today?
Tu as pris tout ça aujourd'hui?

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