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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / We're done talking

We're done talking tradutor Francês

148 parallel translation
Since we're talking about McQuigg, can't something be done about him? Can't the old man...
À ce propos, on ne peut rien faire?
Yes of course you did, and I wanted to talk to you about that. We're done talking, Clanton.
- Je voulais justement vous en parler.
We're done talking, Come outside, have a drink. - OK, I just want to say...
On a fini de parler, Sors, Va boire, - accord,
We're done talking money, honey.
On n'a rien à foutre de ton blé, mon lapin.
So ultimately we're talking about 900,000 to a million people by the time it's done most of them singIe-car drivers.
Cela concernera entre 900 000 et 1 000 000 d'automobilistes... qui ont coutume de rouler seuls.
We're done talking now.
On a fini.
We're done talking.
On a assez parlé.
- No, he does time or we're done talking.
Non, il fait de la prison ou on arrête de parler.
- Yeah. - So we're done talking about this now.
On a fini de parler de ça maintenant?
We're done talking until you're cleared.
Tant que vous n'êtes pas autorisé, on a rien à se dire.
We're not done talking!
On n'a pas fini de parler.
So that's it, we're done talking about Donna.
On peut arrêter de parler de Donna.
We're not done talking about summit.
On parle du sommet.
I think that issue is probably worth further discussion but we're done talking about the ticket.
On pourrait envisager d'en discuter... mais le problème de la liste est résolu.
When we're done talking, get on the transmitter, contact Matheson.
Après notre conversation, vous prenez l'émetteur, vous contactez Matheson.
If that's what he says, we're done talking.
S'il dit ça, on n'a plus rien à se dire.
We're done talking about pinching.
On clôt le dossier du pincement.
- We're done talking, bitch.
- Ta gueule, salope.
We're not done talking yet.
La discussion n'est pas terminée.
Then we're done talking.
Alors nous en avons fini.
We're done talking to this hump of garbage.
On en a fini avec ce ramassis de conneries
I think we're done talking about me.
On a fini de parler de moi.
Maybe we're done talking about this.
Peut-être qu'on a fini de parler de ça.
We're done talking now.
Nous avons fini de parler.
- We're done talking.
- Fini de parler.
We're done talking, right?
On s'est déjà tout dit, non?
We're done talking about this for now.
Cette conversation est terminée.
We're done talking about this.
Seth, on n'en parle plus.
We're done talking.
Assez parlé.
You can look at him just as soon as we're done talking to him.
Vous pourrez vous en occuper dès qu'on aura fini de lui parler.
We're done talking.
Fin de la discussion.
As much as I've enjoyed talking to you two, we're done.
J'ai beau aimer discuter avec vous deux, on en reste là.
Give it back to me. You can't leave until we're done talking.
Pas avant qu'on ait parlé.
We're done talking. and I want it to stay that way.
- La discussion est terminée. Un jour, je devrai affronter Tôsaka. Mais pour le moment, je lui fais confiance.
Okay, we're done talking here.
D'accord, cette conversation est terminée.
I talk to people. Actually, they do most of the talking, but when we're done, they feel better.
Les gens parlent et quand ils ont fini, ils se sentent mieux.
I'd say we're done talking.
Cette conversation est terminée.
Well, I think we're done talking now?
Bon, c'est terminé, la parlotte.
I think we're done talking.
Je crois qu'on a terminé de parler.
We're done talking here.
Assez bavardé.
We're gonna have to finish this when I'm done talking.
On continuera ça, après que je lui ait parlé.
- Jason, listen to me - - no.We're done talking.
Non, cette discussion est terminée.
we're done talking about this.
le sujet est clos.
I guess we're done talking about my science project, huh?
On a fini de parler de mon exposé, j'imagine.
And when we're done here, I'm going to go to the D.A., and we're going to start talking about bail.
En repartant, j'irai m'occuper de ta caution.
We're done talking.
On a déjà parlé.
We're done talking...
On a fini de parler...
- We're done talking.
- Me? No. We're done talking.
Nous, on a fini de parler.
But don't you tell me that we're done in Winnipeg, because that's just fear talking, and I don't play that.
Mais ne me dis pas que c'est fini à Winnipeg, car c'est la peur qui parle, et ça prend pas avec moi.
We're done talking.
L'entrevue est terminée.

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