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Who do you think it was tradutor Francês

85 parallel translation
I went to the door, and who do you think it was? - Casely?
Et vous savez qui c'était?
- So, who do you think it was? - Sid? No!
De qui s'agit-il, d'après vous?
Oh, it stopped now. Who do you think it was? I've no idea.
Voici l'adresse de Cathy Sutherland.
Who do you think it was?
Qui crois-tu que ce soit?
Who do you think it was that took your niggling rival out?
Qui t'a débarrassé de ton rival?
"Who do you think it was, Grandma?"
As-tu une idée de qui ça pouvait être, Grand-mère? "
- Who do you think it was?
- Qui ça peut être?
Who do you think it was the body in Castelfusano?
C'était qui, à ton avis, le cadavre de Castelfusano?
Who do you think it was?
C'était qui, à ton avis?
Who do you think it was? It's hard growing up with a cynical father.
C'est dur, un père cynique.
Who do you think it was?
D'après toi, c'est qui?
- Attaboy, Rusk. - Who do you think it was?
- Quel chaud lapin.
Who do you think it was pretended to be Freddy calling me from the studio that night? Leon!
Qui a appelé de chez Freddy cette nuit-là?
Who do you think it was?
Qui était-ce?
- Who do you think it was?
- Vous savez qui c'est?
Who do you think it was?
Qui a fait le coup?
Who do you think it was?
Qui pensez-vous que c'était?
- Well, who do you think it was?
C'était qui, à ton avis?
Who do you think it was?
Et alors c'était qui, d'après vous?
Well, who do you think it was?
Eh bien, qui croyez-vous que c'était?
And who do you think it was who framed you?
Et vous pensez avoir été piégé par qui?
- So, Lance, who do you think it was?
- Lance, tu sais qui l'a fait?
Who do you think it was?
Qui penses-tu que ce soit?
Who do you think it was?
Qui croyez-vous que ce soit?
- Who do you think it was?
- Qui penses-tu que ce soit?
So... this man, who do you think it was?
Et cet homme, tu penses que c'était qui?
Who do you think it was that convinced me to write books about voodoo?
Devine qui m'a convaincu d'écrire des livres sur le vaudou?
- Who do you think it was?
- A ton avis, c'était qui?
I say, do you see chloe sitting down? She looks awfully queer. I think it's something to do with that man who was with dawker.
Tu as vu l'air étrange de Chloé... quand elle a vu l'ami de Dawker?
If Captain Bligh was cooped up here for five months, five months, mark you, who do you think he'd take it out on?
Si le capitaine Bligh est coincé ici encore cinq mois, sur qui ça va retomber, à ton avis?
All over the world, people were saying that the fishiest thing in this whole business... was not Irving's part in it... but the identity of whoever it was who claimed to Irving he was Hughes. And who do you think is still mixed up in all this?
À travers le monde, on pense que le vrai mystère réside dans l'identité de celui qui s'est fait passer pour Hughes auprès d'Irving...
But don't you think it would be wonderful if there - if there was someone... who I could care about in the same way that I do about you?
Vous aimez donc... une fille. Qui?
Do you think it was Shelly who pulled the trigger?
Shelly aurait tiré?
Do you think it was me who brought you out of Egypt?
Crois-tu que c'est moi qui vous ai fait sortir d'Égypte?
Do you think it could be Alex who was that figure you saw at the Archbishop's room?
Crois-tu que ça pourrait être Alex dont tu as vu la silhouette dans la chambre de l'archevêque?
Who the hell do you think it was?
Qui diable crois-tu que ça pouvait être?
Who do you think sent that tape? Maybe it was a practical joke by some kids.
Il me donnait toujours au plus méchant ou tordu, il savait que je serais pire qu'eux.
They didn't come here to protect history, they came to alter it. Who do you think was responsible for the antimatter cascade that nearly destroyed your ship?
Qui, selon vous, a provoqué l'incident... qui a failli détruire votre vaisseau?
Do you think it was odd that he still liked a girl who hadn't shown him any real interest in over two years?
Vous ne trouvez pas ça bizarre qu'il l'aime encore alors qu'elle l'a ignoré pendant deux ans?
- Well, who the hell do you think it was?
Qui, alors? À toi de nous le dire.
And I was sort of wondering, you know, if something, God forbid, were to happen to my nephew Wyatt, what do you think the police might do to try to figure out who did it?
Et je me demandais, s'il devait arriver quelque chose, et Dieu nous en garde, à mon neveu Wyatt, que ferait la police pour découvrir le responsable?
But it's not just me. Who do you think was pushing me?
Qui m'a encouragé à agir?
If it is a cult, do you think they cared who the victim was?
S'il s'agit d'une secte satanique, vous croyez qu'ils se souciaient de qui était la victime?
- You knew your shirt was open? - Who do you think opened it?
- Tu savais qu'il était ouvert?
Do you think they will thank the man who taught them it was glorious?
Pensez-vous qu'ils remercieront l'homme qui leur a enseigné cette gloire?
If crews was set up And found the person who did it, What do you think he would do?
Si Crews s'est fait piégé et trouve la personne qui a fait ça, vous pensez qu'il ferait quoi?
Do you think it was Nilson who gave her that car?
C'est ce fameux Nilson qui lui a donné cette voiture?
matty, you think that's all it was, bob just want somebody to have a cultural experience, nothing to do with an opportunity to bond with two people who could help you get further in the game?
Matty, vous pensez que c'était juste ça, Bob voulait juste que quelqu'un ait une expérience culturelle, rien à voir avec une opportunité de créer des liens avec deux personnes qui peuvent vous aider à avancer dans le jeu?
It just so happens I was in Detroit last week... doing a piece of paper, and who do you think I bumped into at a record shop?
Il se trouve que j'étais à Détroit la semaine dernière... pour un article, et devine sur qui je suis tombé chez un disquaire?
Who do you guys think it was?
Qui a fait ça? Réfléchis.
Do you think it's possible to be haunted by someone who was never even born?
Crois-tu que c'est possible d'être hantée par une personne qui n'est jamais née?

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