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Who you talking to tradutor Francês

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Who you talking to?
Qu'est-ce que tu racontes? - À qui est-ce que tu parles?
You know who i was talking to at the party who was really inspiring...
Y a un invité qui m'a fasciné. Le copain de Tara...
- Well, if I'm dead, who you talking to?
Eh bien, si je suis mort, avec qui discutes-tu?
Who the hell do you think you're talking to?
À qui crois-tu avoir affaire?
"Do you know who you're talking to?"
"Tu sais à qui tu parles?"
Do you know who you're talking to?
Tu sais à qui tu parles?
Who have you been talking to?
Qui est votre source?
A hundred and five, That's who you were talking to, Carl, Delirium,
J'avais 40 de fièvre. Vous parliez à un zombie.
Who are you talking to?
À qui tu parlais?
Dude, look who you're talking to.
Tu sais à qui tu parles?
So, who were those handsome men you were talking to?
Alors, qui étaient ces beaux messieurs avec qui vous parliez?
Who are you talking to?
Tu parles à qui, là?
I'm talking to you about the traitor who cut the throat of our man in Istanbul.
Je vous parle du traître qui a coupé la gorge de notre homme à Istanbul
- Put that away! - Who are you talking to?
À qui tu parles?
- Doug, who are you talking to?
Qui c'est?
Who's talking to you?
Je ne t'ai pas sonné.
- Who's that you're talking to? Oh, nothing.
- A qui est-ce que tu parles?
Skeeter, who are you talking to in there?
À qui parles-tu?
Who are you talking to?
À qui, alors?
Who have you been talking to?
- A qui avez-vous parle?
Hello? Who are you talking to?
Vous parlez à qui?
What better way to end this year, both good and bad than with the very, very best and you all know exactly who I'm talking about.
Quelle meilleure façon de finir cette année, à la fois bonne et mauvaise qu'avec le meilleur et vous savez de qui je parle.
You're talking to a guy who slept with his best friend's ex-girlfriend split up his parents'marriage, sat on the sidelines watched him go through a downward spiral.
Tu parles à un mec qui a couché avec l'ex de son pote, fait rompre ses parents et l'a laissé se casser la gueule.
Who the fuck do you think you're talking to, bro?
Tu crois que tu parles à qui?
Nick, what's going on? Who were you talking to?
Nick, à qui tu parlais?
"slow down"... talking to you... Who's talking?
Et qui parle? "Tes voisins".
Look who you're talking to.
Regarde-moi, quand tu parles.
Who are you talking to? My mom.
Chut, j'entends rien.
I know you want me to be some emotional girly man who loves talking about his feelings, but that is never going to happen.
Tu veux que je sois un homme féminin et émotif qui aime parler de ses sentiments mais ça n'arrivera pas.
Who are you talking to?
Quatre mois maxi.
Who were you talking to, Nik?
À qui parlais-tu Nick?
- Who were you talking to?
- C'était qui?
Who was that guy you were talking to out there and then also kissing?
D'ailleurs, à qui tu parlais dehors? Je t'ai vue l'embrasser...
You realize who you're talking to.
Je suis ta mère.
You rely on anyone who's still talking to you.
Vous comptez sur quiconque qui daigne encore vous parler.
You rely on anyone who's still talking to you.
Vous vous reposez sur quiconque vous adresse encore la parole.
You rely on anyone who's still talking to you.
Vous comptez sur ceux qui vous parlent encore...
You rely on anyone who's still talking to you.
Vous vous reposez sur quiconque vous adressant encore la parole.
Oh, just shooting a talking head or did you want me to be the only one who didn't have one?
Oh, juste m'enregistrer pour donner mon avis, ou alors tu voudrais que je sois la seule à ne pas en avoir?
Who are you talking to?
À qui tu parles?
Krissy, you know, sometimes young girls feel more comfortable talking to someone who's not their mother.
- Tu sais, parfois... les jeunes filles sont mal à l'aise avec leur mère.
Who were you talking to?
À qui tu parlais?
So, who were you talking to outside?
Alors, à qui tu parlais?
Who do you think you're talking to?
A qui tu parles?
Who do you think you're talking to?
À qui tu parles?
Who are you talking to right now?
Qui parlez-vous à en ce moment?
You clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in.
Vous ne savez pas clairement qui Vous parlez, alors laissez-moi vous indice dans
So I go back and push more, and before you know it, uh, the temp's gone, there's no forwarding address, and I'm talking to some snot-nose corporate lawyer who's asking me for my badge number.
Je reviens donc et pousse plus, et avant que vous le savez, euh, parti, il n'y a aucune adresse de réexpédition de la température, et je parle à certains avocat d'entreprise snot nez = = qui me demandant mon numéro de badge.
Do you know who you're talking to?
Savez-vous à qui vous parlez?
Who are you talking to?
Qui êtes-vous parler?
You're talking about an actor who I happen to enjoy.
Vous parlez d'un acteur que j'apprécie

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