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Why wouldn't it tradutor Francês

603 parallel translation
But why are you curious about that person? Well, it seems like my Go Eun is interested in him, but she wouldn't tell me anything.
Mais pourquoi me demandez-vous ça? Mais elle ne veut rien me dire.
Why, if I told you how often I wished I had you like this, you wouldn't believe it. Why me?
Si je vous disais combien j'ai espéré ça, vous ne me croiriez pas.
Why, he wouldn't let her fire me lots of times, and he stood up for me when she beat me, and made her stop it, like he did tonight.
Il l'a empêchée de me congédier à maintes reprises, quand elle me frappait, il lui disait d'arrêter, comme ce soir.
Why wouldn't he close it?
N'est-ce pas logique?
Why, I couldn't float anything smaller. They wouldn't take it seriously.
En dessous de ce montant, ils ne me prendraient pas au sérieux.
Since I'm here and you seem well-disposed, why not Let me hear your confession? - It wouldn't kill you.
Puisque je suis là et que tu me parais en bonne disposition, si tu te confessais? Tu sais, ça n'a jamais fait mourir personne.
- That's why I wouldn't change it.
- Donc elle ne doit pas changer.
Why, you wouldn't believe it if I told you that on the first Thursday, we were here on our honeymoon, we just started for Brooklyn Bridge.
Vous n'allez pas me croire... Le premier jeudi de notre lune de miel, nous partions pour Brooklyn Bridge...
Why, think, Ashley, think! If it hadn't been for Scarlett, I'd have died in Atlanta... and maybe we wouldn't have little Beau.
Songe que... sans Scarlett, je serais morte à Atlanta... et Beau aussi, sans doute.
I can't explain just why. It wouldn't do any good if I did. I gotta quit the monastery.
Je ne peux pas vraiment vous expliquer mes raisons, mais je quitte le monastère.
Say, why wouldn't it be a good idea for Mr. Wilson to pay a little visit to Habersville, just long enough to collect this coin?
Ce serait une bonne idée si M. Wilson se rendait à Habersville pour récupérer ce magot.
Why, if it wasn't for Karl, I wouldn't be here.
S'il n'y avait pas eu Karl, je ne serais pas ici.
Why wouldn't I take it, Miss?
Bien sûr, mademoiselle!
I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. Why did you wait till now to tell me?
Pourquoi ne m'en parles-tu qu'aujourd'hui?
Why wouldn't it work. You had a swell club to smack him with... me!
Vous aviez le gourdin idéal : moi!
Why wouldn't it work?
Ça ralentit. Pourquoi ça ne marcherait pas?
Why wouldn't it make any difference to him?
Pourquoi ça ne changerait rien pour lui?
- Why wouldn't it?
- Pourquoi?
They can't understand why we didn't know what it meant... when our dog wouldn't go up those stairs.
Pas nous. Et nous n'avons pas compris le refus du chien de monter à l'étage.
No, then why wouldn't you drink it?
- Pourquoi n'avez-vous pas bu?
Well, you know, if - if we have children, why-Well, it w-wouldn't be legal.
Tu sais, si on a des enfants, on - eh bien, ça ne serait pas légal.
Why wouldn't I do it now if I meant to kill you?
Si je voulais te tuer, je l'aurais déjà fait.
Why, if it was just a question of the right girl... wouldn't any man in the world want to marry you?
Les candidats au mariage ne doivent pas vous manquer.
Why, I wouldn't be seen dead in it!
Je ne voudrais pas la porter une fois morte!
Why, it would break my heart. - Why, of course she wouldn't.
- Elle ne ferait pas ça.
Look, I'm on the level. What's in it for me not to be? Why wouldn't I believe them?
Je suis réglo, pourquoi je ne les croirais pas?
I've been trying to understand why he wouldn't go with me, and now all I can think of is that it's got to be because of you.
Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi il refusait de partir. C'est pour vous.
Why wouldn't it pass in the civilized world?
Pourquoi ne peut-il s'appliquer partout?
Why wouldn't it be legitimate?
Pourquoi ne serait-il pas légitime?
Why wouldn't we know about it?
Pourquoi pas?
I wouldn't know. Why don't you try putting it there?
Essaie donc de m'y mettre.
I don't know why I get so nervous. I've been here long enough, you'd think I wouldn't let it get me.
Bien sûr, depuis le temps, je devrais avoir l'habitude.
It wouldn't do to let him know why you're leaving.
Ne lui dites pas pourquoi vous partez.
- Why wouldn't it be?
- Que veux-tu que ça craigne?
Why wouldn't you want it to go well?
Et pourquoi pas? Vous avez une grande casserole?
Why bother. You wouldn't believe it!
Mais vous ne me croyez pas de toute façon.
Why wouldn't he tell it if it were true?
Pourquoi l'aurait-il fait?
I left Margot out. I take it for granted Margot won't eat. - Why wouldn't she?
Je ne pense pas que Margot va en manger.
Why wouldn't you do it?
Pourquoi tu ne le ferais pas?
But why wouldn't she like it?
Mais pourquoi elle ne voudrait pas?
I'll tell you why you wouldn't have taken it.
Je vais te dire pourquoi tu ne veux pas avoir touché a ca.
- Well, why wouldn't it? - I don't know.
Come now, why don't you admit you wouldn't lift a finger to speed it?
Voyons, pourquoi ne pas admettre que vous ne ferez rien pour l'accélérer?
We could make her a sleep-in. - No, it wouldn't work, Eddie. - Why not?
Ça ne marcherait pas, Eddie.
Why not? It wouldn't be so hard. Except for maybe the baby part.
Ça serait pas dur, sauf pour avoir un bébé, peut-être.
- No, why? Because you can blame it on me afterwards. I wouldn't.
- Après, si tu le regrettes, tu diras que c'est de ma faute.
Why wouldn't it be?
Pourquoi ne le serait-ce pas?
Why wouldn't you? Why? It's a matter of course.
Tu me soupçonnais tant... je voulais partir loin...
That's why I've always made it a rule never to do anything in my own home that I wouldn't do in front of the camera.
J'ai toujours pris pour principe de ne jamais faire à la ville ce que je ne ferais pas à l'écran.
You wouldn't happen to know why he did it, would you?
Tu ne saurais pas pourquoi il a fait ça?
There are reasons why it wouldn't work.
Il y a des raisons pour lesquelles ça ne marcherait pas.

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