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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Withers

Withers tradutor Francês

142 parallel translation
Mr. Withers, I hope you understand that I couldn't see anyone... -... until my husband came.
Je ne voulais voir personne avant d'avoir vu mon mari.
If you'll come with me, I'd like to look around.
Venez jeter un coup d'œil, Withers.
Who is that, withers?
Qui est-ce, Withers?
It withers in its own fire!
Car le démon n'engendre pas.
"They knew that the tree is known by its fruit, and that injustice corrupts a tree that its fruit withers and shrivels and falls at last to that dark ground of history where other great hopes have rotted and died where equality and freedom remain still the only choice for wholeness and soundness in a man or in a nation."
"Ils savaient que l'injustice corrompt les fruits de l'arbre, qu'ils se flétrissent et tombent sur le sol sombre de l'histoire où ont pourri d'autres grands espoirs, et que l'égalité et la liberté sont encore la seule issue intègre pour un homme et une nation."
As intelligence improves, instinct withers away. We become over-civilized, inhibited.
L'intelligence croît et l'instinct diminue, nous devenons trop civilisés, inhibés.
Quite a ways from his withers to his hips.
Il a le dos long.
Des beaux jarrets et derrière splendide.
Better wash his withers down again.
Vous devriez relaver son garrot.
I'm Justin Withers, from the rental office which handles this building.
Withers. Le gérant.
Mr. Withers.
M. Withers.
Mr. Withers, maybe you have another apartment.
Vous n'avez pas un autre appartement.
1, 2, 3, hail. Withers, we are waggling.
- Vous n'avez pas un nom?
For many days, the Rain God has looked away from us, and the land withers and our people groan.
Pendant des jours, le Dieu de la Pluie a détourné son regard de nous. Les terres s'assèchent et notre peuple gémit.
Our withers are unwrung.
Rien ne nous écorche.
Every man whose life I touch withers.
Tout homme à la vie duquel je touche dépérit!
Withers. Frederick Withers.
Frederick Withers.
Well, Mr Withers, this is as far as I go.
M. Withers, je m'arrête ici.
So Withers was your man? Yes.
Withers était votre homme?
The flower withers and the dream dies
La fleur se fane et les rêves s'évanouissent
I have learned that without some kind of loving a man withers like a grape on a dying vine.
J'ai appris que s'il n'a pas au moins un peu d'amour, l'homme se dessèche comme le raisin sur une vigne morte.
Thank you from the bottom of my withers!
Je vous remercie du fond du garrot!
Withers. Withers.
- And if memory serves- - - norris, sir.
Anaizby, monsieur, Anaizby. Withers.
Norris, the head gardener. Hello, norris.
Withers, Fran, Beverly.
The flower of youth withers so soon.
La fleur de la jeunesse s'étiole.
Everything withers in the bud.
Tout se flétrit dès le début.
"For thousands of years, a flower withers away without any recognition."
"Pendant des milliers d'années, une fleur se dessèche incognito."
No withers.
Même pas le garrot.
- He's got withers, you just can't see them.
- Il en a un. Ne t'en fais pas. - D'accord.
This is Miss Withers, my nurse.
Mlle Withers est ma nurse.
Are you all right, Miss Withers?
Ça va, Mlle Withers?
Naughty, naughty, Miss Withers.
Vilaine, Mlle Withers.
Miss Withers!
Mlle Withers!
Yes, Miss Withers.
Oui, Mlle Withers.
I covered my mouth... and let Miss Withers here breathe in all the gas.
Je me suis couvert la bouche... et j'ai laissé Mlle Withers aspirer tout le gaz.
I guess this boy Withers is your latest sensation, hmm?
J'imagine que c'est ta dernière trouvaille.
Ladies and gentlemen, a warm welcome for Mr. Corky Withers.
Mesdames et messieurs, applaudissez... Corky Withers!
On the branches the fruit withers
Le fruit meurt et se dessèche sur la branche
When it withers.
Ramenez-la-moi. Quand?
Now, there's a painter who knew his horseflesh. Look at those withers.
Voilà un peintre qui connaissait bien les chevaux.
To life, love... and a nice set of withers.
Á la vie... à l'amour... et à une belle paire de garrots.
But in warmer places like Los Angeles... it withers and dies.
Mais dans les zones plus chaudes comme à Los Angeles, elle s'atrophie et meurt.
"It withers quicker than a rose."
" Pour nous librer de notre cage.
It is dispensed, Mrs. Withers.
Vous pouvez disposer.
- The nursemaid of the child, you. Withers?
Et la nourrice de votre fils, Mme Withers?
the Waverly, the Tredwell and the niece, to Jessie Withers, what was noisily a farewell, in way to arrange a maneuver of amusement, the Rogers, and then to take the kid of the mausoleum up to a house in the middle of the forest.
Waverly, Tredwell et sa nièce, Jessie Withers. Congédiée bruyamment pour pouvoir organiser le coup avec Rogers, prendre le petit au mausolée, et l'emmener au pavillon caché dans les bois.
Mr. Withers!
Mr. Withers!
Mr. Withers, I'm Howard Joyce.
Mr. Withers?
- Thank you, Mrs. Withers.
Merci, Mme Withers.

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