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You're all wrong tradutor Francês

530 parallel translation
All you have to do is admit when you're wrong and more importantly than anything, admit when they're right. And don't let your pig bathe in your hangover cure. And maybe don't own a pig.
Tu dois simplement admettre quand tu as tords et le plus important admettre quand ils ont raisons et ne laisse pas l'eau du cochon dans ton anti-gueule de bois et peut-être ne pas avoir de cochon
You're all wrong, see?
Vous vous trompez.
With all this dough in my hands, how can I say you're wrong?
Avec tout cet argent, je ne te contredirai pas.
You're all wrong. I didn't do it.
C'est p-p-pas vrai!
That's all there is to that. Oh, you're so wrong.
- c'est comment tricher aux cartes.
This is all swell, but you're peddling your fish in the wrong market.
C'est très romanesque, mais vous vous trompez de personne.
You know, you're wrong about all of your children being murderers.
Tu te trompes, tous tes enfants ne seront pas des criminels.
Well, if you're hinting at me and what I said to the cops, well, you got me all wrong.
Si vous parlez de ce que j'ai dévoilé, vous vous trompez.
Keep me awake all night? Well, you're wrong again.
Et m'empêcher de dormir!
You're all wrong, gentlemen.
Vous vous trompez, Messieurs!
You're all wrong.
Tu te trompes.
You're all wrong, boys.
Vous vous trompez.
Of course I ain't saying you're wrong, Joe. I'm just saying you got me all mixed up.
Je ne dis pas que tu as tort, mais tu m'as perturbé.
Look, I don't know what you're thinking, but you're all wrong.
Je ne sais pas ce que tu crois, mais tu te trompes.
Oh, you're all right, kid. You just went to bat for the wrong guy, that's all.
Tu es mal tombé, c'est tout.
I'll see you later. Don't think everything's all wrong because you're not starving to death, you hear?
Ne crois pas que tout va mal si tu ne crèves pas de faim.
- You're all wrong.
Vous avez complètement tort.
All right, but you're wrong.
- D'accord, mais vous avez tort.
But you're wrong. They all are.
Tu te trompes.
Listen, Tony, you're all wrong about Don.
Écoutez, vous vous trompez pour Don.
Well, you're all wrong.
Eh bien, vous avez tort.
- But, Petunia, you're all wrong. Listen...
Laisse-moi t'expliquer.
You can kill us, all of us, or part of us, but if you think that will put fear into the United States of America and stop them from sending other flyers to bomb you, you're wrong, dead wrong.
Vous pouvez nous tuer tous si vous voulez, mais si vous croyez que ça fera peur aux États-Unis et qu'ils n'enverront pas d'autres bombardiers, vous vous trompez.
No, but you're... You're thinking of this place all wrong, as if I had the money back in a safe.
Vous pensez comme si je gardais l'argent dans le coffre.
I've heard all about you, John, and you're wrong, so wrong.
Je sais tout et tu as tort, John, tellement tort!
You're all wrong about your mother.
Tu as vraiment tort au sujet de ta mère.
But you're wrong, very wrong, dear accountant,.. because, remember, that all fat people are good people.
Bien fait mal, très mal, cher comptable, car je me souviens que tous les gens gras sont bons.
I didn't mean to say that, but you're all wrong about the book.
Mais pour le livre, vous vous trompez.
- You're all wrong.
Chérie, tu te trompes.
You've forgotten what I went through all those years. You're wrong.
Mais vous oubliez ce que j'ai enduré là-bas!
I'm never wrong. Are you sure you're feeling all right now?
Tout va bien?
They're talking about him all over the state. I hope you haven't been listening to the wrong side in your campaigning.
Avez-vous écouté les calomniateurs?
You're wrong, brother. This means all our funerals.
Tu te trompes, on est cuits!
Look, you're all wrong.
Ecoute, tu fais erreur.
That's the truth. You're set of values is all wrong.
Ta fausse loi ne saurait être la mienne.
No, you're all wrong.
Tu as tout faux.
You're in on so much suffering, so much goes wrong all day, you begin to fray.
Sans humour, on s'épuiserait.
Aw, you're got Griff all wrong. He's my number one boy, my ichiban.
Griff est mon numéro un, mon "ichi-ban".
First of all, you're wrong, I did love your king, very much.
D'abord, vous vous trompez. J'ai beaucoup aimé votre Roi.
- We're gonna get the rest of your stuff. You proved that it worked. You just hit the wrong target, that's all.
On va chercher ton matériel et on va choisir la bonne cible.
You're all wrong, Shep.
Vous vous trompez, Shep.
You know if you're wrong, it will be the end of all this.
Si tu te trompes, tout sera fini pour toi.
I couldn't prove you're wrong, of course, sir... but some fellow criminologists, including some behavior scientists... have begun to make me believe... we've all been putting too much emphasis on environment... and too little on heredity.
Je ne peux pas prouver que vous avez tort. Cependant, des chercheurs et des savants réputés prétendent que nous attachons trop d'importance au milieu social, et trop peu à l'hérédité.
You're all wrong, you know.
Tu as tout faux, tu sais?
You're buttoned up all wrong.
Tu t'es mal boutonnée.
Suppose you're putting all your eggs in the wrong basket?
Et si tu mettais tous tes oeufs dans le mauvais panier?
I know what you're thinking, Clint! But you got it all wrong!
Je sais ce que tu penses, Clint... mais tu te trompes.
You're getting it all wrong.
Vous vous faites des idées.
You're all wrong, see?
Tu te trompes
If you're still worried about Lori Shannon, you've got it all wrong.
Si c'est à propos de Lori Shannon, tu te trompes!
Well, you're wrong. You're all wrong. You're drunk, Nancy.
tu te trompes, vous vous trompez tous!

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