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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Z ] / Zuul

Zuul tradutor Francês

13 parallel translation
And the voice said "Zuul".
Et la voix a dit "Zuul".
I'll look for the name "Zuul" in Tobin's Spirit Guide.
Je chercherai le mot "Zuul" dans le dictionnaire des Esprits.
They were growling and snarling, and I heard a voice say "Zuul".
Ils grognaient, se tordaient, et une voix disait "Zuul".
I found the name "Zuul".
J'ai trouvé la signification de "Zuul".
Zuul was the minion of Gozer.
Zuul était le serviteur de Gozer.
- I am Zuul, the Gatekeeper.
- Zuul, le Gardien.
- There is no Dana, only Zuul.
- Dana, connais pas. Il y a Zuul.
Zuulie, you nut. Come on.
Ma petite Zuul, tu es folle.
- There is no Dana, onlyZuul.
- Dana, connais pas. Juste Zuul.
Many Shubs and Zuuls were roasted in the Sloar that day!
Beaucoup de Shub et de Zuul ont été grillés ce jour-là.
- There is no Peter, only Zuul.
- Il n'y a pas de Peter, seulement Zuul.
What's "Zuul"?
C'est quoi "Zuul"?
Blurry and talking like Zuul.
flous et parlant comme Zuul.

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