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Ching tradutor Português

442 parallel translation
Look, Ching.
Ouve, Ching.
Hello, Ching.
Olá, Ching.
Ching, now I'm gonna get fired.
Ching, ainda me vão despedir.
Come on, Ching, grab a root and growl.
Vá lá, Ching, toca a mexer.
- I can take care of that, Ching.
- Eu posso tratar disto, Ching.
See that Ching gets those birds.
Entrega essas aves ao Ching.
Come here, Ching.
Vem cá, Ching.
Have you ever read the I Ching?
Já leu I Ching?
Not the actual Ching itself, but I've dabbled in kierkegaard.
Não exactamente I Ching, mas já dei uma olhada em Kierkegaard.
Miss Chen Ching Hua?
- Menina Chen Ching Hua?
It is written in the Tao Te Ching.
Está escrito no Tao Te Ching.
My name is Ching Hsi, teacher.
O meu nome é Hsi Ching, professor.
You and your brothers are rich, Hsi Ching?
Tu e os teus irmãos são ricos, Hsi Ching?
Hsi Ching, perhaps you can explain to Mrs Buren.
Hsi Ching, talvez tu possas explicar à senhora Buren.
And you, Hsi Ching?
E tu, Hsi Ching?
Ching, it was when I was seeking in Chungking.
Ching, recorda-te quando me foste procurar a Chungking.
Ching, we must assure us that can not go through this trench.
Ching, temos que assegurar-nos que não possam passar por essa trincheira.
Ching, who has kill her!
Ching, tens que matá-la!
in the year 1730, during the reign of the Emperor Yung Cheng, one of the early emperors of the Manchu Ching Dynasty many kung fu experts were recruited by the Emperor to suppress and kill the supporters of the former Ming Dynasty.
No ano de 1730, durante o reinado do Imperador Yung Cheng, um dos primeiros imperadores da dinastia Manchu Ching, muitos lutadores peritos em kung fu foram recrutados pelo Imperador para suprimir e matar os apoiantes da anterior dinastia Ming.
You sacrificed your lives for the great Ching Dynasty I swear that I will kill that One Armed Man and avenge you both
Sacrificaram as vossas vidas pela grande dinastia Ching. Juro que matarei esse maneta e vingarei a morte de ambos.
Besides, we have our own objectives, the Ching Government is on the look-out for us.
Além disso, temos os nossos próprios objectivos. O governo Ching está de olho em nós.
Are you one of the Ching Killers?
Você é um dos assassinos dos Ching?
The man with the guillotine, he was sent here by the Chings. To murder all the kung fu experts here.
O responsável por isso, o homem com a guilhotina, ele foi enviado pelos Ching para assassinar todos os peritos de artes marciais.
You had "hong ching chu" and I had "kow dung woo fong."
Comeu "hong ching chu", e eu comi "kow dung woo fong."
He's staying in our inn, in Ching Village.
Está na nossa pensão, na Vila Ching.
They've been terrorising the people of Ching Village.
E causaram o caos ao longo da Vila Ching.
Stig, meanwhile, was accepting the financial advice of Billy Kodak whilst Dirk had invited Arnold Schwarzenweisengreenenbrownenbluenburger to handle his end of the name Barry was consulting the I Ching every three and a half minutes.
Stig, no entanto, aceitava conselhos financeiros de Billy Kodak. Dirk convidou Arnold Schwarzegreenandbrownandblueandberger... que gerenciou o nome dele, e Barry consultava o I-Ching a cada 3 minutos e meio.
Yen Ting Hua, running dog of the Ching,
Yen Ting Hua, cão fugitivo dos Ching,
He killed him because... our clan fought the Ching.
Ele matou-o porque... O nosso clã combateu os Ching.
I'll just take back my Ching Ming money!
Eu estou apenas a recuperar o meu dinheiro do Ching Ming!
Hey, Ching, glad to meet ya.
Muito prazer em conhecer-te, Ching.
Hey, where'd you get a name like Ching?
Onde arranjaste um nome como Ching?
You don't look like a Ching.
Não pareces um Ching.
They take silverware and throw it in the air and it comes down and goes, ching-chang-chong, bing-bang-bong.
Atiram talheres ao ar e fazem uma barulheira, ching-chang-chong, bing-bang-bong.
Ching-fung and Wai-yee martial arts schools will compete, to see which of them will bring us another year of peace.
As escolas de artes marciais Jing-Fung e Wai Yee irão competir, para ver qual delas nos vai trazer mais um ano de paz.
He lion-danced for someone else for money, using the Kung fu that I taught him and bringing me shame, completely ruining the reputation of our Ching-fung School.
Ele dançou a dança do leão por dinheiro de outra escola... usando o Kung Fu que eu lhe ensinei para me trazer vergonha... arruinando completamente a reputação da Escola Ching-fung.
And then she sang a song, "Ching-ching-challa-wa China Girl".
Depois, cantou uma canção, "Ching ching, charlawa, China girl."
"Ching-ching-challa-wa China Girl".
"Ching ching, charlawa, China girl".
When I get to Berlin, I'll discuss it. With "Ching-ching-challa-wa China Girl".
Quando voltar para Berlim, falo disso com a menina do "Ching ching charlawa, China girl".
Ching-ching-challa-wa China girl
Ching ching charlawa China girl
What does "chinga-ling challa-wa" mean?
E o que significa Ching ching charlawa?
Ching Tsun Tung, you die today!
Ching Tsun Tung, tu irás morrer hoje!
Ching Tsun Pei, we brothers want you three to leave this world!
Ching Tsun Pei, nós somos irmãos e queremos livrar o mundo de vocês!
Now that the Ching family is in trouble how could I not help?
Agora que a familia Ching está com problemas Como é que poderia não ajudar?
I am Ching Lung!
Ching Lung!
- Uncle Ching
- Tio Ching.
Uncle Ching, wait for my good news!
Tio Ching, espere pelas minhas noticias!
Give me a little ching-a-ring.
Deem-me um momento.
Ching Ju!
Here comes Ching Hua.
Aí vem Ching Hua.
Hey, Ching.
Ouve, Ching.

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