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Earl narrating tradutor Português

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[Earl Narrating] Me and Randy were about to take our very first airplane ride.
Eu e o Randy íamos fazer a nossa primeira viagem de avião.
[Earl Narrating] And because of me, Randy lost his chance... to finally tell Catalina how he felt about her.
O Randy perdera a oportunidade de lhe dizer o que sentia por ela, por minha causa.
[Earl Narrating] Since the drawstring handles on Randy's luggage had already broken... and I didn't want the same thing to happen to mine... we decided to get a proper suitcase.
As fitas da bagagem do Randy tinham-se partido. Como não queria que acontecesse o mesmo à minha, decidimos arranjar uma decente.
[Earl Narrating] We finally made it to the airport.
Conseguimos chegar ao aeroporto.
[Earl Narrating] Turns out even Americans need passports.
Afinal até os americanos precisam de passaportes.
[Earl Narrating] Then Randy had an idea.
Então o Randy teve uma ideia.
[Earl Narrating] While me and Randy were havin'trouble gettin'to Catalina's village... she was havin'trouble gettin'used to life back at home.
Enquanto que para nós estava a ser difícil chegar à Catalina, para ela estava a ser difícil habituar-se à vida na sua terra.
[Earl Narrating] The good thing about goin'your whole life... without ever having flown on an airplane... is everything is new to you.
O bom de nunca ter andado de avião é que tudo é novidade.
[Earl Narrating] I'd always wondered how a big airplane like this could fly.
Nunca percebi como é que um avião tão grande consegue voar.
[Earl Narrating] Since it turned out planes scare the crap outta me... I was lookin'into other ways of gettin'to Catalina.
Como os aviões me metem medo, procurei outras formas de chegar até à Catalina.
[Earl Narrating] There was a reason Darnell was missin'Joy's fight.
Havia uma razão para sentir falta da luta da Joy.
- [Earl Narrating] Too close.
- Perto demais.
[Earl Narrating] So to get the pills, we went to the only doctor we knew.
E fomos ter com o único médico que conhecíamos.
[Earl Narrating] So I took the pills... and me and Randy headed back to the airport to get on the plane.
Tomei o comprimido e dirigi-me ao aeroporto para embarcar no avião.
[Earl Narrating] Yeah, these pills were somethin'else.
Sim, os comprimidos eram fixes. Eu gostei daquilo.
[Earl Narrating] While I was strugglin because I couldn't take my pills... Darnell was strugglin'causeJoy was still taking hers.
Enquanto me debatia com a falta de comprimidos, o Darnell debatia-se com o facto de a Joy ainda tomar os dela.
[Earl Narrating] After bein'tied up on an airplane for eight hours... I was happy to walk on solid ground. Which was good,'cause we had about two miles of it on the way to the bus station.
Depois de passar oito horas amarrado no avião, estava contente por pisar chão firme, o que era bom, pois tínhamos de andar 3 km até à estação de autocarros.
[Earl Narrating ] Randy's been terrified ofbirds his whole life. - [ Clucking] - Little ones, big ones.
O Randy teve medo de aves a vida inteira - pequenas, grandes, até as falantes, que as pessoas têm como animais de estimação.
[Earl Narrating] So I sat back and waited... for the Randy balloon to start flyin'.
Por isso recostei-me e esperei que o balão Randy começasse a voar.
[Earl Narrating] But my apology and bravery would have to wait.
Mas as desculpas e a coragem vão ter de esperar.
Not the'stache! [Earl Narrating]'Cause Randy was so focused on gettin'back the woman he loved... he also didn't notice his brother gettin'kidnapped.
O Randy estava tão fixado na Catalina que nem reparou que eu tinha sido raptado.
[Honking Continues ] [ Earl Narrating] Turns out their boss, Diego, had a real strong feeling about America.
Afinal o patrão deles, o Diego, gostava muito da América.
[Earl Narrating] Back at home, Darnell was havin'trouble ofhis own.
Em casa, o Darnell também estava a ter problemas.
[Earl Narrating] Diego liked my American jeans so much, he took'em.
O Diego gostou tanto das minhas calças que ficou com elas.
- [Gunshots ] - [ Man Shouts ] [ Earl Narrating ] I've been involved in a lot of crimes in my life... but this was my first time as an unarmed hostage in a third world country. [ Man Shouting In Spanish]
Já estive metido em muitos crimes, mas esta é a primeira vez como refém desarmado num país do terceiro mundo.
[Earl Narrating] I knew karma wanted me to find Catalina and bring her back... but I also knew it didn't want me to help murder some poor guy... - just'cause he was late on his goat payments.
O karma queria que eu levasse a Catalina de volta, não que eu ajudasse a matar um tipo por estar atrasado nos pagamentos das cabras.
[Earl Narrating] So I took a shot and told Diego everything I knew about karma.
Arrisquei e contei ao Diego tudo o que sabia sobre karma.
[Earl Narrating] That's when I knew I had him.
Aí percebi que o tinha convencido.
[Earl Narrating] While I was making Diego understand karma... Randy was trying to understand what it meant to be a dead son.
Enquanto eu fazia o Diego perceber o karma, o Randy percebia o que significava ser um filho morto.
[Earl Narrating] Seein'Catalina was gonna have to wait.
Ver a Catalina teria de esperar.
[Earl Narrating] All that talk about monkeys at bedtime made me think of Randy.
A conversa dos macacos à hora de dormir lembrou-me o Randy.
[Earl Narrating] Randy wasn't the only one having'a hard time sleepin'.
O Randy não era o único que não conseguia dormir.
[Earl Narrating] The next morning, Diego finally brought me to Catalina's village.
Na manhã seguinte, o Diego levou-me finalmente à aldeia da Catalina.
[Earl Narrating] I was excited about gettin'my pants back. Between the cold air and the giant mosquitoes, I had missed them quite a bit.
Entre o ar frio e os mosquitos gigantes, tinha sentido a falta delas.
[Earl Narrating] While I tried to find a way to get through to Randy... Darnell was just tryin to get through the day.
Enquanto eu tentava falar com o Randy, o Darnell só queria sobreviver a mais um dia.
[Earl Narrating] Nothin'Darnell said could snapJoy out ofher drug-induced happiness.
Ele não conseguia tirar a Joy da felicidade induzida pelas drogas.
[Earl Narrating] Even though this was just a green card wedding... Catalina's village still followed all the town's traditions.
Embora o casamento fosse pela cidadania, a aldeia da Catalina seguia as tradições.
[Earl Narrating] To give Randy his shot, I planned on steppin'on the hot coals... and then stepping'right back off.
Para dar hipótese ao Randy, planeei pisar nas brasas e depois voltar para trás.
[Earl Narrating] Diego said somethin about the field of rakes... representin'the careful dance of talkin'about your wife's weight. But for me, it represented the last chance to help Randy.
O campo de ancinhos representava a dança cuidadosa que é falar do peso da mulher, mas, para mim, representava a última hipótese para ajudar o Randy.
[Crowd Cheering ] [ Earl Narrating] I was a little worried about Randy walking'on that thin plank...'cause I had seen him fall off sidewalks before.
Preocupou-me a ideia do Randy andar sobre a tábua estreita, porque já o tinha visto cair de passeios.
[Earl Narrating] And watchin'Randy cross those hot coals... I realized he probably wouldn't have failed gym class... - if Catalina had gone to our high school.
Ao ver o Randy atravessar as brasas percebi que ele não teria chumbado a ginástica se a Catalina andasse lá no liceu.
[Crowd Groans ] [ Earl Narrating] And in return for his sacrifice... Randy got to marry the woman he loved.
E em troca do seu sacrifício, o Randy casou com a mulher que amava.
[Earl Narrating] He thought about tellin'his new wife that he loved her... but he didn't want to risk ruining'his wedding day.
Ele pensou dizer-lhe que a amava, mas não arriscou arruinar o seu dia de casamento.
[Earl Narrating] I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about doing number 86 on my list - stole a car from a one-legged girl.
Mentiria se dissesse que não estava nervoso quanto ao 86 da minha lista : "Roubei o carro a uma miúda perneta."
[Earl Narrating] I understand why she was so upset.
Compreendo porque ficou tão transtornada.
[Earl Narrating] And as handi-capable as one-legged Didi was... her no-legged boyfriend was handi-capabler.
Por mais capaz que a Didi perneta fosse, o seu namorado sem pernas ainda era mais.
[Earl Narrating] That's me-baby Earl.
Este sou eu, em bebé.
[Earl Narrating] I did a lot of things to disappoint my dad... but it was something I did four years ago that hurt him the most.
Desiludi o meu pai em muita coisa, mas doeu-lhe sobretudo o que fiz há quatro anos.
[Earl Narrating] My father was mad as hell... and for the first time in his life... he wasn't gonna leave it up to the politicians to change the world.
O meu pai ficou danado, e pela primeira vez na vida, não ia esperar que os políticos mudassem o mundo.
Oh. [Earl Narrating] Yep, it was a successful trip.
Foi uma viagem com êxito.
[Both Chuckling ] [ Earl Narrating] As I grew older, my pranks got the attention of the authorities.
Quando cresci, as minhas partidas chamaram a atenção das autoridades.

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