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Fabious tradutor Português

45 parallel translation
Prince Fabious!
Príncipe Fabious!
Once again, Prince Fabious has made me as proud as a father could ever be.
Uma vez mais, o príncipe Fabious tornaste-me o pai mais orgulhoso de todos!
You, Fabious, you're being selfish and greedy.
Tu, Fabious, estás a ser egoísta e ganancioso.
If your mother were here today, she would be a very proud woman, Fabious. Thank you, Father.
- Obrigado, pai.
Yet another glorious achievement in the whole firmament of starring moments for your brother Fabious.
Outra gloriosa conquista num firmamento estrelado pelo teu irmão.
Because, Fabious, it's true.
- Porque é a verdade.
How many quests have I been on with Fabious?
Em quantas missões estive com o Fabious?
Oh, Fabious, I can't wait until the cervix is over, and to lie together as one.
Fabious, não consigo esperar até o "colo do útero" acabar, e para mentirmos juntos como um só. Não, o serviço.
Oh, brave Fabious. You murdered my Cyclops.
Valente Fabious, mataste o meu ciclope!
Thadeous, this is Fabious'28th quest.
Thadeous, esta é a 28ª busca do Fabious.
Fabious has Simon, and now I have Steven, a far superior creature companion.
Fabious tem o Simon, e eu tenho o Steven, um parceiro bem superior.
'Tis I, Fabious. Your love.
Sou eu, Fabious, o teu amado.
Fabious, it's really you.
Fabious, és realmente tu?
For example, I have heard that your Prince Fabious has made his bed recklessly with many maidens. And I heard that he has fungi on his genitalia as a result.
Por exemplo, soube que o teu príncipe Fabious faz coisas nojentas na cama com muitas donzelas, e fiquei a saber que isso causou-lhe fungos na genitália.
Leave him in his carriage, Fabious.
Deixa-o na carruagem, Fabious,
It is I, Prince Fabious and my brother, Prince Thadeous.
Eu, o príncipe Fabious e o meu irmão, o príncipe Thadeous.
Fabious has been coming here since he was a boy.
O Fabious vem cá desde criança.
Handle your shit, Fabious, please.
Tem calma, por favor.
Bring Prince Fabious to me alive.
Traz-me o Príncipe Fabious vivo.
Prince Fabious, what is wrong?
Príncipe Fabious! O que foi?
His orders were simple. Capture Fabious and kill the rest.
- As ordens foram simples, capturar o Fabious e matar o resto!
Oh! Fabious, he's coming! I know, get up here!
- Fabious, ele está a aproximar-se!
Fabious is of no purpose to us.
O Fabious não tem utilidade para nós!
Shit! Fabious, the horses! They're escaping.
Merda, os cavalos de Fabious fugiram.
I am Prince Fabious of Mourne and this is my brother, Thadeous, and his squire, young Courtney.
E este é o meu irmão, Thadeous, e o seu jovem escudeiro, Courtney.
Sometimes he borrows your armor and he prances around the courtyard, flailing your sword, going, "I am Fabious! " Look at me slay dragon. "
Às vezes, ele colocava a sua armadura brandia e a sua espada no pátio, dizendo : "Eu sou Fabious, vê como mato o dragão!"
Duh. That's why Fabious turned to me. The most bold and brave and honorable man that he knows.
Então Fabious recorreu a mim, o mais ousado, corajoso e honrado homem que ele conhece.
And Fabious, throwing his goddamn tantrums with no regard for anyone else's feelings.
Fabious descarregou a sua raiva sem se importar com os sentimentos de ninguém.
We go over there, we get the compass back, we give it to Fabious, we make him feel horrible for the way in which he treated me, and then you and I head for home.
Vai lá e traz a bússola de volta. Damo-la ao Fabious, para que ele se sinta horrível pela forma como me tratou. - E então, iremos juntos para casa.
I can't wait to see the look on Fabious'silly face when he sees this.
Mal posso esperar para ver a cara de parvo do Fabious ao ver isto.
- Fabious...
What about Fabious?
- E quanto ao Fabious?
Oh, Fabious. We'll remember him fondly.
- Lembrar-nos-emos dele para sempre.
Fabious has been captured by Leezar and his men.
Fabious foi capturado pelo Leezar pelos seus homens.
Without the blade, Fabious will be helpless against Leezar. Shut your magical hole.
Sem a espada, ele é impotente contra Leezar.
The pesky Prince Fabious.
Irritante Príncipe Fabious.
Fabious, there's something else I should tell you.
- Fabious, tenho de dizer uma coisa.
I know you do not expect much from me, Fabious.
Sei que não esperas muito de mim.
Master Fabious. I loved you!
Só para que saibas, Fabious, eu amei-te.
Fabious did help where he could. Hmm. Hmm.
- Fabious ajudou no que pôde.
Well, that was very nice of you, Fabious.
Bem, isso foi... muito gentil da tua parte, Fabious.
Prince Fabious, I'm here for you now. Brother!
Fabious! Fabious! Fabious!
Que se fodam!
I'd like to introduce myself.
Eu gostaria de apresentar-me, sou o Príncipe Fabious de Mourn.

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