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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ F ] / Footsteps approach

Footsteps approach tradutor Português

21 parallel translation
( footsteps approach ) SOMEBODY IS COMING.
Vem aí alguém.
( Footsteps approach )
( Passos aproximam-se )
( footsteps approach, liquid pours )
Private Practice S03E13 "Shotgun"
[Footsteps approach] What's that?
O que é isso?
Will you? FOOTSTEPS APPROACH Oh, excuse me, I didn't mean to interrupt.
Sr. Moray, o Sr. Weston.
( FOOTSTEPS APPROACH ) - Any luck ID-ing our murderer?
- Identificaram o assassino?
( groans ) Sorry, Sideswipe! ( footsteps approach )
Desculpa, Sideswipe!
Preciso disto.
( footsteps approach ) ♪ ♪
Eu posso ver as falhas, Smith, Ferguson também.
( FOOTSTEPS APPROACH ) Uh, anyone notice the whole state's gone dark?
Alguém notou que o Estado todo está às escuras?
( Footsteps approach ) ( Man ) A matter of the greatest urgency and importance!
É um assunto importante e urgente
( Footsteps approach )
Tens um postal.
( Footsteps approach ) Are you Dan Humphrey?
- És o Dan Humphrey?
( Footsteps approach )
Olá, querida.
Desculpa, não te preocupes.
[Footsteps approach]
~ It was my dad's. ~ ( Footsteps approach )
Era do meu pai.
[Footsteps approach] Forget your penis?
Esqueceste o teu pénis?
[Footsteps approach]
Oh, uau!
[Footsteps approach] Ah. Seriously?
A sério?

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