He was about tradutor Português
7,282 parallel translation
Charlie, he was about to kill himself.
Charlie, ele ia matar-se.
What do you think it says that he sent you back just when he was about to attempt to capture the witch?
O que acha de ele ter te enviado de volta logo quando iria tentar capturar o bruxo?
You think this Zed guy's got it? Zed was stuck in the compound, bluffing that he was about to bomb the Navy. No.
- Achas que Zed o tem?
Wait, he was curious about a woman.
Ele estava curioso sobre uma mulher.
He was right about the Humanichs.
Ele tinha razão sobre os Humanichs.
Ken, the "all back chump" you talked about, was he wearing a jade ring?
Ken, aquele penetra de que falavas, estava a usar um anel de jade?
He was touchy about the cold.
Era esquisito em relação ao frio.
They understood what he was talking about, or at least they thought they did.
E ele fazia sempre isso.
I was one of the folks who oriented new Panther members, and I oriented them by telling them about what a wonderful person Huey was and about how he was the leader of our party, never knowing what the hell he was.
Houve mudanças na organização. Bobby Seale foi embora. Houve muita gente que estava na organização desde o início e que foi embora.
And there was a prenup in place that paid out to him, so he's actually pretty happy about the way things turned out.
E há um contrato pré-nupcial que compensou para ele. Ele está bastante feliz com a maneira como tudo terminou.
Now, maybe he was thinking about taking his own life. Maybe he just wanted you to feel safe after he was gone.
Talvez estivesse a pensar em acabar com a própria vida, talvez quisesse que se sentisse segura, depois que ele se fosse.
He was a popular kid and became a hero to me because he lived the Christian lifestyle and often talked about it.
Ele era um miúdo popular e tornou-se um herói para mim porque vivia uma vida cristã e falava frequentemente dela.
I now believe that though my father was right about... about the nature of the threat that hangs over all of us, he... he was entirely wrong in his moral mathematics.
Agora acredito que, apesar de meu pai estar certo sobre a natureza da ameaça que paira sobre todos nós, ele estava completamente errado na sua matemática moral.
That's why he was thinking about quitting the business.
Até queria largar o negócio.
How pissed was your dad when he found out about you and Troy?
Quão furioso o teu pai ficou ao saber de ti e do Troy?
That song was written by our guitar player, Simon, and he's gonna kick my ass for telling you all this right now, but he wrote it about a very sweet, very hot waitress he had a thing for.
Esta música foi escrita pelo nosso guitarrista, Simon, e ele vai dar-me cabo da cabeça por vos dizer isto agora, mas é sobre uma empregada muito doce e jeitosa, por quem estava apaixonado.
About who he was?
Sobre quem era.
According to my contact, the CIA did not know about Matty until after he was murdered.
- De acordo com o meu contacto, a CIA não sabia do Matty até depois dele ser morto.
He was the chef, but I will see what I can do about that creamsicle.
Ele era o cozinheiro, mas vou ver o que posso fazer sobre o gelado.
Was he happy about it?
Ele ficou feliz?
'Cause, you see, Dad, this guy I was telling you about, he's the one who broke me out of Arkham.
É que... sabes, Pai? O tipo de quem estava a falar, foi ele que me tirou de Arkham.
My ex-boyfriend, Frederick was an OB / GYN and we would often talk about his work. Before he started talking about it with... Dave.
O meu ex-namorado, o Frederick, era obstetra e falávamos muitas vezes sobre o seu trabalho, antes de ele começar a falar com o Dave.
Besides, if he was actually going to leave, he would have made a bigger deal about it.
E se fosse mesmo nos deixar, ele teria feito barulho.
You know, one time we were talking about boobs and how much I love them, and he was like,
Sabem, uma vez estavamos a falar sobre mamas e como eu as adoro, e ele ficou tipo,
Technically, she just said that he was cheating, but she never said anything about a goat.
Tecnicamente, ela só disse que ele te andava a enganar mas ela nunca disse nada sobre nenhuma cabra.
Pete was just about to ruin any chances of marrying Grace by explaining why he thinks her dad is the killer.
- O Peter estava quase a arruinar qualquer hipótese de se casar com a Grace ao explicar porque ele acha que o pai dela é o assassino.
Because he knew the explanation we gave the partners about Louis was bullshit, and I had to tell him something.
Porque ele sabia que as explicações dadas aos sócios sobre o Louis eram balelas, e tinha de lhe contar algo.
I was worried about Louis. Gerard didn't bat an eye at me back then, and he didn't just now.
Gerard não olhou para mim, então, e agora também não.
You know, I knew he was a hypocrite after I found out about the gambling.
Sabia que ele era hipócrita, quando soube do jogo.
Of course, he was an absolute romantic about archeology, convinced that he might be the one to find this mythic vault of riches under the Temple Mount.
Era um bom amigo. Ele era absolutamente romântico sobre a arqueologia, convicto que seria o único a encontrar esse mítico cofre de riquezas debaixo do Monte do Templo.
I thought I was protecting the temple, but... My husband... He doesn't care about you.
Pensei que estava a proteger o Templo, mas o meu marido, não quer saber de ti.
"As I crossed the frozen tundra with my guide Akiak " en route to Nordvagen, he told me about the Wesen " I was looking for, describing it as a humanlike creature
" Ao atravessar a tundra congelada com o meu guia Akiak, a ir para Nordvagen, contou-me sobre o Wesen que eu procurava, descrevendo-o como um humanóide que o povo dele chamava de Amarok, coberto por pelos,
He probably came home, saw that Eva was about to leave him, and killed her in a fit of rage.
Ele provavelmente, foi para casa, viu que a Eva estava prestes a deixá-lo, e matou-a num acesso de fúria.
Which is probably why he lied about where he was that night.
Que foi provavelmente por isso que ele mentiu sobre onde estava naquela noite.
One of the leaders was Hafizullah Amin, and after the revolution he ordered a film to be made about the role he had played.
Um dos líderes era Hafizullah Amin, e depois da revolução ordenou que fosse feito um filme sobre o seu papel.
He was talking wildly about Honor Corps and cleaning up RMA.
Falava sem parar sobre o Corpo de Honra e sobre limpar a AMR.
You think he was serious about what he just said?
Achas que ele falou a sério sobre isso?
And he swears that it was just an old stash that he had forgotten about.
E ele jurou que era um esconderijo antigo... Que ele tinha esquecido.
Apparently, he was thinking about getting one, and he slipped and fell on the showroom floor.
E não tinha. Estava a pensar comprar uma quando escorregou e caiu no stand.
Yeah. Um, Sam said he was headed home to watch a documentary about Buzkashi, the national sport of Afghanistan.
O Sam disse que ia para casa assistir a um documentário sobre Buzkashi, o desporto nacional do Afeganistão.
He was talking about Breakout, and I said, "Well, you know, you guys got paid pretty well for it."
Ele estava a falar do Breakout e eu disse : "Vocês receberam um belo cheque por isso."
And he wanted give his people stock option grants that were so big, that they wouldn't even think about going somewhere else because the upside was so enormous.
Ele queria dar-lhes opções de compra de acções tão grandes que eles nem pensariam em ir para outro sítio porque o lucro era enorme.
He was very supportive about whatever choices that we made on the case.
Ele apoiou todas as escolhas que fizemos no caso.
He was very involved in it and very interested in it and wanted to be kept abreast about what was going on in the investigation.
Ele estava muito envolvido e muito interessado e queria ser informado do desenrolar da investigação.
He was very, very adamant and very passionate about his creation.
Ele era muito inflexível e muito apaixonado pela sua criação.
This was a guy who knew, who knew at the time, he was dying, and he dedicated, what, ten minutes of his life to talk about these guys who found a phone in a bar and then published a story about it?
Estamos a falar de um homem que, já na altura, sabia que estava a morrer e que dedicou uns dez minutos da sua vida para falar sobre uns tipos que encontraram um telemóvel num bar e publicaram um artigo sobre ele. Não é um pouco estranho?
He was obligated to tell shareholders right away about this serious illness.
Ele era obrigado a contar aos accionistas imediatamente sobre aquela doença grave.
He was so traumatized that he was never able to talk about it.
Ficou tão traumatizado que nunca falou a respeito disso.
He's about the same age as both Killburn and Declan, and get this : Killburn was arrested once with Declan, and Declan was arrested once with McClay.
Quase a mesma idade do Killburn e do Declan, e ouçam, o Killburn foi preso com o Declan uma vez, e o Declan foi preso uma vez com o McClay.
And if it really was Jack the Ripper, he was from the 1800s, so he would have known about guns but not rubber bullets.
E se era mesmo o Jack, o Estripador... Era de 1800, por isso sabia sobre armas, mas não sobre balas de borracha.
There was someplace he talked about... a place he liked to go.
Ele falou sobre um sitio... Um sitio onde gostava de ir.
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was afraid 36
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was wrong 76
he was afraid 36
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was drunk 101
he was angry 46
he was here 335
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was just 83
he was nice 64
he was angry 46
he was here 335
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was just 83
he was nice 64