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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ H ] / He was born in

He was born in tradutor Português

347 parallel translation
He was born in Jerusalem!
- Desportista? Nasceu em Jerusalém!
He was born in the circus, grew up in the circus.
Tinha nascido no circo... e, crescido no circo.
Great. Found out he was born in Plainfield, New Jersey.
Descobri que nasceu em Nova Jérsia.
He was born in a slum.
Ele nasceu num bairro de lata.
He was born in the new hospital.
Ele nasceu no novo hospital.
I told you I just want to see the town he was born in.
Eu disse que apenas quero ver a cidade onde nasceu.
To this end He said He was born in that stable where I first saw Him.
Para este fim, disse Ele, é que Ele nasceu no estábulo onde O vi.
If it's true he was 33 years old, he was born in'84.
Se for verdade que tem 33 anos... É de 1884...
Just that he was born in Marseille.
- Que nasceu em Marselha.
He was born in 1885.
Ele nasceu em 1885.
- He was born in Bethlehem.
- Ele nasceu em Belém.
He was born in Ur of the Chaldees.
Ele nasceu em Ur dos Caldeus.
He was born in Cerda, Sicily, you know.
Ele nasceu em Cherda, na Sicília, sabia.
He was born in that desert.
Ele nasceu naquele deserto.
He was born in this line.
Ele nasceu nesta fila!
He was born in 1636 and died in 1711.
Nasceu eu 1636 e morreu em 1711.
He came out of Five Points but he's telling everybody he was born in Forest Hills.
É de Five Points, mas diz a toda a gente que nasceu em Forest Hills.
- He was born in december, right?
- Nasceu em Dezembro, não? - E então?
He was born in december...
Ainda perguntas?
- He was born in San Francisco in 1906.
- Nasceu San Francisco, em 1906.
He was born in Liverpool, attended school in Liverpool, was even married in Liverpool and his football team is, of course, Everton.
Ele nasceu em Liverpool, estudou em Liverpool, até se casou em Liverpool... e seu time de futebol, é claro, é o Everton.
He was born in 1868.
Nascido em 1868.
He was born in the Bronx... he is one of them.
Ele nasceu no Bronx.
He was born in Lancashire, England, third generation butler.
Ele nasceu em Lancashire, Inglaterra in Lancashire, England, terceira geração de mordomos.
He was born in the wrong era, on the wrong side of the river, with the ability to be able to do anything that he wants to do and, uh... and finding nothing that he wants to do.
Ele só está no filme errado. Ele nasceu no tempo falso na margem falsa. Ele tem a capacidade de fazer tudo o que quer, mas ele não encontra nada que queira fazer.
He was born in North Dakota in 1896 and never saw a big city until he came back from France in 1918.
Nasceu no Dakota do Norte em 1896... e nunca viu uma cidade grande, até ter regressado de França em 1918.
He was born in a poor family.
Ele nasceu em uma família pobre.
Well, he was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, 45 years ago, the only child of Franklin and Helene Sheldon, mediocre student, majored in History...
Nasceu em Worcester, no Massachusetts, há 45 anos, filho único de Franklin e Helene Sheldon, estudante medíocre...
- Like animals he was born and raised in the jungle.
- Igual aos animais... -... que nasceram e cresceram na selva.
- He was not born in the jungle!
- Ele não nasceu na selva!
That's the name she used at the hospital in Boston where he was born.
É o nome que ela usou no hospital de Boston onde ele nasceu.
# He was born and bred in Ireland
Nasceu e cresceu na Irlanda
# He was born and bred in Ireland
" Nasceu e cresceu na Irlanda
# There was a wild colonial boy # Jack Duggan was his name # He was born and bred in Ireland
"Havia um selvagem menino das colônias Jack Duggan se chamava Nasceu e cresceu na Irlanda Em um lugar chamado Castlemaine Era o único filho de seu pai O orgulho e alegria de sua mãe E com amor seus pais quiseram" Este selvagem menino das colônias ".
Ever since he come from the South... I seen he was born with a big fat burr in his britches.
Desde que ele chegou do sul... que percebi que ele vive à procura de sarilhos.
You know, born in a slum, mother dead since he was nine.
Nasceu num bairro de lata, órfão de mãe desde os nove.
He was an American citizen born in Benton Harbor, Michigan.
Era um cidadão norte-americano, nascido em Benton Harbor, Michigan.
Also, he headed instinctively for Japan... like a salmon returning to the waters in which he was born.
E por, instintivamente dirigir-se para o Japão, Como os salmões que regressam ás águas onde nasceram.
there's a hound dog out in Texas he says he belongs to me when he's on the trail I can follow his tail through the land of the wild country he was born to roam the mountains the prairie land so free
Tell me more. He was born with a slide rule in his mouth.
Bem, eu acho que Armstrong nasceu com uma regra de cálculo na boca.
"Born in Glasgow in 1846, " he was soon after brought to New York.
" Nascido em Glasgow em 1846, logo o troux eram para Nova lorque.
I couldn't help admiring him. He was so wise. He had a deep knowledge born of a lifetime spent in the wilds.
Eu admirava este goldo pela sua inacreditável perspicácia, fruto de uma longa vida na taiga.
And was he born in...?
I was born there. Why is he so interested in my, my mother's grandfather?
Por que lhe interessa tanto o avô de minha mãe?
He was born here, in Salem's Lot.
Nasceu aqui em Salem's Lot.
He was born over there in the city of Miletus across this narrow strait.
Nasceu ali, na cidade de Mileto, cruzando este estreito.
He decided the day I was born, so that in the next war, I could avoid the infantry. It's cleaner to die in water than in mud.
Decidiu-o no dia em que eu nasci para que, na guerra seguinte, eu pudesse escapar-me à infantaria É mais fino morrer na água do que na lama.
He was born on May 26, 1900, at a village called Öln in West Prussia.
Nascido em 26 de Maio de 1900 na aldeia de Öln, na Prússia Ocidental.
In fact, he was probably born about 20 years too late.
Aliás acho que nasceu com um atraso de 20 anos...
Like all Brits, thinks he was born with a better pot to piss in.
Todos os britânicos acham que nasceram com um penico melhor para mijar.
They're with my Steve. He was practically born in the woods.
Acham que os rapazes estão bem?

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