He was just there tradutor Português
642 parallel translation
He was just there.
Ele estava mesmo ali.
Well, you see, Sir, we ran across a caravan coming down from the pass. There was a Hindu merchant. He'd just been to visit to the Suristanis and he has it on good authority that the Suristanis are preparing for an attack.
Sabe senhor, cruzamo-nos com uma caravana que vinha do desfiladeiro e um mercador hindu que vinha do Suristão, sabia de fonte segura que os suristaneses estão a preparar-se para um ataque.
Just... sitting there like he was waiting for somebody to come along.
Sentado... como se estivesse à espera que alguém chegasse.
Sometimes I think Tarzan's up there too in the clouds, just like he was in the escarpment.
Às vezes, penso que Tarzan também está lá em cima... ... nas nuvens, tal como estava no maciço.
He was there, just as you described him.
Ele estava exactamente como tu o descreveste.
I just came up, and there he was.
Acabo de subir, e aí estava ele.
He could not believe that he had made this portrait... yet there was his own name, just as he had painted it.
Não podia acreditar que tivesse pintado aquele retrato, e todavia, lá estava o seu próprio nome tal como o tinha pintado.
All his life, whenever he got in a spot... he just put out his hand, and there was Ma Jarrett.
Na vida, quando se metia em sarilhos, apenas estendia a mão e lá estava a Mamã Jarrett.
He just couldn't figure how a guy could disappear from the compound and still be there, but Dunbar was there all right.
Não percebia como é que um homem podia desaparecer do recinto e continuar lá. Mas o Dunbar estava lá. Estava lá.
Oh. He found out we were being held by the police. He just called up to see if there was anything he could do.
Descobriu que estávamos detidos na esquadra e queria saber se podia ajudar.
He'd just stopped in, and there was nobody there.
Eu entrei lá e não havia lá ninguém.
If my father lived there, he'd tell them it was just two pieces of air coming together.
Se o meu pai lá vivesse, dizia-lhes que eram só dois pedaços de ar que se juntavam.
Cartwright just disappeared. One minute he was there and the next minute he was gone.
Estava connosco e num segundo tinha-se esfumado...
I think he was just standing there behind the bar.
Acho que estava só ali atrás do balcão.
Stepmother, we were there talking and he was just gone.
Estávamos a conversar e ele desapareceu.
Well, he was out when I was there just a while ago.
Ele não estava em casa quando lá estive agora.
Did he bring it in person, or was it... just there, shoved the door?
Ele trouxe-a por mão própria, ou meteram-na debaixo da porta?
It was just by accident that he was staying there but it didn't take him long to figure out what was going on between us.
Ele estava lá por mero acaso. Mas não demorou a aperceber-se do que havia entre nós.
He didn't even hit me in the face, he just shoved his thumb in my eye, it hurt like hell... It was a violent punch, there isn't anybody who doesn't feel a punch in the eye.
Ele nem sequer me bateu na cara, enfiou-me o polegar dentro da vista e eu, com aquela aflição, - foi um soco violento e não há ninguém que não sinta um soco dentro da vista... ajoelhei-me, com ideias de o deixar contar até oito
Well, he was there just a second ago.
Mas estava lá há um segundo.
Tanner, didn't you just say that he walked over to the car, gun drawn, leaned in the car, there was a shot and then the car lurched?
Tanner, disseste que ele dirigiu-se para o carro, de arma na mão, inclinou-se, houve um tiro e depois o carro guinou? Foi o que disseste?
He was standing there just as plain as we are.
Estava ali, como nós estamos.
I was looking right at him, then he just wasn't there.
- Eu estava a olhar para ele... Estava a olhar para ele. E ele desapareceu.
Well he was sitting there, he'd just drunk his coffee and he set the cup down. You see, it's still there.
- Bebeu o café dele e pousou-o.
I was looking at him. I was looking right at him, then he just wasn't there.
Estava a olhar para ele e ele desapareceu.
Was he just standing there while some guy sitting down shot him?
Estaria simplesmente de pé, enquanto alguém sentado o alvejou?
I get up there, and, well, you know, he was all right. Everything seemed to be just fine.
Mas encontrei-o de bom humor, parecia que estava tudo bem.
I heard out in California there was this man, he was so hungry that he was grubbing roots just like you but instead of a root, he yanked up a nugget big as a turnip.
Ouvi dizer na California que havia um homem que tinha tanta fome... que ele estava a recolher raízes tal como tu... mas em vez de raízes ele achou uma pepita tão grande como um nabo.
See, my dog had a little operation, and the vet was kind of upset because I had to leave him there, but he's just fine, he's moving around.
É que o meu cão fez uma pequena cirurgia. O veterinário ficou aborrecido porque eu tive de o deixar lá. Mas ele está óptimo.
There was a certain look in his eye. He got on a chair... and played some amazing guitar just standing on a chair in the dressing room.
Ele ficou com um certo olhar, subiu a uma cadeira... e tocou espantosamente guitarra num camarim.
Whenever I saw him, there was always at least four people... sort of dragging him from one side of the room to the other. It just seemed as though he couldn't keep up, you know.
Ele estava sempre rodeado de pelo menos quatro pessoas, que o arrastavam de um lado para o outro, e ele parecia não aguentar o ritmo.
Then he said, "Well, just as there was an elite guard in the Kaiser's time, there is an elite guard now in the new movement, and that is the SS."
Então ele disse : " Tal como existia uma guarda de elite no tempo do Kaiser, também há uma agora no Novo Movimento. São as SS.
And what they would do, if someone had been hastily buried, they would disinter him, or if he was just lying there, they'd pick him up and slide them into the mattress covers, pile them up into the trucks and take them off to a temporary cemetery somewhere.
Se alguém estivesse mal sepultado, eles desenterravam-no, ou se vissem corpos caídos, apanhavam-nos, colocavam-nos em lençóis e empilhavam-nos em camiões, levando-os para um cemitério temporário.
I just felt like he did just because he was there.
Eu é que achava que ele cuidava só porque estava lá.
You were Hugh Sloan's bookkeeper when he worked for Maurice Stans at Finance... and we were just wondering if you were... promoted to work for Mr. Stans immediately after Mr. Sloan quit... or whether there was some time lapse?
Trabalhou para o Sloan quando ele estava nas Finanças com o Stans. Queríamos só saber se você... trabalhou para o Stans mal o Sloan se demitiu... ou muito tempo depois disso?
This kid, he's- - he's my boyfriend, and, um, I was just wondering... if there's any other way we could take care of this.
Este garoto, ele é... ele é meu namorado, e, uhh, eu apenas estava querendo saber... se haveria alguma outra forma de conseguirmos cuidar disso.
By the time we got to him, he was just sitting there trying to scream with his face ripped off.
Quando conseguimos lá chegar, estava sentado, tentando gritar com a cara destruída.
But there was something about nature, man, and he taught me to be in the woods and just the sounds you would hear would be so different.
Mas havia algo com a natureza, meu. Ele ensinou-me a estar na floresta apenas... O som que se ouvia era tão diferente.
He said there was a flash of light, just like you saw, but when the bell crashed, Karen was already gone.
Ele disse que havia um clarão de luz, do jeito que você viu, mas quando o sino caiu, Karen já tinha sumido.
And, just as he was about ready to jump, skies open up, and there's this ray of light
Observa o céu, e no momento de saltar, o céu se aclara
For a minute there I thought that was because he was... you know, built. That's just what his friends call him.
If it was just he and his men there couldn't be too much damage.
Só ele e os seus homens não podiam causar tantos danos.
They sent Superman here from there when he was just a baby.
Enviaram o Super-Homem para cá ainda em bebé.
Always running. And always when she was just about to get away... He would be there.
Sempre a fugir, e quando julgava que escapara, ele aparecia e impedia-a de continuar.
Thinking about it since it happened, he did it in a vague sort of way, just waved the torch about aimlessly, as if he hadn't the faintest idea what he was there for.
Quando viu o corpo, reconheceu-o? Não.
He said there was just the three of them.
Disse que estavam apenas os três.
He must have been down there alone and the flagstone just fell shut on him, poor fellow. Sir Reginald, I'm told that your butler was down in the cellar in an unused part of the house.
Constou-me que o seu mordomo estava numa parte da cave não utilizada.
He was also thinking of birches for the dales where, he told me, there was moisture just below the surface of the soil.
Também pensava plantar bétulas, longe dali, onde, segundo ele, certa umidade dormia a alguns metros da superfície do solo.
Oh, God, he was just hanging there through the window in his bow tie!
Meu Deus! Ele tinha a cabeça no pára-brisas com o seu laço de borboleta.
I thought Craig would smash all the glass when he ran through it but he just made a Craig-shaped hole, so there was this big sheet right in front of us.
Agora aqueles corpos podem jazer ali, sabendo que morreram em nome da paz, e podem agora decompor em paz na terra da liberdade... cabeçudo.
He was just lying there.
Estava deitado.
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was afraid 36
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was wrong 76
he was afraid 36
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was drunk 101
he was angry 46
he was here 335
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was just 83
he was nice 64
he was angry 46
he was here 335
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was just 83
he was nice 64