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His girlfriend tradutor Português

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So Sergeant Woodson comes home and pops the question, then finds out that his girlfriend has been doing Peter Forrest the whole time he's been flying solo in Kandahar.
Portanto, o Sargento Woodson chega a casa e pega na questão, daí, descobre que a sua namorada tem estado envolvida com o Peter Forrest sempre que ele tinha estado em terreno no Kandahar.
The inevitable- - he was lonely and vulnerable from missing his girlfriend, while I was charming, supportive and, let's face it, in this dress, the perfect combination of Madonna and whore.
O inevitável. Ele estava sozinho e vulnerável, com saudades da namorada, enquanto eu, encantadora, amiga, neste vestido, a combinação perfeita de Madonna e prostituta.
I was his girlfriend until he dug you up.
Eu era a namorada dele até ele te ir escavar.
Someone is supposed to remain with the body, but the mortuary night guy stayed with his girlfriend last night instead.
Alguém devia ter ficado com o corpo, mas o tipo da morgue ficou antes com a namorada à noite.
Who hides his girlfriend under a rock while his mom comes into town?
Quem é que esconde a namorada quando a mãe está a chegar?
It's just a kid who wants to buy his girlfriend's way through the portal.
É um puto que quer comprar a vinda da namorada pelo portal.
His girlfriend's gonna be okay, right?
A namorada dele vai ficar bem, não vai?
But when Wes saw his girlfriend's water bottle in Scott's van, he thought they slept together.
Mas quando viu a garrafa da namorada na carrinha do Scott, pensou que tinham dormido juntos.
I think his girlfriend might disagree with you on that one...
Acho que a namorada dele deve discordar de si nisso...
I am... his girlfriend.
Não. Eu sou a namorada dele.
Although, she did throw a softball at his girlfriend.
O que é certo é que ela atirou com a bola à namorada dele.
- I'm Cashandra, his girlfriend.
- Cashandra, a namorada dele.
Then I kissed his girlfriend who is black and British.
Depois beijei a sua linda namorada que é negra e inglesa.
That's not his girlfriend.
- Não é a namorada.
- His girlfriend lives in the Bronx too.
A namorada dele mora no Bronx também.
The Sixers don't have the technology to get his girlfriend here.
Os Sextos não têm tecnologia, para trazer a namorada dele.
His girlfriend, Nikki Royce, admitted to it.
A sua namorada, Nikki Royce, confessou.
I think it's time for Dr. Cryer to see his girlfriend again.
Acho que está na hora do Dr. Cryer voltar a ver a namorada.
Unless he broke up with his girlfriend.
Se não acabasse com a namorada.
Max, it's pretty obvious that he's in here because he broke up with his girlfriend "Cassandra"
É óbvio que veio, porque acabou com a namorada Cashandra.
Yeah, well, you also knew he was coming in here to tell me he broke up with his girlfriend. So you can suck it.
Também sabias que vinha dizer-me que tinha rompido com a namorada, por isso, podes ir bugiar.
What's his girlfriend doing here?
- O que faz aqui a namorada?
Did he tell you he's breaking up with his girlfriend?
Disse-te que ia romper com a namorada?
Well, you told me he was breaking up with his girlfriend three times.
Disseste-me três vezes que ia acabar com a namorada.
Coming up is what Morgan Hunt instructed his girlfriend to delete.
Vamos ver o que o Morgan Hunt instruiu a namorada a destruir
His P.O. says he stays at his girlfriend's house in Ewa Beach.
Sabemos que ele fica na casa da namorada, em Ewa Beach.
First, he cheated on his girlfriend with Robin, then he broke up with his girlfriend for Robin, then Robin chose Kevin over him.
Primeiro, traiu a namorada com a Robin, depois acabou com a namorada por causa da Robin, depois a Robin escolheu o Kevin em vez dele.
Apparently, your son got drunk and climbed up onto his girlfriend's roof.
Parece que o teu filho se embebedou e subiu para o telhado da namorada.
- "Boyfriend"? ... get his girlfriend?
- Eu como tua namorada.
That's okay, because now, if you stop acknowledging him, if you suddenly give him nothing, I guarantee you, the guy is going to go berserk and forget his girlfriend, unless he's just not interested.
Isso é bom, porque se agora deixares de reconhecê-lo, se de repente o ignorares, garanto-te que ele vai perder as estribeiras... e esquecer a namorada, excepto se ele não estiver mesmo interessado.
I was supposed to have lunch with Dad to tell him that he didn't have to come to the wedding, but then he said he was gonna bring his girlfriend.
Eu ia almoçar com o pai, para lhe dizer que ele não tem de vir ao casamento, mas ele disse que ia trazer a namorada dele.
Or one for me and one for him and two for his girlfriend.
Ou um para mim e um para ele e dois para a namorada dele.
Unless we're in the future where the muscle boy argues with his girlfriend.
A menos que estejamos no futuro em que aquele calmeirão discute com a namorada.
Tell Wendy that I'm spending Thanksgiving with Fucker Frank and his girlfriend in Washington.
Diz à Wendy que vou passar o dia de graças com o idiota e a sua noiva Washington.
His girlfriend, Ana Moreau, is a French national.
A namorada, Ana Moreau, é francesa.
You know, the one where the guy's, like, mean to his girlfriend, and a nice guy comes and rescues her and at the end, they both find Jesus.
Aquele em que o tipo é mau para a namorada e aparece um tipo bom e salva-a e no fim ambos encontram Jesus.
Are you his girlfriend?
És namorada dele?
Sitting in his car with a birthday cake for his girlfriend at Georgia Tech.
Sentado no seu carro, com um bolo de aniversário para a namorada que estava na Georgia Tech.
is she his girlfriend?
É a namorada dele?
This real therapist won't risk upsetting his wonderful new girlfriend by analyzing her wonderful friends.
Este verdadeiro terapeuta não vai arriscar chatear a sua nova namorada ao analisar os seus fantásticos amigos.
This real therapist won't risk upsetting his wonderful new girlfriend by analyzing her wonderful friends.
Este terapeuta real não arriscará chatear a sua maravilhosa namorada nova ao analisar os seus maravilhosos amigos.
Oh, great. He sends his little girlfriend out.
Que bom, ele mandou a namoradinha cá fora.
His beautiful doctor girlfriend.
A sua bela namorada médica.
Cam needed a little alone time with his new girlfriend.
O Cam precisava de algum tempo sozinho com a nova namorada.
Paul was divorcing his sister and sleeping with his ex-girlfriend.
O Paul estava a divorciar-se da irmã dele e a dormir com a sua ex-namorada.
All I know is it's not going to happen at a public art show in front of him and his beautiful, cool British girlfriend.
Sei que não vai ser numa exposição de arte, diante dele e da sua linda e elegante namorada inglesa.
Captain can you get a message to the scientist and his zealot girlfriend?
Comandante, pode transmitir uma mensagem ao cientista e à fanática da namorada?
Thought Jack wou / da had a girlfriend by now, but all he did was jerk off to the pictures in those nudie magazines that was under his bed.
Era de esperar que por esta altura o Jack já tivesse uma namorada, mas o que ele fazia apenas era masturbar-se com aquelas fotografias debaixo da cama.
Are you his girlfriend?
És a namorada dele?
He kicked out his last girlfriend because of the bad sex.
Ele correu com a última namorada por causa do mau sexo.
He got his last girlfriend at work too.
A última namorada dele era do trabalho também.

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