His wife tradutor Português
13,987 parallel translation
He doesn't trust his wife, and, uh, his parents aren't sophisticated investors.
Não confia na esposa e os pais não são investidores sofisticados.
And his wife, Whitney Frost.
E a sua esposa, Whitney Frost.
And the door opened and Headmaster Portley walked in to find me wearing a bandit mask in the middle of his bedroom, my hands filled with his wife's knickers and his most expensive bottle of Brandy.
E a porta abriu e o Director Portley entrou para me encontrar com uma máscara no meio do quarto dele, as minhas mãos com cuecas da mulher dele e a sua garrafa de uísque mais cara.
And so in love with his wife that... he doesn't see her for what she is.
e tão apaixonado pela mulher que não a vê por aquilo que ela é.
Khaled says whoever took his wife finally made contact.
O Khaled disse que quem levou a esposa finalmente entrou em contato.
His wife was sick.
A mulher dele estava doente.
The baron and his wife.
O barão e a esposa.
Until such time, his wife is our only means of finding out who ordered the creature to murder my Reeve.
Até lá, a tua mulher é o nosso único meio de descobrir quem mandou a criatura matar o meu Conselheiro.
Perhaps Hrothgar made a mistake in over-looking his son and appointing his wife as Thane!
Talvez Hrothgar cometeu um erro em negligenciar o filho e nomear a sua mulher como Lady!
Where's his wife?
Onde está a mulher dele?
He deserted because he was losing his wife... To another man.
Ele desertou... porque estava a perder a esposa... para outro homem.
I sent a telegram to his wife.
Enviei um telegrama à esposa dele.
I told him he'd be hearing from his wife when I'm quite certain he will not.
Disse-lhe que receberia notícias da sua mulher quando, tenho quase a certeza do contrário.
Called his Wife?
Ligou para sua mulher?
Terribly interesting. The King seems to have lost all confidence in his wife.
Que interessante... parece que o Rei perdeu toda a confiança na sua esposa.
I only shot him because you tag-teamed his wife, you fucking degenerate.
Só lhe dei um tiro, porque vocês foderam a mulher dele, degenerado de merda.
His wife passed away last winter. But now Mårten's here to visit us.
A mulher dele faleceu no inverno, o Mårten veio visitar-nos.
Where is his wife now?
Onde está a mulher dele agora?
I hear his wife has even left him.
Ouvi dizer que a esposa o deixou.
He wants us to help his wife and his family escape.
Ele quer que ajudemos a sua esposa e a sua família a fugir.
His wife and kids are in the house.
A mulher dele e os filhos estão na casa.
It was his wife I used to play golf with.
Era com a esposa dele que eu jogava golfe.
He lied to his wife.
- Mentiu para a esposa.
Probably why he lied to his wife. Didn't want her to worry.
Não queria preocupá-la.
Patterson is still in critical condition, unfortunately, but his wife went into labor, and they had a healthy baby boy.
O Patterson ainda está em estado crítico, infelizmente, a esposa dele deu à luz a um menino saudável.
The insurance company performed an investigation and concluded there was no proof of foul play or that Anuk and his wife were deceased.
A companhia de seguros fez uma investigação e concluiu que não havia nenhuma prova de crime ou que o Anuk e a sua esposa tivessem morrido.
Antonio and his wife shared a place above the family butcher shop.
O Antonio e a sua esposa partilham um local mesmo por cima do talho da família.
He's attacking tourists with a car, like the one that killed his wife.
Ele está a atacar turistas com um carro, como aquele que matou a mulher dele.
Antonio closed the butcher business soon after his wife's death and moved.
O Antonio fechou o negócio do talho logo após a morte da mulher e mudou-se.
Before his wife's death, she.. ... transferred her village property in the name of her daughter.
Antes da morte da esposa ela transferiu a propriedade para a filha.
I'm his wife, okay?
Sou a esposa dele, certo?
Although I suspect his wife did the picking out.
Embora suspeite que foi a mulher dele que escolheu.
The King wants to buy a gift to placate his wife.
O Rei quer um presente para apaziguar a sua esposa.
Help this man find his wife.
Ajudem este homem a encontrar a sua mulher.
He went home with just enough strength to look after his wife.
Regressou a casa apenas com energia suficiente para cuidar da sua esposa.
If it was like that, Tomas Garrido only had to prepare the scene to frame you and vanish the way out his wife had set out.
Assim sendo, Tomás Garrido apenas teve de montar o cenário para o culpar e desaparecer, seguindo o caminho que a mulher havia preparado.
And it wasn't hard to find out that his wife works in the hotel.
E foi fácil descobrir que a sua mulher trabalhava no hotel.
Why haven't Tomás Garrido or his wife spoken up?
Porque não falaram Tomás Garrido ou a sua esposa?
When Tomás and his wife got to the hotel and found out about Laura's death, they understood what had happened.
Quando Tomás e a esposa chegaram ao hotel e souberam da morte da Laura, perceberam o que tinha acontecido.
They told police they weren't his wife and daughter.
Disseram à polícia que não eram esposa e filha dele. Tinham identidades falsas.
He does not take kindly to being stood up, and he has a little something to say about you stalking his wife, as well.
Ele não lida bem em ficar à espera e tem uma coisinha a dizer sobre perseguirem a esposa dele.
Ok. So clearly, we're not gonna find Darhk by tailing his wife.
Não vamos encontrar o Darhk seguindo a esposa dele.
No, I'm- - I'm his ex-wife.
Não, sou a ex-mulher dele.
- No, no, I'm- - I'm his... ex-wife.
- Não, sou a ex-mulher dele.
One of the professors is bringing his niece, AKA my future wife.
Um dos professores vai levar a sobrinha, também conhecida como a minha futura esposa.
His wife needed him.
- A mulher precisava dele.
He started to see his dead wife and kids in his dreams.
Começou a ver a mulher e os filhos mortos, enquanto dormia.
Last known photo was taken a week before he and his new wife, Monica, disappeared.
A última fotografia que se conhece foi tirada uma semana antes dele e a sua nova esposa, Monica, desaparecerem.
I've got my kids, Oh... my ex-husband, his new wife.
Tenho os miúdos, o meu ex-marido e a mulher dele.
My son's not with his friends and my wife's imagining things.
O meu filho não está com os amigos e a minha mulher está a imaginar coisas.
His ex-wife used to be an archivist for antiquities at the Naydel Library before it shut down, and it shut down three months after the accelerator exploded.
A ex-mulher dele catalogava antiguidades na Biblioteca Naydel antes de ela fechar. Ela fechou três meses depois do acelerador explodir.
his wife died 20
his wife left him 23
wife 1732
wife and kids 16
his watch 21
his words 65
his work 33
his what 76
his whole life 20
his wallet 24
his wife left him 23
wife 1732
wife and kids 16
his watch 21
his words 65
his work 33
his what 76
his whole life 20
his wallet 24