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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I never saw him again

I never saw him again tradutor Português

120 parallel translation
- Did you continue on with this man? - I never saw him again... and after my baby died... I left the city.
- Nunca mais voltei a ver... e depois que meu bebê morreu... deixei a cidade.
He never once laid a hand on me. And in the morning he went away and I never saw him again till that day of the trial.
Nem sequer me pôs as mãos encima, e de manhã muito cedo foi-se embora e não o voltei a ver até ao dia em que se celebrou o julgamento.
I never saw him again.
Nunca mais o vi.
I never saw him again.
Eu nunca mais o vi.
I dreamt I met him in an elevator. He got me pregnant and I never saw him again.
Sonhava que o conhecia num elevador, que ele me fazia um filho e que nunca mais o via.
One day, he came to Crab Key, and I never saw him again.
Um dia veio a Crab Key, e nunca mais o vi.
I never saw him again.
Nunca mais o voltei a ver.
And I never saw him again.
E nunca mais o vi.
I never saw him again.
- Viu, nunca o vi depois desse sonho.
I never saw him again. I can tell you that much.
Nunca mais o vi, isso te posso garantir.
And if I never saw him again, if the whole thing ended the next day, then at least I'd have a memory.
E se eu nunca mais o visse, se tudo acabasse no outro dia, então pelo menos eu ficava com a memória dele.
I never saw him again and know not what became of him... but I pray always that God received his soul and forgave... the many little vanities to which he was driven by his intellectual pride.
Nunca mais o vi e não sei que destino teve, mas rezo sempre para que Deus tenha recebido a sua alma e perdoado as muitas pequenas vaidades criadas pelo seu orgulho intelectual..
I told him that the world was round and I never saw him again.
Disse-lhe que o mundo era redondo e nunca mais o vi.
I never saw him again.
Nunca voltei a vê-lo.
We left the baby at the Shelbyville orphanage, and I never saw him again.
Nós deixamos o bebé no orfanato de Shelbyville e nunca mais o vimos.
I never saw him again.
Jamais voltei a Ihe ver.
And I never saw him again.
Nunca mais o voltei a ver.
I never saw him again.
nunca mais o vi.
I don't know, I never saw him again.
Não sei, nunca o voltei a ver.
I never saw him again but I always wondered two things :
Nunca mais voltei a vê-lo, mas fiquei sempre com duas dúvidas.
We'd only been married a few days and he went away. I never saw him again.
Estávamos casados há alguns dias, quando ele partiu.
I never saw him again until he showed up looking for you when you were 8 years old.
Nunca mais o vi até ele aparecer à tua procura quando tinhas 8 anos.
I never saw him again.
Nunca mais voltei a vê-lo.
Look, after I gave him the boy, I never saw him again.
Depois de lhe ter dado o rapaz, nunca mais o vi.
I went outside, but I didn't see anything, and I went looking for him, and I never saw him again.
Fui lá para fora, mas não vi nada. Andei à procura dele mas nunca mais o vi.
I never saw him again.
Essa foi a última vez que o vi.
- He came by less and less, and... finally I never saw him again.
- Começou a vir menos vezes e... finalmente nunca mais o vi.
'Cause I'd be happy if I never saw him again.
Porque eu ficava contente se nunca mais o visse.
I never saw him again.
E nunca mais o vi.
I'm sorry Roger ended up that way... but after he dropped off my final, I never saw him again, so -
Lamento que o Roger tenha tido esse final, mas depois de ele me dizer a nota, nunca mais o vi.
I never saw him again. I just figured they were usin'the back way.
Nunca mais o vi. Achei que saía pela porta das traseiras.
After that, I never saw him again.
E depois nunca o voltei a ver.
After that I never saw him again.
E depois nunca o voltei a ver.
I never saw him again.
Não voltei a vê-lo.
I never saw him again. A storage unit.
Nunca mais o vi.
I'd never seen him before and I never saw him again.
Nunca o tinha visto antes, e nunca mais o vi.
And I never saw him again.
Eu nunca mais o vi.
He was released but I never saw him again.
Foi libertado, mas eu nunca mais o vi.
They took him away and I never saw him again.
Levaram-no e nunca mais voltei a vê-lo.
They sent her to see him and I never saw her again, okay?
Mandaram-na falar com ele, e não voltei a vê-la.
I went back to my trailer... and after that, never saw him again.
Eu voltei à minha roulotte... e depois disso, nunca mais o tornei a ver.
I never saw him again.
- Nunca mais o vi.
I never saw or heard from him again.
Nunca voltei para ver, nem soube mais dele
- I never saw him again.
Desde aquele dia não o voltei a ver.
I gave him some options but never saw him again.
Mostrei-lhe algumas casas, mas depois não o voltei a ver.
FICHEIRO OF THE ASSISTANT he / she Had statement to Louise to put Big in an I besiege where he / she never again saw him / it.
FICHEIRO DA ASSISTENTE Tinha dito à Louise para pôr o Big num sitio onde nunca mais o visse.
I thought you said you never saw him again.
Pensei que havia dito nunca tê-lo visto outra vez.
Well, I never saw them again, but I... I saw him.
Não voltei a ver o casal, mas voltei a vê-lo.
I woke up one morning my mom was crying. Never saw him again.
Um dia acordei, a minha mãe estava a chorar.
I never really saw him again after I left.
Nunca mais o vi depois que o deixei.
Then he left and I never saw him again.
Fazia-se entender.

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