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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I thought you were sleeping

I thought you were sleeping tradutor Português

52 parallel translation
I thought you were sleeping.
- Acreditava que estava dormindo.
I thought you were sleeping.
Pensei que estivesse dormindo.
I thought you were sleeping.
Pensei que estivesses a dormir.
I thought you were sleeping.
Achei que estivesse dormindo.
I thought you were sleeping.
Pensei que estava a dormir.
I guess I thought you were sleeping.
Achei que já estavas a dormir.
- I thought you were sleeping together.
- Julgava que dormiam juntos.
I thought you were sleeping with my girl.
Pensei que andava com a minha miúda.
- I thought you were sleeping. CORDELIA :
- Pensei que estavas a dormir.
I thought you were sleeping.
- Pensei que estivesses a dormir.
I thought you were sleeping.
Julguei que estava a dormir.
- I thought you were sleeping.
- Pensei que estavas a dormir.
I thought you were sleeping in the park tonight.
Pensei que esta noite ias dormir no parque.
Oh my God. - I thought you were sleeping.
Pensei que ia dormir.
I thought you were sleeping, Mommy.
Pensei que estivesses a dormir, mamã.
- I thought you were sleeping.
- Pensava que estavas a dormir.
Yeah, I - I thought you were sleeping.
Sim, eu pensei que estivesse a dormir.
- I thought you were sleeping. - No.
- Pensei que estavas a dormir.
- I thought you were sleeping.
- Pensei que estavas a dormir. - Não.
I thought you were sleeping.
Pensei que estavas a dormir.
I thought you were sleeping in.
Pensei que estivesses a dormir.
- I'm sorry, I thought you were sleeping.
- Desculpe, pensei que dormia.
I thought you were sleeping at your mother's house.
Pensava que tinhas ido dormir a casa.
I thought you were sleeping!
Pensei que estivesses a dormir!
But I thought you were sleeping with Emma?
Mas eu pensei que tu andavas a dormir com a Emma?
I thought you were sleeping.
Pensava que já estavas a dormir.
I thought you were sleeping.
Julguei que estivesses a dormir.
I broke up with you because I thought you were sleeping with your father... before I knew he was your father.
Terminei porque pensei que andavas com o teu pai. Antes de saber que ele era teu pai.
Oh, sorry. It was so quiet I thought you were sleeping.
Desculpa, estava tudo tão sossegado, que pensei que estivesses a dormir.
I thought you were sleeping.
Pensei que tinhas ido dormir.
I thought you were sleeping on the couch.
Pensei que ias tu dormir no sofá.
I thought you were sleeping with carmen.
Pensei que estavas dormindo com Carmen.
I thought you were sleeping with him.
Pensei que andavas a dormir com ele.
I thought you were sleeping over at Rachel's.
Pensei que ias dormir à casa da Rachel.
- I thought you were sleeping.
- Pensei que estava a dormir.
I thought you were sleeping.
Pensei que estivesse a dormir.
You know what, I gotta be honest, I think I was happier when I thought you were sleeping with my wife.
Estava mais feliz quando pensei que dormias com a minha mulher.
I thought you were still sleeping.
Pensei que ainda estivesse a dormir.
- I thought you were sleeping.
She thought you and I were sleeping together when she met you at the club last week.
Ela pensou que dormíamos juntas quando te conheceu na semana passada no clube.
He's been assisting for Sasha, you know the fashion photographer and I thought that they were, you know, sleeping together but now they're not.
Ele é assistente do Sasha, o fotógrafo de moda. E eu pensei que eles andavam a dormir juntos, mas não andam.
In my defense, I initially thought you were sleeping with him.
Em minha defesa, eu achei que você estava dormindo com ele.
I thought you said that you were sleeping?
Não tinhas dito que estavas a dormir?
I thought that you were sleeping at Lindsay's house?
Pensei que estivesses a dormir em casa da Lindsay.
I, uh, I thought you were still sleeping.
- E como é que tu estás?
I thought of something while you were sleeping.
Tive uma ideia enquanto dormias.
If I hadn't caught you staring at me so much, I would have thought you were sleeping with him.
Se não te tivesse apanhado tanta vez a olhar para mim, iria julgar que andavas a dormir com ele.

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