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It could have been anyone tradutor Português

55 parallel translation
It could have been anyone.
Poderia ter sido qualquer um.
When I just think of all the old gentlemen there are in the world it could have been anyone.
Quando penso em todos os cavalheiros idosos que existem no mundo, poderia ser qualquer um.
It could have been anyone, but it had to be him.
Tinha de ser ele.
- It could have been anyone in the pit.
- Pode ter sido qualquer um na pista.
It could have been anyone's hand.
Podia ser a mão de qualquer pessoa.
It could have been anyone.
Podia ser qualquer um.
It could have been anyone.
Podia ter sido qualquer uma.
It could have been anyone.
Podia ter sido qualquer um.
I saw a woman but it could have been anyone.
Eu vi uma mulher mas podia ser qualquer pessoa.
It could have been anyone.
Conhecemos toda a gente aqui.
It could have been anyone.
Pode ter sido qualquer pessoa.
- It could have been anyone.
- Pode ter sido qualquer um.
It could have been anyone.
A Tosh tem razão. Podia ter sido qualquer pessoa.
I'm just saying that it could have been anyone.
Estou só a dizer que podia ter sido qualquer um.
Like I told The cop before, It could have Been anyone.
Como já disse à Polícia, pode ter sido qualquer pessoa.
It could have been anyone that wanted the treasure,
Poderia ser qualquer um que soubesse do tesouro.
It could have been anyone.
Pode ter sido qualquer um.
It could have been anyone's son. Putting him to death,
Podia ter sido o filho de qualquer outro.
Aw! So, it could have been anyone with him that day?
Então podia ser qualquer um com ele naquele dia?
Fact is, it could have been anyone.
O facto é que pode ter sido qualquer um.
- It could have been anyone. - But it wasn't, was it?
- Podia ter sido qualquer um.
Well, I suppose it could have been anyone.
Imagino que possa ter sido qualquer pessoa.
- Oh, cool your jets. It could have been anyone who answered that call.
Acalma os cavalos, qualquer um podia ter respondido àquela chamada.
It could have been anyone. A concierge.
Pode ter sido qualquer um.
In fact, it could have been anyone.
De facto, pode ter sido qualquer pessoa.
It could have been anyone among you.
- Poderia ter sido qualquer um.
But it could have been anyone accessing the precinct's archive.
Mas podia ser qualquer um a aceder ao arquivo da esquadra.
It could have been anyone.
Podia ter sido um qualquer.
Nothing of value. It could have been thrown in by anyone at anytime.
- Pode estar aí há muito tempo.
Not exactly, but the grass was trodden down and it could only have been the murderer since neither the gardener nor anyone else had been in the area that morning and the rain had only begun during the night.
Não exactamente. Mas a relva estava espezinhada. Só pode ter sido o assassino, tendo em conta que nem o jardineiro nem qualquer outra pessoa estiveram na área naquela manhã e a chuva começara a cair apenas durante a noite.
Any one of the agents could've gotten in, but... it could not have been anyone here.
Qualquer agente poderia ter entrado, mas não poder ter sido ninguém daqui.
She could have contracted it from anyone who's been to Africa, or... She's been vaccinated.
Pode ter contraído a doença com alguém que esteve em África ou...
Once the fire started, it was chaos. Could have been anyone.
Quando o fogo começou foi um caos.
I mean, it could have been anyone.
Podia ser qualquer um, posso ter morto qualquer inocente...
The Dark Ones have been evolving so long, it could be anything or anyone.
Os Tenebrosos evoluem há tanto tempo que podem ser qualquer coisa ou pessoa.
That must have been the way she wanted it... so she could do what she had to do without anyone getting in her way... especially me.
Devia ser assim que ela queria, para fazer o que precisava sem que ninguém se metesse. Especialmente eu.
It could have been brought down by anyone.
Pode ter sido destruída por qualquer um.
It could have been you or anyone else who walked into my room with a prescription pad.
Podia ter sido o doutor ou outra pessoa qualquer que tivesse entrado no meu quarto com prescrições médicas.
We have to look at the possibility that it could've been anyone in the Temple, even a Jedi.
Temos que encarar a possibilidade de poder ter sido qualquer um no Templo, mesmo um Jedi.
On the other hand I'm disgusted by it and uh the fact that I could have been part of anything that would have elicited that response by anybody, the fact that I would carry that negative energy on anyone,
Por outro lado, fico enjoado com isso e com o facto de pensar que podia ter feito parte de algo que pudesse ter incitado esse tipo de resposta em alguém, o facto de transmitir essa energia negativa em alguém,
Sylvaine doesn't think anyone could have tampered with the food while she was delivering it, and as at least one other guest had the same meal, it couldn't have been tampered with in the kitchen.
Sylvaine acha que ninguém poderia ter alterado a comida enquanto ela fazia a entrega, e como pelo menos outro hóspede teve a mesma refeição, ela não pode ter sido adulterada na cozinha.
We used to talk about you over the years, and she said... if anyone could have figured a way out... a way to walk away from it all for good, you know... like a real fresh start... it would have been... you.
Costumávamos falar de ti ao longo dos anos, e ela dizia que se alguém conseguisse imaginar uma saída, uma forma de largar tudo de vez e começar de novo do nada esse alguém seria tu.
But if there was anyone in the world I could have done this with, it would have been you.
Mas, se há alguém no mundo com quem poderia ter feito isso, esse alguém és tu.
Could have been you or anyone at that desk when it happened.
Podias ser você ou qualquer um naquela mesa quando ocorreu.
It... could have been anyone over the past ten years.
Pode ter sido qualquer um ao longo dos últimos dez anos.
Honestly, if anyone could have done it, It would have been the great gonzo.
Honestamente, se alguém o poderia conseguir fazer, seria o Grande Gonzo.
" It could not have been anyone else.
- Não pode ter sido mais ninguém.
She could have been anyone's the way Pat put it about after you left.
Podia ser de qualquer um, pela forma como a Pat se ofereceu depois de partires.
That's kiddies in prams, and it was Australia Day - everyone out celebrating what a happy, safe place this is. Anyone could have been hit.
Isso é, com crianças, carrinhos de bebê, e era Dia da Austrália - todos que comemoravam em um lugar feliz, Qualquer um poderia ter sido atingido.
Georgie and I have been playing around in the vault for a couple weeks now, trying to figure out how someone could get out of it without anyone seeing.
A Georgie e eu examinamos o cofre durante duas semanas para ver como sair de lá sem que ninguém veja.

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