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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ K ] / Kendrick

Kendrick tradutor Português

377 parallel translation
Mrs. Kendrick.
Mrs. Kendrick.
Miss Kendrick, ma'am.
Miss Kendrick.
- Yes, Mrs. Kendrick, ma'am.
- Sim, Mrs. Kendrick.
- Mrs. Kendrick, ma'am.
- Mrs. Kendrick.
Miss Kendrick.
Miss Kendrick.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Kendrick, I tried to persuade him... but he found it important to meet with the directors of his bank.
Lamento, Mrs. Kendrick, tentei persuadi-lo mas ele achou importante reunir com os directores do banco.
Goodbye, Mrs. Kendrick. Goodbye.
Adeus, Mrs. Kendrick.
- Kendrick will not endure it.
- Kendrick não o aceitará.
Kendrick. Division quartermaster.
Kendrick, oficial intendente da Divisão.
Steve Kendrick's not bad.
O Steve Kendrick não é má gente.
Mr Kendrick!
How did that bastard Kendrick know?
Como é que o Kendrick soube?
That's why it was leaked to Kendrick rather than the press.
Por isso falaram com o Kendrick e não com a imprensa.
They've guessed about Kendrick.
Adivinharam quanto ao Kendrick.
I think you know what you've done.
Sabe muito bem o que fez. - O Kendrick?
Talked to Kendrick? And he told O'Neill.
Que disse ao O'Neill.
- What do you think of Kendrick?
- Que pensa do Kendrick?
- Lieutenant Kendrick specifically told the men not to touch Santiago.
O tenente Kendrick avisou-os para não mexerem no Santiago.
He said Lt. Kendrick had told the men not to touch Santiago.
Que o tenente Kendrick lhes dissera para não mexerem no Santiago.
- I don't even know who Kendrick is.
- Nem sei quem é o Kendrick.
This is colonel Markinson, and platoon Leader Lt. Kendrick.
Este é o coronel Markinson, o tenente Kendrick, chefe do pelotão.
- Lt. Kendrick, may I call you Jon?
- Tte Kendrick, posso chamá-lo Jon?
You called colonel Markinson and Lt. Kendrick into your office.
Chamou o cor. Markinson e o Tte. Kendrick ao seu gabinete.
I think Kendrick ordered the Code Red, and so do you.
Ambos achamos que foi o Kendrick a ordenar o código vermelho.
Did Kendrick order the Code Red?
O Kendrick quis o código vermelho?
Did Lt. Kendrick order you to give Santiago a Code Red?
O Tte Kendrick exigiu um código vermelho ao Santiago?
Lt. Kendrick says he told you nothing was to happen to Santiago.
O Tte Kendrick diz que os avisou para nada acontecer ao Santiago.
- Lt. Kendrick came to our room.
- O Tte Kendrick foi ao nosso quarto.
Lt. Kendrick ordered us to give Santiago a Code Red.
O Tte Kendrick mandou-nos dar um código vermelho ao Santiago.
Kendrick told them not to touch Santiago.
O Kendrick disse-lhes que não tocassem no Santiago.
And there was an order.
E houve ordem, dada pelo Kendrick.
Kendrick gave it, they had no choice.
Eles não tinham outra hipótese.
Santiago's dead. They want to know who's to blame. We say, Kendrick.
O Santiago morreu, querem saber quem o matou, Foi o Kendrick,
Were you present at a meeting held by Lt. Kendrick on September 6th?
Esteve presente na reunião de 6 de Setembro pedida pelo Tte Kendrick?
Lt. Kendrick told us we had an informer.
O tenente Kendrick disse-nos que tínhamos um informador.
Did Lieutenant Kendrick give you a standing order at that meeting?
O Tte Kendrick deu-lhes alguma ordem nessa reunião?
We do our final Kendrick review tonight.
Esta noite fazemos a revisão final do Kendrick.
Did Kendrick give the order?
O Kendrick deu a ordem?
I'm gonna put Kendrick on the stand and have some fun.
Vou pôr o Kendrick a testemunhar e divertir-me um bocado.
If you accuse Kendrick or Jessep without evidence, you'Il be court-martiaIIed, and that will go on your record.
Se acusar o Kendrick ou o Jessep sem provas, serájulgado em tribunal marcial e isso ficará no seu cadastro.
Don't lump me in with Kendrick and Jessep.
Não me confunda com o Kendrick e o Jessep.
Lt. Kendrick, Dawson brought a hungry guy some food.
Tte. Kendrick, o Dawson levou comida a um tipo com fome.
- Lieutenant Kendrick... - No, I did not.
- Primeiro-tenente Kendrick...
I was ordered to by Lieutenant Jonathan James Kendrick.
Foi o que mandou o primeiro-tenente Jonathan James Kendrick.
A Code Red was ordered by platoon Commander Kendrick.
O capitão Kendrick ordenara um Código Vermelho.
You've said your assault on Santiago was ordered by Lt. Kendrick in your room at 16.20, right?
Disse que o ataque ao Santiago foi ordenado pelo Tte Kendrick no seu quarto às 16 e 20. Certo?
Did you actually hear Lt. Kendriok order a Code Red?
Ouviu o tenente Kendrick ordenar o Código Vermelho?
As far as Downey was concerned, it was an order from Kendrick.
Para o Downey, era uma ordem do Kendrick.
You should have seen yourself thunder away at Kendrick.
Devias ter-te visto atacar o Kendrick.
Mr Kendrick!
Talked to Kendrick?
- O Kendrick? Que disse ao O'Neill.

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