Lieutenant commander tradutor Português
368 parallel translation
Oh. Lieutenant Commander Rogers, in charge of research Lieutenant Lee, student flight surgeon.
Capitão de Mar-e-Guerra Rogers, responsável pela pesquisa.
- Lieutenant Commander Blake, sir.
- O Capitão de Mar-e-Guerra Blake.
I want to contact Lieutenant Commander Blake.
Quero contactar o Capitão Blake.
San Diego, calling Lieutenant Commander Blake in 6FOX4.
San Diego, chama Capitão de Mar-e-Guerra Blake no 6FOX4.
San Diego, calling Lieutenant Commander Blake in 6FOX4.
San Diego, chama Capitão de Mar-e-Guerra no 6FOX4.
And so we honor two flight surgeons Lieutenant Commander Rogers and Lieutenant Lee whose professional skill has made possible the effective work of our finest pilots and best planes.
Por isso homenageamos dois médicos de aviação : O Capitão de Mar-e-Guerra Rogers e o Tenente Lee, cuja destreza profissional possibilitou o trabalho eficaz dos nossos melhores pilotos e maiores aviöes.
We also honor the memory of Lieutenant Commander Joseph Blake who heroically sacrificed his life in first testing the pressure suit.
E honramos a memória do Capitão de Mar-e-Guerra Joseph Blake, que sacrificou a vida no primeiro teste ao fato pressurizado.
I accept this, sir, on behalf of my friend and coworker Lieutenant Commander Blake.
Aceito isto em nome do meu amigo e colega o Capitão Blake.
You will also receive your codes, ciphers and zig-zag plans from Lieutenant Commander Brown at the end of this meeting.
Também irão receber os códigos, as chaves e as manobras de distracção... que lhes dará o capitão de corveta Brown, ao terminar a reunião.
Lieutenant Commander Philip Francis Queeg.
O capitão-tenente Philip Francis Queeg.
Medical log on Lieutenant Commander X-ray.
Diário médico sobre o capitão-tenente raio-X.
- Lieutenant Commander Dimchurch. - How do you do?
Capitão-tenente Dimchurch.
The new medical officer, Lieutenant Commander Potter.
O novo médico militar, o Capitão-tenente Potter.
- And Lieutenant Commander...
- E o capitão-tenente...
Lieutenant Commander McConnel.
Capitão-de-fragata McConnel.
Lieutenant Commander Gary Mitchell.
Tenente-Comandante Gary Mitchell.
The service can't afford to lose men like Lieutenant Commander Finney.
Não nos podemos dar ao luxo de perder homens como o Finney.
I have been ordered to stand by on Starbase 11 until the enquiry into the death of Lieutenant Commander Finney can be conducted.
Fui ordenado a ficar aqui até realizarem uma investigação à morte do Finney.
Lieutenant Commander Finney, Benjamin. This enquiry to determine whether a general court-martial should be convened against Captain Kirk, on charges of perjury and culpable negligence.
Investigação para determinar se deve haver um tribunal militar, para as acusações de perjúrio e de negligência.
Lieutenant Commander Finney, Benjamin. To all recorded charges and specifications, what is the plea?
Para todas as acusações e especificações, como se declara?
Lieutenant commander.
Tenente Comandante.
Lieutenant commander.
Tenente comandante.
Hypothetically, would not Captain Smith begin to hate Lieutenant Commander Jones once he learned that Lieutenant Commander Jones hated and detested him?
- Hipoteticamente. O Capitão Smith não começaria a odiar o Tenente Comandante Jones quando percebesse que o Tenente Comandante Jones o odiava?
- Then I ask you, is it not possible that Captain Kirk became aware of Lieutenant Commander Finney's hatred toward him, and perhaps, even involuntarily, began to reciprocate?
Então, não é possível que Kirk se apercebesse do ódio de Finney? E que talvez, mesmo involuntariamente, tenha começado a retribuir?
Lieutenant Commander Finney was a member of my crew, and that's exactly the way he was treated.
O Tenente Comandante Finney pertencia à tripulação e era assim que era tratado.
When the pod containing Lieutenant Commander Finney was jettisoned, the emergency did not as yet exist.
Quando o casulo com o Finney foi alijado, ainda não existia emergência.
Affirmative. Until he was lost, our records officer was Lieutenant Commander Finney.
O nosso oficial de Registos era o Tenente Comandante Finney.
Gentlemen, I submit to you that Lieutenant Commander Ben Finney is not dead.
Meus senhores, alego que o Tenente Comandante Finney não está morto!
Lieutenant Commander Scott in temporary command.
O Scott temporariamente ao comando.
Lieutenant Commander Scott recording in the absence of Captain Kirk.
Registo do Tenente Comandante Scott.
Lieutenant Commander Scott reporting in lieu of the captain and the first officer.
Registo do Tenente Comandante Scott.
Captain Christopher, this is Lieutenant Commander Spock.
Capitão Christopher, este é o meu Primeiro Oficial Tenente-Comandante Spock.
Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott, serial number SE-19754-T.
Tenente Comandante Montgomery Scott, número de série SE - 19754-T.
This is Lieutenant Commander Scott.
Fala o Tenente Comandante Scott.
Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott,
Tenente Comandante Montgomery Scott,
- This is Lieutenant Commander Scott.
- Fala o Tenente Comandante Scott.
- Commander Martin, Lieutenant Lee.
- O Comdt. Martin e o Ten. Lee.
Signed, Philip Sheridan, Lieutenant General Commander, U.S.A. "
Assinado, Philip Sheridan, Tenente-General, E. U. A. "
Steven Maryk, Lieutenant, US Naval Reserve. - - While serving on board the USS Caine, did on July 31, 1944. - - Wilfully and without authority relieve Lt. Commander Queeg.
Steven Maryk, tenente, reserva naval dos EU, enquanto servia a bordo do USS Caine, a 31 de Julho de 1944, de livre vontade e sem autoridade substituiu o capitão-tenente Queeg.
This is Commander Adams, Dr. Ostrow and Lieutenant Farman.
Este é o comandante Adams, o Dr. Ostrow e o tenente Farman.
- The commander will be lieutenant Gallina [Hen].
Comandante da 1ª companhia será o senhor tenente Gallina.
I do not propose to let an overweening, crass lieutenant thumb his nose at his commander and get away with it.
Não proponho que se deixe um tenente presunçoso e obtuso levantar o dedo ao Comandante e sair impune.
Lieutenant, the commander called you.
Tenente, o senhor comandante chamou-o.
Lieutenant General von Choltitz, Commander of Paris.
Comandante de Paris.
Lieutenant Commander Gary Mitchell same notation.
O mesmo registo.
Lieutenant Walker, I'm Commander Ferraday.
Tenente Walker, sou o Comandante Ferraday.
Commander Ferraday... you may send your medical man to attend to your lieutenant.
Comandante Ferraday pode mandar o seu médico dar assistência ao seu tenente.
Lieutenant Commander Leonard McCoy,
Tenente Comandante Leonard McCoy,
Lieutenant Commander Scott reporting.
Registado pelo Tenente Comandante Scott.
I now appoint you my lieutenant and commander with full powers!
Eu agora nomeio-te meu tenente e comandante com poderes totais!
Thank you. Lieutenant commander dorothy lamour.
Capitão-tenente Dorothy Lamour.