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Mcgill tradutor Português

444 parallel translation
Pat Reid. This is McGill.
Pat Reid, este é McGill.
- McGill, sir.
McGill, senhor.
What are you doing, Lieutenant McGill?
Que está você a fazer, Tenente McGill?
None of them can until they do.
Nenhuma pode, McGill.
- No. - Ach, no.
Vai actuar no Concerto, senhor McGill?
King's College, but most of this stuff stays right here.
Depois há o Sloan-Kettering, o McGill, o King's College, mas a maior parte fica aqui.
You should have seen how he waded into McGill and his men.
Deviam ter visto como ele lutou com McGill e seus homens.
McGill, take the sluice.
McGill, vá para a calha.
Ask any of my bosses, even Lutz, if Tess McGill hasn't called a few.
Pergunta aos meus patrões, até ao Lutz, se não dou boas dicas.
- Tess McGill for Katharine Parker's office.
- Tess McGill para Katharine Parker.
Hello. Tess McGill calling from Petty Marsh.
Tess McGill, da Petty Marsh.
Hi, this is Tess McGill.
Tess McGill.
Miss Parker is out of town, but Miss Tess McGill will be attending in her place.
Menina Parker não está, mas Tess McGill irá em vez dela.
Hi. Tess McGill to see Jack Trainer.
Tess McGill para falar com Jack Trainer.
Gentlemen, Tess McGill.
Meus senhores, Tess McGill.
Miss McGill, I'm Jack Trainer.
Menina McGill, sou Jack Trainer.
- Jack Trainer to see Miss McGill.
- Jack Trainer para Menina McGill.
A Mr Jack Trainer to see you, Miss McGill.
Jack Trainer para si, Menina McGill.
- Hold all calls, Miss McGill? - Yes, Cynthia.
- Retenho as chamadas, Menina McGill?
Tess McGill's office.
Gabinete de Tess McGill.
- Tess McGill.
- Tess McGill.
- Trainer and McGill.
- Trainer e McGill.
Miss McGill.
Menina McGill.
Miss McGill and Mr Trainer have effectively shown all of us here at Trask the light at the end of our tunnel.
Tess McGill e o Sr. Trainer mostraram-nos a todos na Trask a luz ao fundo do nosso túnel.
- Gumption, Miss McGill.
- Genica, Menina McGill.
Tess McGill.
Tess McGill.
- Miss McGill.
- Menina McGill.
I'm sorry about that, Miss McGill.
Peço desculpa, Menina McGill.
Here's a scrapbook on Tess McGill.
Tem algo aqui sobre Tess McGill.
- Hi, Miss McGill.
Olá, senhorita McGill.
Tess McGill!
Tess McGill!
I don't recall what time we got to McGill's, sir.
Não me lembro a que horas chegámos.
Get a McGill and hook up the suction.
Vá buscar um McGill e ligue a aspiração.
McGill forceps.
Pinças McGill.
- My name's Ulysses Everett McGill.
- Eu sou Ulysses Everett McGill.
Ladies, my name is Ulysses Everett McGill.
Meu nome é Ulysses Everett McGill.
My name's Ulysses Everett McGill.
Meu nome é Ulysses Everett McGill.
- Sales, Mr McGill, sales.
- Em vendas, Sr. McGill.
Your name's McGill.
Vocês se chamam McGill.
Starla McGill, you mean.
Starla McGill, você quer dizer.
Besides, you and me will be together in the fall at McGill.
Além disso, tu e eu estaremos juntas no Outono, em McGill.
Im Connor McGill.
Sou Connor McGill.
- Im Connor McGill.
- Sou Connor McGill.
Vivi Walker, Connor McGill.
Vivi Walker, Connor McGill.
At McGill's, the night she died.
No McGill's, na noite em que morreu.
Your name turned up for McGill's.
E disseram-nos que estavas no McGill's.
- McGill, Winslow.
McGill, Winslow.
Houston, then there's Sloan-Kettering, there's McGill,
- Houston.
- Jimmy McGill.
- Jimmy McGill.

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