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Morrie tradutor Português

91 parallel translation
- Meme Grosse.
- Morrie Grosse.
- Yeah ring him up Morrie.
Sim, telefona-lhe, Morrie.
The Breakers? I thought Morrie Fisher owned that land.
julguei esse terreno do Morrie Fisher.
There was this guy once, Morrie GIuck, a numbers runner.
Havia um tipo, o Morrie Gluck, que tratava de apostas.
Morrie calls him, asks for 24 hours to get his affairs in order.
O Morrie liga-lhe, pede-lhe 24 horas para tratar dos seus assuntos.
Morrie, well, he knew the jig was up, but at Ieast he went out with a Iittle class.
O Morrie, bem, sabia o que a casa gastava mas pelo menos foi ao fundo com classe.
Morrie's wigs don't come off!
As perucas Morrie não saem!
And remember, Morrie's wigs are tested against hurricane winds.
E lembre-se : as perucas Morrie são testadas contra ventos ciclónicos.
You can afford a Morrie wig. Priced to fit every budget.
Compre uma peruca Morrie.
Come on, Morrie. Jimmy's waiting.
Morrie, o Jimmy está à espera.
Morrie. Estou?
Belle and Morrie are broke.
A Belle e o Morrie estão tesos.
Morrie, let's get a drink.
Vamos beber um copo.
Only Morrie was driving us nuts.
Só o Morrie é que nos enervava.
Morrie, have a drink and shut up.
Morrie. Bebe e cala-te.
- Morrie, relax, okay?
- Morrie, vê se tens calma.
- Not tonight, Morrie.
- Agora não, Morrie.
Morrie, I'll go talk to him.
Eu falo com ele.
Morrie, you're gonna get your money.
Morrie, vais receber o teu dinheiro.
Think Morrie tells his wife everything?
Achas que o Morrie conta tudo à mulher?
O Morrie?
That's when I knew Jimmy was going to whack Morrie.
Foi quando percebi que o Jimmy ia matar o Morrie.
I knew I still had till 8. : 00 or 9. : 00 to talk Jimmy out of killing Morrie.
Sabia que tinha até às 8 ou 9 horas para convencer o Jimmy a não o matar.
- Morrie.
It's me, sir... morrie Guilbert.
Sou eu, Morrie Guilbert.
Morrie's right.
O Morrie tem razão.
I'm morrie Guilbert, the level-headed one.
Chamo-me Morrie Guilbert. A parte racional desta sociedade.
Morrie is pointing to the vowels.
O Morrie está a assinalar as vogais.
Morrie's Auto Wreckers, 107 East Fourth St.
Morrie's Auto Wreckers, Rua 107 East Fourth.
I'm gonna have to send you a copy of "Tuesdays with Morrie."
Vou ter de te mandar uma cópia do "Terça-feira com Morrie".
Okay. it's getting just a little too "Tuesdays With Morrie" in here.
Sinto-me tão culpado. Ok, isto está-se a tornar demasiado "Tuesdays With Morrie".
I mean. he is- - he's our Morrie.
Ele é o nosso Morrie.
And now. every other week. I've got all these ex-students coming up here to visit me. just because they've read
E agora, todas as semanas, vêm cá todos estes ex-estudantes visitar-me, só porque leram o "Tuesdays With Morrie".
Jesus, Morrie, you told them.
Por Deus, Morrie, contaste-lhe!
What, you think I... I said that? You're the only pompous blowhard I know, Morrie.
Achas que eu... que conheço.
What do you think, Morrie?
Que achas, Morrie?
Morrie, don't try moving that stuff by yourself.
Não tentes tirar isso sozinho, Morrie!
We're having a great conversation, me and Morrie.
Está muito boa, entre mim e o Maury.
Tuesdays With Morrie.
Tuesdays With Morrie.
This is sadder than Tuesdays with Morrie.
Isto é mais triste do que Tuesdays with Morrie.
For New Year's, we headed downtown to a dinner club owned by Morrie Friedman, a friend of Mickey Cohen's who sometimes clued Lee in to L.A. drug traffic.
Passámos o réveillon num clube pertencente ao Morrie Friedman, um amigo do Mickey Cohen que dava pistas ao Lee sobre o tráfico de droga.
Morrie Friedman called a couple of hours ago.
O Morrie Friedman ligou há coisa de duas horas.
You're here for a drug deal with Morrie Friedman. I know that.
Sei que vieste aqui negociar droga com o Morrie Friedman.
I am not... I don't know how to say it any fucking louder, Morrie.
Não sei dizê-lo mais alto.
This is not a fucking swap meet, all right, Morrie?
Isto não é a merda da feira da ladra, Morrie.
- Let's discuss Tuesdays with Morrie.
Vamos discutir hoje "Terças com Morrie"
I told you, Morrie, I no longer try to heighten or dull my senses artificially.
Jà te disse, Morrie. Deixei de intensificar ou abafar os meus sentidos, artificialmente.
Can you believe that, Morrie?
Dà para acreditar, Morrie? Um castor.
Oh, Tuesdays with Morrie.
"Terças-feiras com o Morrie".
I'm good, Morrie. What?
Eu estou bem, Morrie.

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