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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ P ] / Polly

Polly tradutor Português

1,656 parallel translation
I want you to stay away from Polly.
Quero que te afastes da Polly.
POLLY : " Leland Van Lew.
" Leland Van Lew.
POLLY : You do? REUBEN :
- Gostas?
POLLY : Thank you.
- Obrigada.
POLLY : What's happening?
Que está a acontecer?
POLLY : What?
- O quê?
POLLY : Right.
- Certo.
POLLY : I want to. Bye, Lisa.
- Por favor, quero ir.
POLLY : Nice to meet you.
- Foi um prazer conhecer-te.
- What, with that Polly person?
O quê, com aquela Polly?
POLLY : If you want to get back together...
Se quiseres voltar para ela...
POLLY : It's cool.
Não há problema.
POLLY : I have to go.
- Tenho de ir.
- Polly's career prospects.
- Perspectivas de carreira da Polly.
Polly's freaking out.
A Polly está-se a passar.
- Polly? - Yeah.
Polly's been making me eat ethnic food... so I've been throwing up a lot lately.
A Polly tem-me feito comer coisas étnicas... e tenho vomitado muito.
Polly Prince.
Polly Prince.
Polly Feffer.
Polly Feffer.
Polly Prince-Feffer.
Polly Prince-Feffer.
POLLY : when your wife just came back.
- quando a tua mulher voltou.
REUBEN : You're coming? POLLY :
- Então, vens?
All right. POLLY : Okay?
- Tudo bem?
POLLY : This is amazing!
- Isto é fantástico!
POLLY : All right.
- Tudo bem.
POLLY : Oh, God.
POLLY : You expect me to move to the suburbs?
Esperas que me mude contigo para os subúrbios?
You were a senior delegate at the Model UN, Polly.
Foste delegada sénior da ONU Modelo, Polly.
POLLY : [On recording] Hey, it's Polly...
É a Polly... Prince.
Hey, Polly, it's me.
Polly, sou eu.
Have you talked to Polly?
Falaste com a Polly?
POLLY : Rodolfo, wait!
Rodolfo, espera!
POLLY : What are you...
Que estás a...?
POLLY : Oh, no.
POLLY : No, really.
Não, a sério.
I don't want you to go away.
Não quero que te vás embora, Polly.
- This is Polly.
- Esta é a Polly. - Olá, Polly.
Listen, Polly, six scientists are missing, probably dead.
Escute, Polly, seis cientistas estão desaparecidos, talvez mortos.
Mr. Paley, it's me, Polly.
Sou eu, a Polly.
Polly, listen to me.
Polly, escute.
It's been a pleasure, Polly.
Foi um prazer, Polly.
I want that blueprint, Polly.
Quero essa cópia, Polly.
It's Polly Perkins.
É a Polly Perkins.
Hi, I'm Polly.
Olá, sou a Polly.
- E pusemos o nosso decorador... a usar uma paleta semelhante aqui. - Espera.
[Ferret squeaks]
- Hi, Polly.
Sou o Claude.

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