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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ P ] / Put him on the phone

Put him on the phone tradutor Português

138 parallel translation
I'm gonna put him on the phone.
Vou fazer que fique.
- Put him on the phone.
- Passa-lhe o telefone.
Put him on the phone.
Chama-o ao telefone.
I'll put him on the phone.
Vou passar.
- Put him on the phone right now.
- Passe-mo!
Maybe I should put him on the phone.
Se calhar devia pô-lo ao telefone.
Well, then put him on the phone.
Então passa-lhe o telefone.
Put him on the phone.
Passa-lhe o telefone.
Doc, go get Frank and put him on the phone.
Doc, vai chamar o Frank, se fazes favor.
Put him on the phone. Let me talk to him.
- Deixa-me falar com ele.
REG : You put him on the phone.
Ponham-no ao telefone.
- Teri, just put him on the phone.
- Passa-lhe o telefone, caramba.
Put him on the phone now!
Põe-o ao telefone já!
- Put him on the phone, bitch.
- Chama-o ao telefone, puta.
You want me to put him on the phone?
Quer que lhe passe com ele?
This is crazy, Sharona. Put him on the phone.
Isto é uma loucura, Sharona Põem-no ao telefone.
- Put him on the phone, please.
- Passe-mo. - Mas...
Put him on the phone then!
- Ok, passa a chamada!
No pushing. Put him on the phone.
Nada de adiamentos.
- Put him on the phone.
- Passa-o ai.
- Just put him on the phone.
- Ponha-o ao telefone.
Well I'd put him on the phone but he's in a cake hole.
Eu chamava-o ao telefone mas ele está a meio do bolo.
Don't put him on the phone.
Não lhe passe o telefone.
- I said we're talking. - Put him on the phone...
Estamos conversando.
Could you please put him on the phone?
Podias passar-lhe o telefone, por favor?
- Put him on the phone, please.
Passe para ele, por favor.
Put him on the phone, please.
Passem-lhe o telefone, por favor.
Put him on the phone, E.
Passa-lhe o telefone, E.
- Put him on the phone, you dick!
- Passa-lhe o telefone, cabrão!
No, don't put him on the phone.
Não. Não o coloquem ao telefone.
All right. I need you to calm down and put him on the phone.
Preciso que te acalmes e que o ponhas ao telefone.
Roger, put him on the phone.
Roger, chame-o ao telefone.
Put him on the phone, Johnny, or no more agency comps at Burke Williams.
Passa-lhe o telefone, Johnny, senão, acabaram-se as borlas no Burke Williams.
Put him on the phone.
Now, the sooner we can put him in the holding tanks and I get on the phone and call a doctor...
Chame um médico quanto antes... Está bem.
Put him on the phone.
- O quê?
Get on the phone. Somewhere, someone's trying to put it together for him.
Algures, alguém tenta resolver-lhe esse problema.
Put Ford on the phone, tell him it's Colonel Daniels.
Põe-me em contacto com Ford, diz-lhe que é o coronel Daniels.
Put him on the phone.
Põe-no ao telefone.
Put him on the phone.
Passe-lhe o telefone.
Put him on the fucking phone, you bearded Polack hag. It's for you.
Passe-lhe a porra do telefone, sua bruxa polaca barbuda!
- How? - Gaines put me on the phone with him.
- O Gaines passou-me o telefone.
I'd put your daddy on the phone and let you tell him but I just said,'I'm hungry.'And he ran into town to get me something. "
Eu passava ao teu pai e deixava que lhe dissesses mas eu disse, "Tenho fome". E ele foi a correr buscar-me qualquer coisa. "
- Put him on the phone take it easy.
- Ponha-o em linha.
Mr. Shawn, if you have to hold him down and put the phone on his ear...
Sr. Shawn... Se for preciso, agarre-o à força e encoste-lhe o auscultador ao ouvido.
Put him on the video phone in the situation room.
Coloque-o na vídeo-conferência na sala de controle.
Yeah.That's why we're gonna put a line on his phone keep him under surveillance hey, charlie, have you ever considered our place in the universe?
Por isso vamos pôr uma escuta no telefone dele, mantê-lo sob vigilância. Sim. Charlie, alguma vez consideraste o nosso lugar no universo?
If he's there, put him on the fucking phone, Turtle.
- Se estiver aí, passem-me.
Now, why on earth would you put me on the phone with him?
- Porque me passaste esta chamada?
Why on earth would you put me on the phone with him?
Porque raio me passaste esta chamada?
- Then put me on the phone with him,'cause this girl's agency is closed for the fucking holiday.
- Então, telefona-lhe, porque a agência da tipa está fechada por causa do raio do feriado!

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